
Your Newsletter for Health


1. Insidious Onset (of pain) and what to do?
2. Are Many Fish Oils Synthetic?
3. How to Restore Nerve Health
4. The Diet for Dental Health


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Insidious Onset

It is amazing how much better a person can feel after a chiropractic adjustment. Believe it or not someone can claim he feels OK who then gets an adjustment resulting in the person feeling very good. What happened? The body simply shifted in several little ways reducing the stress where joints lost their normal motion. Then there is no indication anything is not normal. 

The person is then a bit mystified how bending forward to pick up a pen off the floor led to low back pain. The answer is often insidious onset. How does insidious onset happen in the human body? Glad you asked.

There are various reasons. The spine becomes irritated over time by a buildup of minor insults that your body then hides from you by shifting a little. There is only so much of this shifting that can occur. When the shift potential is used up, aches and pains start to appear that persist. Before pains went away in a short amount of time. This new ache just wants to persist. At this point a person usually suffers for a week or a month and then decides to do something about it. Perhaps he takes painkillers. These are usually fine short term. Long term these pain meds, even over the counter ones, can be deadly. These days we hear about opioids. These are just the latest pain killers to be abused.

For decades it has been a known fact that pain killers as aspirin and other NSAIDs kill more than 10,000 people a year and put over a hundred thousand in the hospital every year from over use and abuse.

Good chiropractic adjusting, good diet (minus food you are sensitive to) and the right supplements can reduce and or eliminate the problems for which many turn to drugs of one kind or another. I could tell you about someone in my family who suffered greatly because his doctor allowed him to keep refilling a pain killing NSAID of prescription strength. It eventually ruined his kidneys. You probably know someone in your family or a friend who has suffered. 

So, be effective and do natural health care including good chiropractic adjustments that keep your pain level at a minimum or gone.


Dr. Mike Spearman
Spearman Better Health Center
1279 N. Berendo St.
Los Angeles, CA. 90029
(323) 663-1066




Are Many Fish Oils Synthetic?

New Studies on Fish Oil:

  • The health benefits of DHA and EPA are well-established. Despite that, a number of studies have found no benefit when studying the effects of fish oil supplements, which are generally accepted as a convenient source of these important fats

  • Many nutritional studies fail to assess the correct parameters. The importance of looking at achieved blood levels of a nutrient rather than dosage has been clearly demonstrated by vitamin D researchers

  • Processing of fish oil is deeply problematic, rendering the final product into something far from the natural oils you get from the whole fish

  • In fish, the DHA and EPA are in the form of triglycerides, which are the most bioavailable. In most fish oil supplements, the DHA and EPA are delivered in the form of ethyl esters — a synthetic substrate with low bioavailability

  • Ethyl ester fish oils are not as effective for raising your omega-3 index. Your liver must also process the ethyl alcohol, which may release free radicals and cause oxidative stress — the complete opposite of what you’re trying to achieve by taking a fish oil supplement

As it pertains to fish oil specifically, it's now also becoming clear that the processing of fish oil is deeply problematic, rendering the final product into something far from the natural oils you get from the whole fish. This too appears to be a significant piece of the puzzle that helps explain why fish oil supplementation appears to be ineffective in some studies. As described by former CEO of Twinlab, Naomi Whittel:

To Read the entire Article Fish Oil Quality

For our Recommended bioavailable, deep water fish oil (free of toxins) Cold Water Fish OIl





How to Restore Nerve Health

When nerves are healthy, sensory nerves (such as those in your fingers and toes) communicate well to the environment and receive messages clearly. There is no tingling, no numbness, no burning, and no pain in the feet, hands or anywhere else. 

Healthy motor nerves communicate to the muscles so that they move on demand. They relay the commands sent to the muscles from the brain. There is no unsteadiness, or being unbalanced, no dropped foot. There is no muscle weakness.

When a nerve is healthy, it has a myelin sheath surrounding it. This covering protects the nerve and just like a wire with a protective coating, it will not short circuit or create any uncomfortable feelings such as tingling, burning or pain.

What does the body need to restore nerve health?

The body needs specific nutrients (vitamins) that will nourish the nerves and create health in each individual nerve. This, of course, will build a healthy nervous system.  It helps to supplement these B vitamins as it is difficult to get enough of these vitamins in food, especially if your nervous system health is fading. 

B1 (thiamine)  Besides being important for energy production, cardiovascular function, brain function, eye health and proper functioning of the muscles and all body cells, It is necessary for nerve function.

