
Your Newsletter for Health


1. Our Health Blog
2. Another Health Myth - Synthetic Vitamins will make you Healthy
3. Protect Yourself from a “Food” Ingredient
That Causes Nerve Damage
4. What is Vascular Calcification?


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Another Health Myth - Synthetic Vitamins will make you Healthy

In an effort to protect themselves and their families from frightening and serious health problems, people are changing their diets and are taking herbs and supplements.  Why do they need vitamin supplements?  Due to the depletion and demineralization of topsoil, the contaminations of produce from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides, the over processing, enriching and preservation – foods just don’t have the same nutritional value they once had.  To get the same amount of iron that was available to Popeye in one can of spinach, today he would have to consume 65 cans.    An orange that once contained 50 mg of natural Vitamin C complex in 1950, now contains 5 mg.

We’ve all have gotten used to reading literature proclaiming the benefits of vitamins, deciding what is wrong with us and heading to the health food store to buy what we’ve decided we need   We often end up buying all kinds of supplements - but are we any healthier?   People are still fatigued, still overweight, still fighting the cholesterol battle, etc. etc. etc.

The body runs on vitamins, minerals, nutrients and oxygen just like your car runs on gas, water and oxygen.  But what happens if you put the wrong gas, or worse some other liquid, into your car?  Not only will it not work, it may damage the engine.  The same thing can happen when you put the wrong vitamins in your body.

We can get healthier if we understand what most vitamins today really are – they’re synthetic.  Let’s talk about synthetic vitamins

What are synthetic vitamins made of?   Let’s define some words:

Natural:  These are vitamins not tapered with and are the way they are in nature, not tapered with in any way that might change their molecular structure or biochemical actions.   This can also be called whole food supplements.

Crystalline – these are vitamins originally from food but treated with heat, caustic, high-powered solvents (such a s benzene or toluene) chemicals, and distillations to reduce them to a specific vitamin.

Synthetic – These are vitamins made in a laboratory that are chemically reconstructed versions of the crystalline vitamins from other known sources. Thiamine mononitrate (a synthetic vitamin labeled as B1), is made from coal.  It’s not “organic” just because it has carbon in its molecular structure.

One of the most perilous deceptions is the passing off of these phony, synthetic vitamins and saying that the body does not know the difference.   In the long run, we will compound our health problems by taking them.

Keep in mind that synthetic vitamins are not the vitamin available in foods, but synthesized (made in a laboratory) fractions (parts) of a vitamin complex, The analogy here is essentially the same as an automobile salesman handing you a wheel from a car and telling you the wheel is an automobile. 

In an example we look at vitamin C.  You can buy “vitamin C” that is called
”Ascorbic Acid”.  Ascorbic acid is only one small part of the vitamin C complex.  Vitamin C has enzymes, co-enzymes, antioxidants, trace elements, activators, and other unknown factors that enable the vitamin to go into the biochemical operation.  

In turn, the human physiology cannot properly utilize these synthetic fractions in the way that natural complexes work in the body and are essential to tissue repair and the sustenance of life.   

When a person starts taking a fraction of a vitamin – and has sufficient reserves in his body of all the other components of the vitamin to recombine and process, the person may experience some improvement for a time.  However when those reserves are drained, the vitamin will no longer benefit the person.  Thus, a person may feel an increase in energy for a short period of time, but if taken for an extended period of time, the effects will reverse.

When vitamins were first discovered, they were discovered in foods.  When foods were studied a lot was learned.  Studies that show that vitamins work use a food source nutrient.  In studies showing that vitamins don’t work, a synthetic was always used. 

Additionally, the body actually has to recognize what you are putting into your body as food.   Like the finicky cat, that looks at some new food offered it and says “what is that?”  You’re body does the same thing.  It doesn’t recognize the synthetic vitamins and often just sends it right back out of the body.

A synthetic vitamin fraction can only be utilized for a drug or pharmacological effect.   The effect of a drug is palliative - meaning a making or covering over of symptoms - it isn't curative.  The disease process remains unchanged or progressively gets worse for lack of proper attention.  

What is needed is vitamins that come from whole food, which comes along with all the co-factors present when you eat a food. 

Tissue and cell repair, or replacement, require the following to restore the approximately 24 billion cells that break down each day in the human body.   

  • A constant, uninterrupted nerve impulse supply

  • A constant, uninterrupted blood supply

  • All of the VITAMINS in a natural, complex form.

