MCVitamins News

Your Newsletter for Health


1. Fiber & Cholesterol Levels
2. Diet for Dental Health
3.Here's What Eating Nothing But McDonalds for 10 Days Does to Your Gut Bacteria
4. Addressing Your Neuropathy, What Can Your Do


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Fiber & Cholesterol Levels

Many individuals can significantly lower their cholesterol by eating lots of high fiber foods.

As a result, after talking with their doctor, they may be able to reduce their cholesterol medications or stop taking them altogether.

A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that blood sugar levels were reduced by 8.9 percent on a high fiber diet. It also lowered cholesterol and triglycerides.

Fiber comes from the cell walls of plants. Additionally, fiber and water work together to keep the bowels regular.

Below are lists of low-carb foods that are also high in fiber, along with the approximate number of grams of fiber they contain.

The fiber content shown is for a quantity of 1/2 cup.

Low-Carb Fruits
Blackberries, 4.9 grams
Avocado, 3.8 grams
Medium-sized Apple, 3.6 grams
Raspberries, 2.6 grams
Blueberries, 2.1 grams
Cherries, 1.5 grams
Strawberries, 1.4 grams

Low-Carb Vegetables
Brussels Sprouts, 3.1 grams
Broccoli, 2.7 grams
Greens, cooked, 2-4 grams (beet greens, collards, kale, spinach, and turnip greens)
Mushrooms, canned, 2.0 grams
Green Beans, 1.4 - 2 grams (broad beans, pole beans, and snap beans)
Asparagus, 1.8 grams
Okra, 1.6 grams
Zucchini, 1.3 grams
Yellow Summer Squash, 1.3 grams
Cauliflower, 1.4 grams
Onions, 1.3 grams
Celery, 1.1 grams
Peppers, 1.1 grams

Including more of the above foods in your diet will help in lowering cholesterol levels.

You should make changes to your diet to include more high fiber foods, and do it gradually. Just add a few grams at a time so that your digestive system can adjust.

It's best to adjust the amount of fiber in your diet over several weeks. This prevents problems with stomach-aches, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

The message is, up the amount of fiber in your diet!


Diet for Dental Health


You body can remineralize your teeth and handle decay, but what does it need to do this?


Read Dental Diet




Here's What Eating Nothing But McDonalds for 10 Days Does to Your Gut Bacteria


A college student ate only McDonald’s for 10 days to determine its effects on gut health
The fast food diet left his gut microbes “devastated”  About 40 percent of his bacteria species were lost, which amounted to about 1,400 different types
Losses of microbial diversity such as this have been linked to diabetes and obesity

Read 10 Days Eating McDonalds




Addressing Your Neuropathy, What Can You Do.

There are many things you can do to address neuropathy besides taking the drugs that work to cover up the symptoms.   Here is an article listing them.

Addressing Your Neuropathy






To Your Health





Support for Healthy and Normal Blood Pressure Levels


Many people are looking for a safe and effective solution to help them support and maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

One of the most important nutrients for people who want to support healthy blood pressure is magnesium. Magnesium allows the smooth muscle cells that line the blood vessels in the body to relax.

The chemical forms of magnesium normally available in health food shops and drug stores (magnesium oxide, magnesium chloride, magnesium gluconate, magnesium lactate, magnesium aspartate, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium sulfate and magnesium citrate) do not interact with the body in the same fashion as Foodform® Magnesium.

Foodform® Magnesium, has been shown to be more absorbable than magnesium oxide, more absorbable than magnesium chelate, and more absorbable than magnesium glycinate.

In fact, magnesium must be combined with other minerals to be most effective in helping support healthy blood pressure levels. It is essential for cells to maintain proper balances of other minerals such as potassium, sodium, and calcium. When cells are deficient in magnesium, this balance is disrupted.

The RHP Blood Vessel Support Formula contains a unique combination of botanical extracts and Foodform® Vitamins and Minerals, especially Foodform® Magnesium, that will nourish the cells of your arteries with the nutrition they need. Each ingredient in this formula has been specifically chosen for its abilities to nutritionally support healthy and normal blood pressure levels.

To learn more or order the RHP Blood Vessel Support Formula

If you have any questions, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590.