
from Your Nutritional Education Site
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1. Pollen: Springtime’s Unwelcome Guest
2. 5 Surprising Signs That You Need Probiotics
3. Some Telltale and Some Surprising Indicators That Mold is Making You Sick
4. Things that You Can Do to Lessen Neuropathy Symptoms

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Pollen: Springtime’s Unwelcome Guest by Vitalfield

Sneezing. Itchy, watery eyes, runny must be spring!

If you suffer from pollen allergies, you know first-hand how disruptive these allergic reactions can be. But what exactly happens in the body during a bout with seasonal allergies?

An allergic reaction to pollen, also known as hay fever or allergic rhinitis, is triggered by the immune system's response to certain proteins in pollen.

When an allergen, such as pollen, enters the body of a person with allergies, the immune system produces an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE), which then triggers the release of histamine and other chemicals from specialized cells called mast cells.

The histamine and other chemicals cause a range of symptoms, including:

• Sneezing
• Runny or stuffy nose
• Itchy and watery eyes
• Itchy nose, throat, and ears
• Coughing
• Postnasal drip
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Difficulty breathing

These symptoms are the body's way of trying to expel the allergen and protect itself from harm—but, as many of us know—they can be uncomfortable and disruptive to daily life.

Read more: Allergies



5 Surprising Signs That You Need Probiotics

Hey, It’s Dr. Martin here…

You might have the impression that I believe probiotics are almost like a magic solution for everything and guess what? You’re absolutely right!

Earlier this year, I wrote about a new study showing how probiotics can help with Type-2 Diabetes by…

1. Reducing A1C levels.
2. Boosting HDL

Pretty cool, right?

Now, some of you might be scratching your head thinking…"How in the world do probiotics, which are usually all about keeping your gut happy, help with something like diabetes?”

You're not alone. Let's dive into that mystery.

But first, a little backstory.

Back when I first started in clinical practice, probiotics were practically a secret. Most folks hadn't even heard of them, let alone taken them. So, I had the interesting challenge of convincing patients even those without a single gut issue how much they could gain from adding probiotics to their daily routine.

Today, I'm excited to share five surprising signs that might mean you need probiotics.

Here are the signs:

1. Skin troubles
2. Joint discomfort
3. Breathing woes - think asthma or sinus issues
4. Autoimmune challenges, such as Hashimotos or Graves
5. Changes in memory or mood

Lets look at how these seemingly unrelated symptoms could all be traced back to your gut.

But first, you should know that your body is home to TRILLIONS of tiny bacteria, both INSIDE and OUT. Believe it or not, you're carrying around 5 POUNDS of these microscopic bacteria right now.

This incredible world of bacteria living on and inside you is called your ‘microbiome.' Here's the kicker: your microbiome is everywhere, covering every organ you have.

That's right – your heart, lungs, liver, skin, and even your brain are covered with these tiny bacteria.

And here's the thing – even though you can't see them, they're critical when it comes to your health. You literally can't live without them.

And…even most doctors don't know this…the bacteria in your gut are having direct conversations with the bacteria living everywhere else in your body Yes, the bacteria in your gut are talking with the bacteria in your lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, skin, bones, muscles, and even your brain.

Here’s another way to think about this picture your gut as the hub of a wheel, and each organ is connected by the spokes of bacteria.

Everything is linked back to your gut through these microscopic messengers. Keeping this in mind, let's dive into the five unexpected signs that might just mean it's time to take probiotics.

Skin Troubles

There's a study called "The Role of Probiotics in Skin Health and Related Gut-Skin Axis.” This study found that probiotics are like a Swiss army knife for your skin! Probiotics can help skin problems by reducing oxidative stress, calming inflammation, and boosting immune responses. The study found that probiotics help moisturize your skin, fight off wrinkles, and even keep you smelling fresh.

How does probiotics help your skin? Well, it's all thanks to the relationship between your gut microbiome and your skin's bacteria. This connection means that a happy gut is your skin's best friend. And what is the best way to keep your gut healthy?

Probiotics, of course!

Here's something to consider as well: When I was in clinic, I rarely came across someone with skin troubles who also had a healthy gut. Whenever someone mentions a skin problem, my mind goes straight to the gut—especially Leaky Gut Syndrome.

Breathing Woes

Struggling with breathing or sinus issues? It might be a clue that your gut needs attention. Just like your gut, your lungs have their own microbiome that plays a big role in your immune system and health.

And guess what? When things go wrong with your lung microbiome, it can lead to serious problems like:

• Asthma
• Cystic Fibrosis
• Lung Cancer

Healthy lungs have a rich, varied mix of microbes. But, if you disrupt your gut's good bacteria and end up with Leaky Gut Syndrome your lung's microbiome suffers, leading to an invasion of harmful bacteria, particularly one called GAMMAPROTEOBACTERIA.

