McVitamins News

Your Newsletter for Health


1. Hormone Replacement - is it safe or effective?
2.Antibiotics Cause Diabetes, Stomach Problems and Asthma, Suzy Cohen, RPh
3. Addressing Neuropathy, What Can You Do?
4. Does What I eat Affect My Teeth? 


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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..." Hippocrates ("The Father of Medicine")




Hormone Replacement - is it safe or effective? 

I don't hear as much about replacement therapy as I used to, but I still get questions.  On the bottom line, how can you hope to put in artificial estrogen and hope that it is the right amount, or the right type to balance the hormonal system.  You have to remember that the entire hormonal system works on a feed back system.  You can really cause problems if you are trying to guess at that.  However, lack of a hormone means that one of the glands isn't functioning well.   

Here is an article that goes over Hormone Replacement Therapy, what it is and what to do. 


Hormone Replacement Therapy - Female





Antibiotics Cause Diabetes, Stomach Problems and Asthma


Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist with a wealth of information about drugs and supplements as well.

She feels that antibiotics when really needed can save lives but that they are overused.  She goes into the various side effects that can come from using antibiotics and talks about that in her article.  


Antibiotic Side Effects





Addressing Neuropathy, What Can You Do?


So many people tell me that what the do for their neuropathy symptoms is follow their doctors orders and take a drug in order to cover up those symptoms.

Well there is a lot more hat you can do to help.


Here is the article Neuropathy, what can you do






Does What I eat Affect My Teeth? 


As a child, all I remember is that you have to brush 3 times a day and that sugar will cause decay - something about bacteria.

Well, I now find it hard to believe that the acid from sugar will hurt your teeth because broccoli causes the same acid, and bacteria can hardly feed off of sugar since there are no nutrients.  It gets confusing.


But, the worse thing about this is that it doesn't work.  You can brush three times a day, use floss and go to the dentist every 6 months and still you can have problems and the dentist will wind up with their only resource - we need to pull it.

How to have healthy teeth?  Diet is so important. There are even supplements that will help build healthy teeth and gums.  

Here is an article about a diet that will help build health teeth

Dental Diet






To Your Health






Need Energy?


Many people use some form of stimulant to get them going in the morning or keep them going in the afternoon.

Now, there is a simple, safe and effective solution to being bright and alert (without any jitters) and having all the energy you need for the whole day.

Real Energy is designed to give your body real, immediate energy, and it won't raise blood sugar levels. It has ingredients that actually support the body's ability to produce energy at the cellular level.

Here is what one of our customers had to say about using it:


"This is a great and healthy way of improving your energy! I'm able to keep a level (without dropping) energy level throughout the day, and I noticed that my energy levels improved during my 30 minute treadmill run.

"I don't get any jittery sensations from this product at all, and I have experienced improved mental clarity.

"I would also say that with an estimated 32 servings per bottle it saves you in the long run, being that other energy drinks give you a crash after a while, and it causes a dependency on it, so a person drinks more throughout the day which equals more money spent."

From Jose V. in California


RHP Real Energy is designed to support improved mental clarity, alertness and energy with no letdown and no tiredness.

Learn More and Order Real Energy 


If you have any questions about our Nerve Support Formula products, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada)  or (818) 956-9850 (International). 


We want to make sure you get the results you want.