MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. The Addictive Nature of Processed Carbs
2. FDA Approves another Dangerous New AntiDepressant - for Hot Flashes
3. Is Butter a Health Food?
4. The Healing Power of Vitamin C

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The Addictive Nature of Processed Carbs

Using brain imaging, researchers confirm that highly processed carbohydrates stimulate brain regions involved in reward and cravings, promoting excess hunger

Previous research has demonstrated that refined sugar is more addictive than cocaine, giving you pleasure by triggering an innate process in your brain via dopamine and opioid signals

Food manufacturers have gotten savvy to the addictive nature of certain foods and tastes, including saltiness and sweetness, and have turned addictive taste into a science in and of itself

Refined carbohydrates like breakfast cereals, bagels, waffles, pretzels, and most other processed foods quickly break down to sugar, increasing your insulin levels, which eventually leads to insulin resistance

To protect your health, I advise spending 90 percent of your food budget on whole foods, and only 10 percent on processed foods

Read:  Food Addiction



FDA Approves another Dangerous New AntiDepressant - for Hot Flashes

The agency defied its own panel’s recommendation against approval because slight benefit is not worth the risk of suicide (and, we might add, addiction).   Read:  Hot Flashes




Is Butter a Health Food?

One hundred years ago, when people flocked to cities to work in factories they often became sick from lack of fresh food, clean water and sunshine. The cure was a stint in the country, nourished on farm foods and breathing the country air. 


Are the substitutes for butter any better? Where did they come from?


Read Butter Is Butter a Health Food?



The Healing Power of Vitamin C

Vitamin C was intensively studied for over 70 years by the medical profession. Most of what was found in terms of the healing power of this vitamin has never been broadly published.

If the general public were made aware of what proper supplementing with vitamin C could do, and people took the correct amounts to meet their individual needs, the sales of many drugs and medications would drop like a stone and the overall health and well-being of the population would skyrocket.

Over the next couple of issues I will cover some of the wonderful benefits you can realize by supplementing with the correct amount of vitamin C. Here are the first few:

In a double-blind study of elderly patients hospitalized with severe bronchitis, those given 200 mg a day of vitamin C improved to a significantly greater extent than those who were given a placebo [Definition: a substance containing no active drug.].

When bruises (where skin turns blue to purple-colored that may turn yellow to dark brown over a few days) occur often and from minor, often unnoticed impacts, supplementing with 100 mg to 3,000 mg a day has shown to reduce bruising.

Vitamin C levels in the eye decrease with age. People who supplement with vitamin C develop far fewer cataracts, with doctors often recommending 500 to 1,000 mg a day as part of a cataract prevention program.

As a result of 21 closely monitored trials it was found that using 1,000 to 8,000 mg of vitamin C a day reduced how long the common cold persisted and the severity of symptoms by an average of 23%.

Sorbitol is a type of sugar that can collect in the body and damage the eyes, nerves and kidneys of people with diabetes. People who are diabetic appear to have low vitamin C levels. 2,000 mg of vitamin C a day lowers sorbitol in people with diabetes.

Glaucoma is an eye condition where there is additional pressure within the eye. It leads to loss of side vision, blurred vision, blind spots, seeing halos around lights, poor night vision, and if untreated, blindness. Supplementation with 2,000 mg a day can significantly reduce pressure within the eye. Much larger amounts are sometimes given.

23 controlled trials showed that vitamin C supplementation produces greater benefit for children than for adults. The review also found that a daily amount of 2,000 mg or more was better that 1,000 mg at reducing how long cold symptoms remained in children.

The finest and most effective vitamin C that will nourish the cells of your body is a food, not man made chemicals.

“Unless man duplicates a blade of grass, nature can laugh at his so-called scientific knowledge. Remedies from chemicals will never stand in favor compared with the products of nature, the living cell of the plant, the final result of the rays of the sun, the mother of all life.“ -Thomas A. Edison

Find out more about Vitamin C and where to get a whole food supplement  


To Your Health