B1 is used in the development of myelin sheaths: Myelin sheaths are the protective covering of the nerves. Deficiency of vitamin B1 results in weakening of the sheaths. Adequate intake of vitamin B1 ensures the development of myelin sheaths and aids nerve functioning. It is also required for regulating the transmission of particular types of nerve signals along the brain and the spinal cord.

Thiamine also contributes to optimal cognitive activity, normal brain functioning, and learning capacity.

Vitamin B1 even acts as an antioxidant, helping to guard the body against the destructive effects of free radicals.

Vitamin B1 Deficiency

A vitamin B1 deficiency can happen due to numerous reasons, such as poor diet, abusing alcohol, or liver and kidney problems.  Eating large quantities of sweets, sodas, and processed foods can also create a higher risk of deficiency. 

A deficiency may result in muscle weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, and stiffness. A vitamin B1 deficiency can also negatively affect heart function and cause the heart muscles to weaken.

Using alcohol results in lower vitamin B1as it uses up B1 and lowers the amount of B1 that can be absorbed by the body.  It blocks the B1 absorption but also damages the lining of the small intestine which will disrupt normal absorption of all ingredients. 

Vitamin B1 deficiency results in digestive problems 

A thiamine deficiency can negatively affect the nervous system resulting in tingling, numbness, irritability, poor memory retention, and depression. 

B12 - Vitamin B12's primary use by the body is aiding in the production of red blood cells, and in helping to maintain the health of the central nervous system.  It keeps nerve cells healthy and protects against deterioration of the nerves.

It is critical for maintaining this myelin sheath around nerves. Nerves are encased in a fatty sheath composed of a protein called myelin which shields nerve fibers from each other. 

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

A deficiency of vitamin B12 can contribute to a wide range of problems. Extended periods of deficiency can eventually result in degeneration of nerves as the body needs it to build the myelin sheath. Those who suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency can have tingling sensations numbness, and burning feelings, weakness in the legs and problems walking. 

General symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can include tiredness, weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, flatulence, reduction in appetite, and menstrual problems. This can be reversed when the deficiency is remedied. 

Other B vitamins: 

B2, B6 and B9:  B1 (thiamine) is dependent on the other B vitamins. Absorption of B1 into the body requires adequate supplies of vitamin B6, B12 and B9 (folic acid). A deficiency in vitamin B12 can increase loss of B1 in the urine, and vitamin B6 also appears to help regulate distribution of thiamine throughout the body. 

B9 (folic acid): Is necessary to activate the absorption of the B12. It also improves circulation, which is particularly important point for diabetics as they tend to be deficient in folic Acid and also tend to have impaired circulation. Folic acid is also helpful in restoring healthy nerves for anyone, diabetic or not. 

B2: The body utilizes vitamin B2 to keep tissue healthy and to help accelerate healing of injuries. B2 protects the nervous system.

Vitamin D: One of the functions of Vitamin D is the regulation of nervous system development and function. 

All these vitamins nourish the nerves and calm the nerve endings.

What type of B1 & B12 should you use:

You need to both the Benfotiamine (B1) and Methyl B12. The result is that the blood stream levels of vitamin B1 and vitamin B12 can be greatly increased, providing the nutritional support needed by the body to rapidly and far more effectively nourish the nerves.

You might have heard of the new type of vitamin B1 being produced, called Benfotiamine. It is a fat-soluble version of vitamin B1. What does this mean? It means this form of vitamin B1 can be taken orally in large dosages and it will not flush out of the body the way ordinary thiamine (vitamin B1) does. This is due to the fact that this type of B1 will be delivered into the blood stream where it can travel to the cells and be used. It doesn't just flush from the body. 

Methylcobalamine (called Methyl B12). This is the form of vitamin B12 that can be directly utilized by the body. When regular B12 (called cynocobalamine) is taken, the body has to convert it into the Methyl B12 in the gut. Often a person can have a hard time converting B12 especially as they get older. Methyl B12 already comes in this useable form.  So, when you take this type of B12, your body uses it.  

B12 from food is absorbed in the intestines and needs a secretion from the stomach called gastric intrinsic factor in order to be effectively absorbed. If you are deficient in gastric intrinsic factor you will absorb much less vitamin B12, and therefore can become deficient. 

Both Benfotiamine and Methyl B12 have been shown to be non-toxic and without any side effects even in very high dosages, so it can be taken as a supplement. 

