MCVitamins News

Your Newsletter for Health


1. Bleeding Gums, Why Do I Have Them?
2. Developing Good Eating Habits for Your Kids
Is there any difference between Diabetic Neuropathy and other forms of Neuropathy?
4, Are You Planning on Overeating During the Holidays?



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Bleeding Gums, Why Do I Have Them?


While bleeding gums can be an infrequent occurrence, they can also be the sign of a really costly and painful health issue. One of the more notable signs and symptoms of gum disease is bleeding gums. 

But just because you experience a little pink on your toothbrush is not necessarily cause for alarm or concern.


Bleeding Gums


See Diet for Dental Health



Developing Good Eating Habits for Your Kids


Genetics are implicated in so many of the chronic and degenerative diseases that plague we humans. But could it be that other things we inherit from our parents could play just as much a role in the health we do or do not enjoy as our genes, themselves?


Read Article Good Eating Habits




Is there any difference between Diabetic Neuropathy and other forms of Neuropathy?


So many people feel that different types of neuropathy are different or that the nerve that is affected means you have to treat it differently.  But really, nerve damage is nerve damage. 


Read the Article about the Difference in Neuropathies



Are You Planning on Overeating During the Holidays.


No one plans to, but the food is so good, there is so much of it and so many parties.  What can you do about managing what you eat.

Read:  The Carb Control Formula (no longer available)





To Your Health






New Nerve Support Stories - My Nerves are Doing Very Good


No matter what formula our customers are taking - Nerve Support, Extra Strength Nerve Support or the Advanced Nerve Support, our customers take our products and get results.

We're here to help you keep your nerves healthy for the rest of your life.

Here is what some of our customers have to say about using our Nerve Support products:


"Your Nerve Support Formula is working for me. Now, at this time, I can say that my nerves feel 100 percent healthy!"

Thank you for staying in touch. No other company does that. Thank you for your continued help!"

From JoAnn Cauthen in Florida


"I am taking three capsules of the Advanced Nerve Support twice a day. My nerves are doing very good. I have been feeling great for the last 2 weeks!"

"Thank You!"

From Lori Williams in Florida


"The Extra Strength Nerve Support has helped me a lot and I don't seem to have nerve problems. I am so very satisfied with your product and your concern. That means a lot."

From Janice Nance in Louisiana


Our Nerve Support products are nutritional supplements that are specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy, and they work extremely well.

To learn more and to order the RHP Nerve Support Formula

To learn more and to order the RHP Extra Strength Nerve Support Formula 

To learn more and to order the RHP Advanced Nerve Support Formula

If you have any questions or concerns , please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US and Canada)  or (818) 956-9850 (International)