This bad bacteria not only takes over but also ramps up inflammation in your lungs, weakening your immune defense there. But it gets even trickier: inflammation actually fuels the growth of GAMMAPROTEOBACTERIA.


Probiotics jumpstart and fine-tune your body's defense against infections and inflammation. They help tip the scales back in favor of good bacteria, restoring balance to your microbiome. Plus, probiotics power up your T-cells, reducing inflammation and battling pathogens.

That's why many see a significant boost in lung health after starting probiotics.

Alright, I think we've covered a lot today.

In our next email, I'll dive into the last three clues that your body might be craving probiotics: joint aches, autoimmune quirks, and those ever-so-tricky memory or mood shifts.

Some Telltale and Some Surprising Indicators That Mold is Making You Sick

by Nicole Lagos

Symptoms can be the double-edged sword in a healing journey. On one hand, symptoms can give you signs that something is not right or signs of what your body needs to heal, but on the other hand, they can also be confusing as to how a symptom ties into the whole picture and what it actually means.

Ultimately, though, our body’s internal systems are incredibly interconnected, so nothing just happens without a catalyst.

In fact, a good moment is when someone realizes and experiences how two things, like a symptom and something they previously thought was totally separate, are actually connected. Like when they realize a food they’ve been eating daily is linked to their constant migraines or when they realize a supplement that was meant to address their gut issues also cleared up their hormonal acne. Connecting a symptom to its cause is powerful knowledge that can ultimately help you take the reins of your own healing journey.

A Bit About Me

Throughout my healing journey, I continued to learn more and more as time passed. I felt like every day I was connecting another piece to the giant puzzle that was my body’s dysfunction. Once I started to tie one symptom to another, I realized that everything was connected, and something just clicked in me.

As background on how I got to where I am today and why I am devoting my life and career to helping others heal, here is a quick recap of my healing journey:

After enjoying great health and vitality throughout my childhood and into early adulthood, I began experiencing unexplained symptoms like loss of feeling in my arms and legs, loss of coordination, vertigo, panic attacks, memory loss and heart palpitations to name a few. I searched and searched to find answers as to why my body was suddenly failing me and totally unpredictable. I was slapped with a diagnosis of Lyme disease, and instead of being given answers and a clear path back to health, was sent off to figure out the rest on my own.

I spent a year undergoing extreme treatments and was bedridden for months on end. After doctors and medications failed me time and time again, I discovered the power of alternative medicine and nutrition in healing the body.

As I began regaining control of my mind and body, I made the decision to fully devote my time and energy to helping other people going through similar struggles, so they would not have to feel the helpless feeling I once felt. But, somewhat discouragingly within this time, my Lyme symptoms were still constantly flaring on and off. Something was obviously still triggering my immune system and causing these flares. With continued digging and investigation, I realized my indoor environment was keeping me sick, so I tested my body and home for mold.

It’s Not Just Lyme, It’s Mold

Once I opened the Pandora’s box that is mold, I realized it was a HUGE missing link in the grand scheme of my health journey. Everything really started to make sense, and I finally felt validated for some of the crazy symptoms I was experiencing. Unfortunately, at some point in my journey, I dealt with almost all of these mold symptoms:

Autoimmune disease
Balance problems/vertigo
Food allergies
Chronic inflammation
Frequent urination at night
Chronic upper respiratory issues
Brain fog
Compromised immunity (getting sick all the time)
Stubborn weight
Difficulty breathing
Excessive thirst or urination
Hormonal imbalances
Insomnia and other chronic sleep issues
Joint pain
Metallic taste in mouth
Word recollection issues
Static shocks
Sensitivity to chemicals or fragrance
Chronic sinus issues
Migraine headaches
Swollen lymph nodes
Mood swings
Neurological symptoms
Night sweats
Temperature regulation issues
Sexual dysfunction
Digestive discomfort
Socialization issues
Skin irritation
Thyroid issues
Pain sensitivity
Eye irritation
Panic attacks
Mystery rashes
Pain sensitivity
Blurred vision
Coordination issues
Light sensitivity
Noise sensitivity
Excessive thirst
Constant hunger
Sugar cravings
Seems like a quite excessive and broad list, right? The scary part is I’m probably missing a ton! Some of these symptoms you would never even think would be linked to something like mold exposure, but they are!

Symptoms I Experienced

Some of the scarier symptoms I experienced were the neurological issues. There was a point where I would be walking home on the streets of New York and completely forget where I was going or how to get home. Another time I was at a restaurant with my husband and completely forgot how to form sentences or get words out. There would be times I would forget my name or my husband’s name mid conversation.