Taken together with the three other B (B2, B6, B9), and Vitamin D3 in the exact proportion that work together will produce the best results. 


There is a formula that will give you this type of Nerve Support to build healthy nerves. It contains all these vitamins in the right amounts so they work together.  We have been recommending it for over 12 years.

You can find out about it here

RHP® Nerve Support Formula

The Diet for Dental Health or
What to eat for a Healthier Mouth

First you have to remember to:

Eat for your health, not for your taste buds. 

That is true in general and also for your teeth and gums. 

The following is from research done on the de-mineralization of the teeth and unhealthy gums.

From Dr. Axe "How to Reverse Cavities Naturally and Heal Tooth Decay". The below incorporates the successes of two other doctors as well and also from Dr. Weston Price, Dentist Pioneer in dental health's website.

Make your Diet: 

  • Rich in animal foods like meat, fish and eggs and bone broth from pasture fed animals. 

  • Eat wild fish (not farm-raised), fish eggs and shellfish from unpolluted waters.

  • Full-fat dairy products (if tolerated) from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw cheeses and fresh and sour cream.  Raw dairy such as raw milk, whole yogurt, kefir, cheese and grass-fed cultured butter

  • Use animal fats, such as lard, tallow, egg yolks, cream and butter liberally. 

  • Eat fresh fruit and raw and steamed vegetables preferably organic especially green leafy vegetables. 

  • Limited amount of fruit one piece daily early in day. No refined sweets. 

  • High vitamin D – get plenty of sunshine and days not in the sun supplement with 5,000IU daily of D3.

  • Foods high in healthy fat like coconut oil, avocado, olives and fish or fermented cod liver oil.  Use only traditional vegetable oils - extra virgin olive oil, expeller-expressed sesame oil, small amounts of expeller-expressed flax oil and the tropical oils - coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil. 

  • Fermented grains only and in moderation such as true sourdough bread (should not list lactic acid) No unfermented grains such as oatmeal, breakfast cereal, crackers, etc. etc.  Even better no grains at all. 

  • Nuts, seeds and beans only in moderation that have been sprouted to neutralize phytic acid, enzyme inhibitors and other anti-nutrients. 

  • Eat whole, unprocessed foods, NO processed food, packaged food or fast food.

  • Take cod liver oil regularly to provide at least 10,000 IU vitamin A and 1000 IU vitamin D per day.

  • Prepare homemade stocks from the bones of chicken, beef, lamb and fish and use liberally in soups, stews, and sauces. 

  • Use filtered water for cooking and drinking.

  • Use unrefined salt and a variety of herbs and spices for food interest and appetite stimulation

  • Make you own salad dressing using raw vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and a small amount of expeller-expressed flax oil.

  • Use traditional sweeteners in moderation. 

  • Cook only in stainless steel, cast iron, glass or good quality enamel.

  • Use only natural, food-based supplements (whole food vitamins)

  • Get plenty of sleep, exercise and natural light. 

Here is to a healthier mouth, gums and reversed decay.

For Bone Broth Recipes Books

For Paleo on the Go Bone Broth

See Dental Health

Taken from Dr. Axe & Weston Price Foundation




To Your Health 


Is Your Nervous System Short Circuiting?

  • Did you know that nerve pain (neuropathic pain) is often caused by a deterioration of the myelin sheath that surrounds and insulates nerves?

  • Did you know that just like an electrical circuit with exposed wiring, nerves that shouldn't be communicating directly with each other, cross paths and create a feedback loop that perpetuates pain?

  • Did you know that omega-3 fatty acids can provide important nutritional support for those who have nerve pain?

In the February 2010 "Clinical Journal of Pain" five patients with neuropathic pain experienced lasting relief by taking high dosages of EPA and DHA. Dosages of 2,400 to 7,200 mg a day contributed to improvements that were maintained for as long as 19 months.

The higher the Omega-3 (EPA & DHA) content of the fish oil, the more it will nutritionally support and help your body to maintain normal nerve function.

Not all fish oils are the same! The highest quality fish oil comes from wild caught, cold water fish, and the best cold-water fish are found in deep cold waters of the sea.

  • Average fish oil has 800 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s.

  • Higher Quality fish oil has 1000 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s.

  • RHP Cold Water Fish Oil has 1500 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s. 

RHP Cold Water Fish Oil gel caps are "enteric coated" so that they do not dissolve until they pass through the stomach and reach the intestines. No "fishy burps" or aftertaste!

Get your bottle of Cold Water Fish Oil