
Your Newsletter for Health


1. Winter Blues?  What to do.
The Link Between Oral Health and Disease
3. Will It Interfere with the Other Things I’m Taking? 
4. Idiopathic Neuropathy, what does this mean? 



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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..." Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")

Winter Blues?

Feeling a little down recently? Having trouble getting out of bed in the morning?

The days are shorter, temperatures are colder, and many people are finding it more difficult to get out of bed this time of year. It may even be affecting your moods. If you’ve been feeling lethargic or a little down, there may be a simple explanation and a few, very simple tricks to lift your energy and spirits.

Exposure to sunlight is an important way your body produces vitamin D. During the fall and winter months the sun is up less, and people are usually outside less. If this is the case for you, your body is producing less vitamin D than normal, which can have a drastic effect on your mood and energy levels.

Here are some tricks you can use to get your daily vitamin D and beat the winter blues:

1. Sit next to a window

One of the best ways to get vitamin D, is to be outside in the sun, but in many parts of the world, it’s just too cold. If you absolutely can’t get outside to take a walk or get a little exercise, then cozying up with a cup of cocoa and a good book, next to a sun-facing window, with the curtains open, is the next best thing.

2. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin D

Fatty fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna, and eel are good sources of vitamin D. As a bonus, you get heart-healthy omega 3s too!

Other foods that are rich in vitamin D are: egg yolk, beef liver and cod liver oil.

3. Take your vitamins

Last, but not least, getting a quality vitamin D supplement is a quick and simple way to increase your vitamin D intake.


Read more about Winter Health


For a natural Vitamin D 





The Link Between Oral Health and Disease


Be Careful when Replacing When Replacing Missing Teeth


Having a healthy set of teeth is a powerful predictor of your overall health

In the 1900s, Dr. Weston A. Price discovered that native tribes that still ate their traditional diet had nearly perfect teeth and were almost 100 percent free of tooth decay

Silver fillings, which are 50 percent mercury, an extremely potent neurotoxin, have been used for over 150 years

The fact that various metals have been used for years to fashion tooth implants is by no means an indication of safety

Implants also continue to be done without biocompatibility testing, and they are often used in extraction sites where cavitations (inflammation) are already developing.

If you want to have healthy teeth, and a similarly healthy body, you must start from the inside out, and that means cleaning up your diet. Find a good biological dentist as well

Read this Article on Oral Health, and Replacing Missing Teeth


Read more about Diet & Healthy Teeth and Mouth


Also, already have Gum Disease or Periodontal Disease




Will It Interfere with the Other Things I’m Taking? 


One of the most frequently asked questions about supplements is whether or not it will interfere with the medications that a person is currently taking.

Supplements usually mean that it will supplement your diet so that you have all of the body’s requirements to survive. 

There are forty nutrients that cannot be made in the body. They are essential fatty acids, 15 vitamins, 14 minerals, and 10 amino acids. The body needs all of them. If you are not getting them from the food you eat, you can supplement with these nutritional supplements.

This definition of supplement is really food and thus will usually not interfere with any drug. 

However, supplements come in all forms and all combinations. 

You can find vitamins and herbs together. This may be because besides treating a deficiency there are things the body will need to get well. This is usually considered a medical food.

Herbs unlike vitamins are not essential to the body and are used for their natural healing ability. It is something that will force your body to do something it normally wouldn’t do, much like a drug does.

Of course, herbs are made in nature and not in a laboratory so not harmful. But, can you take it with your medications?

There is an easy answer to this, and can be done no matter what supplement you want to take.

If you are unsure, see your pharmacist. Pharmacists have a database that is designed to do just that – check to see if different drugs can be taken together safely. This is necessitated by the fact that people can have more than one doctor, and more than one doctor prescribing them more than one drug. Many people are on multiple medications. 

This database can also be used to check to see if any type of supplement, herb or drug can be taken together.

It can bring peace of mind.




Idiopathic Neuropathy, what does this mean? 


A patient will go to their doctor with certain symptoms. These can include numbness, tingling and pain, unsteadiness when standing or walking and muscle weakness other symptoms may be feelings of faintness when standing. They may be vague or strange sensations (paresthesis), inability to feel pain, touch or temperature. Some other symptoms can be lack of coordination, loss of reflexes, muscle weakness, loss of muscle control, muscle twitching, cramping or spasms, difficulty walking or moving limbs.

There are even symptoms related to the autonomic nervous system such as dizziness, fainting, sweating abnormalities, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abnormal heart rate or blood pressure and sexual dysfunction.

The doctor does a series of tests and the diagnosis is neuropathy. Sensory neuropathy is the pain, numbness and tingling resulting from damaged sensory nerves. The unsteadiness and muscle weakness means a motor nerve has been damaged – in other words, the nerves which relay the orders from the brain to the muscle to get them to move isn’t working well.

The doctor will next look to see what caused this problem, as in order to help the patient, whatever caused it needs to be identified and brought under control. For example, in a diabetic it is the blood sugar that causes the damage and thus the blood sugar needs to be normalized. Sometimes the neuropathy was caused by trauma – a car accident, sports injury or even surgery. Nothing more needs to be done as the trauma is over. Of course, someone who continues to have injuries might make the neuropathy worse.

There is no known reason?

Sometime the peripheral neuropathy seems to happen for no particular reason.

Doctors call this disorder "idiopathic", which means "of unknown cause." Typically, idiopathic peripheral neuropathy occurs in people over 60 years old, but not necessarily. It my progress slowly, or may not progress at all, after the initial onset.

As with all neuropathies, it can be very disruptive to someone's normal life and lifestyle.

What to do.

It doesn’t make sense that there is no cause for this problem. Nerves just don’t get damaged on their own. As with any medical condition or disease, there is always a cause.

If you are told you have idiopathic neuropathy, you should continue to look for a cause. A specialist might be able to track down the cause, or a nutritionist might be able to find what deficiencies are causing the nerves to deteriorate

Here is a list of causes that we have found and compiled in hopes that you can figure out what is causing the problem and eliminate the cause to improve your condition.

Causes & Risk Factors of Neuropathy







To Your Health 





Nerve Support Success - My Hands are Not Numb and My Joints Don't Hurt


No matter what formula our customers are taking - Nerve Support, Extra Strength Nerve Support or the Advanced Nerve Support, our customers take our products and get results.

We're here to help you keep your nerves healthy for the rest of your life.

Here is what some of our customers have to say about using our Nerve Support products:


"I’m doing great on the Advanced Nerve Support Formula. I am currently taking 6 capsules daily. I will be on these forever.

"I actually feel much better and am sleeping better at night.


From Paula Prejean in Texas


"I have been taking the Nerve Support Formula going on three months now. I have seen a big improvement.

"My hands are not numb and my joints don't hurt. I take two at breakfast and two at dinner. I'm very pleased and will keep taking it."

From Ricky Russell in Texas


"My name is Ron Lyle. I'm 44 years old and I recommend this product.

"Finding RHP Nerve Support Formula saved me. But it doesn't do it all. I changed my lifestyle and followed recommendations, diet, exercise, etc.

"The cool part is that the people that back their products, actually check on you. Thanks!"

From Ron Lyle in Texas


Our Nerve Support products are nutritional supplements that are specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy, and they work extremely well.

To learn more and order the RHP Nerve Support Formula 

To learn more and order the RHP Extra Strength Nerve Support Formula y

To order the RHP Advanced Nerve Support Formula

If you have any questions, please email or call me at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada) or (818) 956
-9850 (International)