
from Your Nutritional Education Site
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1. 5 Reasons to Stop Wearing Deodorant (and How to Stop Body Odor Without It)
2. How Do Health Challenges Create Nutritional Deficiencies?
3. What does the body need for Nerve Health?
4. Electrolyte Capsulse are now Available.

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5 Reasons to Stop Wearing Deodorant (and How to Stop Body Odor Without It)


Deodorant is an $18 billion industry in America, with 95 percent of us using it every single day. Most of us don’t think twice about swiping our underarms every morning, but did you know that your deodorant likely contains a number of harmful ingredients that can have long-term negative health effects?







How Do Health Challenges Create Nutritional Deficiencies?

The human body is an amazing organism.

The basic processes of life include organization, metabolism, responsiveness, movements, and reproduction. In humans, who represent the most complex form of life, there are additional requirements such as growth, differentiation, respiration, digestion, and excretion. All of these processes are interrelated.

One of the many actions the human body does is to attempt to repair itself when necessary. It can do this successfully if given the right conditions.

The body need nutrients to repair itself. There are forty nutrients that cannot be made in the body. They are essential fatty acids, 15 vitamins, 14 minerals, and 10 amino acids. With these nutrients, the body synthesizes an estimated 10,000 different compounds essential to the maintenance of health. These nutrients must be consumed in the form of food or nutritional supplements.

So, what happens when the body gets injured or sick?

Let’s first look at the example of damaged nerves.

When a body has damaged nerves, it wants to fix this problem. The body always has a priority of things to repair. Damaged nerves interrupt the communication signals of the body and are thus a priority issue to fix.

The body needs specific B vitamins in order to repair the nerves. So, all the B vitamins that are in the food consumed will go to fixing the nerves first. If the body is using all of these to fix the nerves it can create a deficiency for the rest of the body’s needs. It can create problems for other parts of the body that also needs B vitamins to function well; the body will be deficient in B vitamins for its other functions – a healthy cardiovascular system, energy production, digestion, health gums and teeth – the list goes on.

When there’s an infection, the body needs vitamin C to combat it. The body will address an infection as a top priority as it is a big threat to the body’s survival. If the body uses all the vitamin C in the food consumed to address this infection, other parts of the body that need vitamin C will suffer.

It is important to consume enough of what the body needs. If you have an injured or ailing body, your body needs enough nutrients to repair the problem, plus enough for the rest of the body to function properly and maintain itself.

What are the “side effects” of not having enough of the different vitamins?

The side effects are the various nutritional deficiencies that result because all the vitamins the body has available go to repairing the body.

It’s virtually impossible to obtain all the nutrition your body needs through food while still maintaining your ideal weight. That’s where nutritional supplements come in. They complement your diet and provide concentrated nutrition to help your body repair and maintain itself.

The combination of eating a diet full of nutrient-dense foods and consuming high-quality nutritional supplements will help ensure your body has all the nutrients it needs to address any health issues while also having enough nutrition for the rest of the body’s nutritional needs.

Targeted Nutrition Powered by Science

Qgenics provides 100% natural, plant-based supplements – targeted nutrition powered by science.

Qgenics’ formulations have been tested over time and developed based on clinical results. Every ingredient is backed by scientific research and evidence and has been clinically tested.

Highest Quality Ingredients

Our manufacturer sources the highest quality, natural ingredients from around the world. We never use synthetic ingredients.

100% Natural Plant-based Ingredients

Scientific studies have demonstrated the nutritional and health benefits of natural plant sources. Plant-based ingredients support the World Health Organization report, Technical Series Report 916, page 42, which states, “We should eat a diet consistent with the diet our genes became programmed to respond to.” Genetically our bodies are designed to respond to plant nutrition.

Cellinfusion™ Technology – Working at a cellular level to improve health

Many supplements are simply flushed out of the body. They are a waste of time and money. Qgenics’ formulations are designed to target cellular activity and move it closer to optimum functioning. Every product utilizes Cellinfusion™ Technology to promote maximum cellular absorption giving you better results and better value for your money.

Qgenics Products


Immune Defense

Metabolic Boost

Wellness Booster Package







What does the body need for Nerve Health?

The Nerve Cell & the Nervous System

When nerves are healthy, sensory nerves (such as those in your fingers and toes) communicate well to the environment and receive messages clearly. There is no tingling, no numbness, no burning, and no pain in the feet, hands or anywhere else.

Healthy motor nerves communicate to the muscles so that they move on demand. They relay the commands sent to the muscles from the brain. There is no unsteadiness, or being unbalanced, no dropped foot. There is no muscle weakness.

When a nerve is healthy, it has a myelin sheath surrounding it. This lining protects the nerve and just like a wire with a protective coating, it will not short circuit or create any uncomfortable feelings such as tingling, burning or pain.

What does the body need to build healthy nerves? Read the article.



Electrolyte Capsulse are now Available


Electrolytes help regulate the fluids in your body. If you're not getting the right amounts of them every day, your body's functions can get impaired, leaving you feeling fatigued and depleted.

One of the best ways to get your daily fix of electrolytes is through leafy green vegetables. 98% of adults only consume 1.5 cups of nutrient-rich veggies a day. To meet your daily electrolyte requirement, you'll need to eat 7 to 10 cups—that’s a tall order!

Convential sports drinks contain less than 5% of your daily electrolyte needs. Plus, the sugar in those products contributes to weight gain, insulinn resistance and other health problems.

If you want to stay hydrated and energetic, a quality electrolyte supplement is an easy and safe way to support normal electrolyte levels without adding unnecessary sugar to your diet.

Electrolyte Capsules

This special formulation is packed with five vital electrolytes—potassium, calcium, sodium, chloride, and magnesium. It replenishes your electrolytes and has various benefits to your health!

Keep Your Muscles Healthy

Cramps, twitching, and muscle weakness are common indicators of electrolyte depletion. The new Electrolyte Capsules can help maintain healthy muscles to keep your body strong.

Boost Your Energy

If you often feel sluggish, like you always need a nap, your electrolytes might be out of balance. The new Electrolyte Capsules help keep your energy levels steady all day.

Support Heart Health

Low electrolyte levels can lead to high blood pressure and arrhythmias. Electrolyte Capsules can help keep your heart functioning properly.

Clear Up Brain Fog

Electrolytes play an essential role in your mood and mental focus. If you want to feel present and focused all day, add the new Electrolyte Capsules to your daily routine.

Meeting your daily electrolyte levels just got a lot easier.

Try the new Electrolyte Capsules and support your body, heart, mind, mood and more!





To Your Health