MCVitamins News

Your Newsletter for Health


1. New Prostate Support Formula
2. Nerve Health - What is a Healthy Nerve?  
3. Adrenal Fatigue - a video that explains what it is.
4. Bleeding Gums & Gum Disease


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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..." Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")


New - Prostate Support Formula

Prostate health is a something that affects every part of a man's

Having a healthy prostate means that you don’t have to experience
frequent urination, which can interrupt your life and more
importantly, your sleep.

Now, there is a unique nutritional supplement with seven nutrients
designed to support normal urine flow and a healthy prostate.

Here is what one person had to say about using it:


"Before I started on the Prostate Support Formula, I would take
frequent night trips to the bathroom and not get a good night's sleep
for any long period of time.

"I've tried 3 or 4 other products with pretty much no success at all.

"When I started on the Prostate Support Formula from Real Health
Products, I started getting 4 to 8 hours of sleep, which I haven't
experienced in years."

From Keith in Canada


The RHP Prostate Support Formula is a targeted, natural solution
specifically formulated to support natural inflammation response of
the body, normal urine flow, normal prostate size and healthy prostate

You can find out more and order the RHP Prostate Support Formula 


Nerve Health - What is a Healthy Nerve? 

We always recommend you take the approach of building health - and nerves are no different. 

"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..." Hippocrates (AMA "The Father of Medicine" 460 BC - 380 BC

What is a healthy nerve?  What does it take to build healthy nerves?

This article goes through all the things a nerve really needs to be, and remain healthy. 

Read:  Nerve Health




Adrenal Fatigue

Dr. Berg explains adrenal fatigue and all of its symptoms  

The adrenal fatigue can create all sorts of problems for you. The adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys.

One of their main functions is countering stress with the production of several hormones. What I mean by countering, is opposing or buffering any and all stress. The adrenals react to emotional stress 1000% more severely than physical trauma.

Every type of stress influences these glands—injury, infection, divorce, financial stresses, job-related stress, irritable people, drugs and medication, surgery, pain, illness, poison ivy, excessive cold or heat, giving birth, menstrual cycle, staring into computer monitors for hours at a time, eating junk foods, starvation diets, excessive exercise and babysitting fifteen small children under the age of five for over thirteen hours without proper ventilation.

The adrenals have many other functions, from anti-inflammatory actions (ridding the body of pain and swelling) and immune system protection to balancing fluid and salt levels, and controlling minerals (such as potassium), rapid heart rate and sleep and awake cycles. They even act as back-up organs for the ovaries during menopause. In other words, they make the same hormones as the ovary does. They also effect sleep and cause some major adrenal fatigue.

Other symptoms of the adrenal can be excess fat in both the midsection (buffalo-like torso) and the face can occur from overreaction of this gland. In the midsection, the fat forms primarily in and around the abdominal organs and sags downward over the belly. This is called visceral fat and cannot be safely extracted with liposection. Another term for this stomach is pendulous, meaning loose, hanging and sagging. This is different from the Liver body shape, which is a potbelly or a protruding stomach like a water balloon, while in the Ovary body shape the person has a small bulge below the bellybutton.

Why does fat go to my belly?

The reason is very interesting. Since fat is a survival mechanism or what we called potential energy – sounds better, right…- stress triggers the accumulation or holding of this scarce energy and directs it to the most vital area of the body – the organs in your gut. The body is just trying to survive and doesn’t care what you look like. Adrenal stress can severely affect all parts of your life.

Dr. Berg on Adrenal Fatigue

See also Adrenal Exhaustion  Cortisol Support Formula




Bleeding Gums & Gum Disease

What is gum disease?  It's called gingivitis, but what does that mean.  Itis tells me that there is inflammation.  What is causing that inflammation?   Find out. 

Read:  Gum Disease





To Your Health






Trouble Sleeping?


Having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

Now, there is a safe and effective way to help your body get the sleep you need on a daily basis.

The Sleep Support Formula uses multiple nutritional approaches which are safe and non-habit forming to help you maintain a normal sleep cycle.

Here is what one of our customers had to say about using it:


"I started using the Sleep Support Formula, and my sleep has been more restful, solid and when I do wake up, I can go back to sleep more easily."

From L.H. in California


The RHP Sleep Support Formula is specifically formulated to support physical relaxation and calmness, to help you get a restful night's sleep, and it can be safely used as often as needed.

You can find out more and order the RHP Sleep Support Formula 


If you have any questions or need help with getting the results that you want, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US and Canada) or (818) 956-9850 (International)