McVitamins News

Your Newsletter for Health


1. More about Vaccines
2. The Flu Special
3. How Hidden Food Sensitivities Make You Fat
4, The Diet for Dental Health


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More About Vaccines


There is a website called The National Vaccine Information Center

It has current news about vaccines,  They are about informed consent.  They are not opppsed to vaccines but about not being forced to have a vaccine that might be detrimental to their children's health.  It is about human being's right to informed consent to medical intervention.

There is lots of information.  Take a look. 






The Flu Special


It is that season when the flu is advertised all over, take our remedy, get a flu shot. It gets confusing.  Here is a special aired on 29 September by "Know the Cause" which gives you lots of information. 


Flu Special




How Hidden Food Sensitivities Make You Fat


This is very real to me.  When I start gaining weight but eat what I know works well for me, I have my nutritionist test me for food sensitivities.  I then stop eating what I am sensitive and I lose weight.  Remarkable.  Here is an article on this.

Food Sensitivities and Weight Gain




The Diet for Dental Health


I'm sure your dentist told you that the way to dental health was to floss and brush daily and come in every six months to have your teeth really cleaned.  I followed that, didn't work.  I still had to have decay drilled and filled, and lost teeth.  So something is wrong with that protocol.  

It turns out that diet is important.  In order for your teeth to decay, the teeth need to de-mineralize.  Yes, the first step is loss of minerals followed by bacteria being able to come in and start the decay process.


Now, it turns out that tooth decay can even reverse itself.  It all makes such sense.

Read about the Dental Diet  to really build Dental Health.


Problems already?

Read:  Gum Disease

Read:  Periodontal Disease





To Your Health






Nerve Support Success - Hands Feel Healthy and Have Almost No Tingling


It's very rewarding to be able to help people like you who want to build healthy nerves. Healthy nerves don't tingle, go numb or have pain in fingers, toes, hands or feet.

I receive success stories from our customers every week. I'm interested in hearing about your success with the Nerve Support Formula as well.

Here are some of the more recent stories from our customers:


"My nerves are doing better than they have been in years!

"My hands feel healthy and have almost no tingling, almost to the point that I forget to take the Nerve Support."

From Gerald Katchinska in Texas


"The Extra Strength Nerve Support Formula gave me relief in just a few weeks and my nerves are much healthier.

"However, I also cut out sugar, boxed and packaged food, eating fresh, organic vegetables, grass fed beef, etc., and berries for dessert on occasion.

"All health does not just come from a bottle, though this formula is a blessed enhancement and addition to a clean lifestyle."

From JoAnn Cauthen in Florida


"I have used your Nerve Support for two months now. When I started, I was taking four capsules a day. My legs were feeling healthier and better. After a little more than two months, taking eight capsules a day, my legs feel totally healthy and don't burn at all.

"I am very impressed with this product and would recommend this to anybody who wants to have nerves that don't have problems. Thank you!"

From Thomas M. in Minnesota


The RHP Nerve Support Formula is a nutritional supplement that is specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy, and it works extremely well.

To learn more and to order the RHP Nerve Support Formula

If you have any questions, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590