  • All of the minerals in an organic form in most instances

  • All of the trace elements essential to metabolism

  • All of the enzymes, coenzymes, and apoenzymes

  • All of the 22 or more amino acids from protein hydrolysis

  • A discontinuance of organic or inorganic poisons either inhaled or ingested in bad air, bad food and/or bad water.

This doesn’t happen using fractionated vitamins.

What is a natural vitamin or supplement?   It is a whole food supplement, made from food, not made in the laboratory.

For more information about supplements go to Whole Food Supplements




Protect Yourself from a “Food” Ingredient
That Causes Nerve Damage!

Following the Second World War food companies discovered monosodium glutamate (MSG), a food ingredient the Japanese had invented in 1908 to enhance food flavors.

Unfortunately, MSG is extremely toxic, especially to your nervous system.

The fast food industry could not exist without MSG and other artificial meat flavors to make their sauces and spice mixes. The sauces in processed foods are basically MSG, water, thickeners and some caramel coloring.

MSG tricks your tongue into thinking that it is getting something nutritious when it is getting nothing at all except some very toxic substances.

Almost all canned soups and stews contain MSG. Salad dressings, Worcestershire sauce, rice mixes, dehydrated soups, all of these as well as anything that has a meat-like taste has MSG in it.

Most processed vegetarian foods contain these flavorings. The list of ingredients in vegetarian hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, baloney, etc., often includes “hydrolyzed protein” (another name for MSG) and other "natural" flavorings. Almost all soy-based foods contain large amounts of MSG.

In 1957 scientists found that mice became blind and obese when given MSG. In 1969, MSG was found to cause damage in specific regions of the brain. Subsequent studies confirmed this.

MSG is a substance that has a toxic effect on nerves and the nervous system that causes a wide range of reactions, from temporary headaches to permanent brain damage.

We are experiencing today a huge increase in Alzheimer's, brain cancer, seizures, multiple sclerosis, and diseases of the nervous system. One of the chief contributors are these flavorings in our food.

Ninety-five percent of processed foods contain MSG!

In the late 1950’s it was added to baby food. After some congressional hearings on this subject, the baby food manufacturers stated they had taken it out of the baby food, but they didn't really remove it. They just called it by another name - “hydrolyzed protein”!

Anything that you buy that says "spices" or "natural flavors" contains MSG! The food industry avoids putting MSG on the label by putting MSG in spice mixes. Legally, if the mix is less than 50% MSG, manufacturers don't have to put it on the label.

The phrase "No MSG" on food labels has virtually disappeared. That's because MSG is in all the spice mixes.

This substance is so harmful to your body that you want to avoid all foods containing MSG!

To do this successfully you must take the time when shopping to read the ingredients labels on the foods you buy!

To help you to determine what foods actually contain MSG we have compiled a list of ingredients (in alphabetical order) that ALWAYS contain MSG!

Autolyzed plant protein
Autolyzed yeast
Calcium caseinate
Glutamate Textured protein
Glutamic acid
Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP)
(any protein that is hydrolyzed)
Hydrolyzed protein
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Monopotassium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate
Natural flavors
Sodium caseinate
Textured protein
Yeast extract
Yeast food
Yeast food nutrient

By eliminating as much MSG as possible from your diet, it will result in greatly improved health for you and your family, both now and in the future!

Read more MSG

More information about nerve damage go to Neuropathy




What is Vascular Calcification?

According to medical research, most individuals aged >60 years have progressively enlarging deposits of calcium mineral in their major arteries.1 This vascular calcification creates conditions such as hypertension, aortic stenosis, cardiac hypertrophy, myocardial and lower-limb ischemia, congestive heart failure, and compromised structural integrity.

What is it really and what can you do about it?

Here is an educationsl video by Dr. Eric Berg on Vascular Calcification

And Dr. Berg's D3 & K2 to help.





To Your Health, 


Nerve Support Success - A Huge Difference in My Nerves

Here is another recent success story from someone like you who is using the Nerve Support Formula:

"I have been taking the Nerve Support Formula for about a year. I have seen great results from it. Nothing has worked as good as the Nerve Support.

"I have had fibromyalgia for about 16 years. I have seen a huge difference in my nerves, being able to handle stress without my body hurting as much and I don't feel so overwhelmed when confronted with stress.

"I started out taking 12 capsules a day and over the course of a year, I have gradually cut back so that now I take the recommended maintenance dosage of 4 capsules a day.

"I would definitely recommend this product.”

From C.K. in Colorado

The Nerve Support Formula is nutritional supplements that are specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves for anyone, including those with neuropathy, and they work extremely well.

To learn more or order the RHP Nerve Support Formula

If you have any questions about the Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590.

We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.