Another really difficult symptom I dealt with, and many of my clients also face, is resistant weight loss and puffiness. If you look at a photo of me while dealing with mold toxicity versus now, I look like a different person! I was eating extremely clean, working out 2 times daily, but I was swollen, bloated, and couldn’t lose the extra weight my body was holding on to. Often times this weight is simply inflammation as your body is trying to protect itself and your major organs from the mold that has colonized inside it. Once I started detoxing the mold, I shed the weight without any diet or exercise change!

When it came to food, I had very strong sugar cravings throughout the day. Along with the cravings, I never felt fully satiated after my meals, which would lead to overeating and feeling extremely uncomfortable. This is because mold dims your leptin receptors, which are responsible for your satiation cues. Crazy, right? But it all makes sense!

I also found myself extremely anxious at all times. Leaving my house just to interact with someone passing me on the street was difficult. I had extreme social anxiety that came out of nowhere; I was constantly in my head about everything. I find this symptom is often missed with mold because people don’t link their mental health to their physical health. If you feel this, you are not alone, and you are NOT your anxiety.

I had extreme light and noise sensitivities, the world felt so LOUD. Just hearing a car horn lit up my entire body, or being in a room with super fluorescent lights felt like I was looking into the sun. These are very common symptoms, and a huge sign mold is in the picture disrupting your body.

You are NOT Your Symptoms

In sum, you are NOT your symptoms. These are just things your body is experiencing. Your body is using them to show you signs that it needs help! Once you can associate how you feel with what’s going on in your body and environment, you will be able to separate yourself from your symptoms and ultimately work towards healing.

If you feel like you can relate to any of these symptoms above and need more guidance on your healing journey, I have been there, and I can help. Feel free to book a 15 minute free discovery call with me to chat with me. I am a certified wellness consultant and specialize in food sensitivities and women’s health. By focusing on nutrition, movement, self-love, and mindset I also help clients gain a healthy and loving relationship with their food and their bodies without quick fixes, fad diets, starvation, or yo-yoing. Real, sustainable, and healthy FUELED living is possible. If I can heal, so can you.

You can test for mold in your house at home You don't need to send anything out to be tested.

Things that You Can Do to Lessen Neuropathy Symptoms

While working with clients to help them build healthy nerves, we’ve learned some things that can lengthen the time it takes to see an improvement.

One of the things we found is that some people are unknowingly creating a vitamin B deficiency as a result of their daily activities.

B vitamins are vital for healthy nerves.*

For example, some of the things that cause a B vitamin deficiency are heavy drinking of coffee, tea and soft drinks. This includes de-caffeinated coffee, tea and soft drinks. These beverages act as diuretics that cause the loss of both water and water-soluble B vitamins from the body.

Also, heavy smoking or drinking of alcohol, taking antibiotics, taking birth control pills, and stress can all burn up B vitamins. Smoking reduces blood flow and oxygen to your nerves, while alcohol interferes with nerve signaling and metabolism.

Sugar also burns B vitamins. Sugar also lowers immunity.

Frank Hu, a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, said that the amount of sugar consumed by the American public is too high.

“It’s just about impossible,” Hu said, “to know from food labels what kinds and amounts of sugars are in a product.” That’s why he thinks the FDA should require food companies to list those amounts on all food labels so people know what they’re eating, in what amounts they’re eating it, and what amounts are safe.

In other words, don’t eat processed foods, or anything that contains sugar. When building health, sugar is detrimental.

The nervous system can be negatively impacted by sweeteners and additives contained in diet soda and processed foods such as MSG and aspartame, etc. If you need a sweetener, stevia is recommended.

And there are many prescription medications that list nerve problems as a side effect and this will slow down building healthy nerves. Paresthesia, neuropathy, numbness, tingling or any symptom of unhealthy nerves listed as a side effect is something you want to avoid.

If you are taking one or more of the medications listed below, it can greatly increase the amount of time to build healthy nerves. If you are taking any of these medications, you should talk to your medical doctor to see if he can find an alternative.

The following blood pressure medications are known to cause neuropathy as a side effect:

Aceon, Altace, Hydrochlorothiazide (HCT), Hydrodiuril, Lisinopril, Perindopril, Prinivil, Ramipril, Zestril.

The following cholesterol medications are known to cause neuropathy as a side effect:

Advicor, Altocor, Altoprev, Atorvastatin, Baycol, Caduet, Cerivastatin,
Crestor, Fluvastatin, Lescol, Lescol XL, Lipex, Lipitor, Lipobay, Lovastatin, Mevacor, Pravachol, Pravastatin, Pravigard Pac, Rosuvastatin, Simvastatin, Vytorin, Zocor.

You can also check any medication you may be taking to see if nerve problems are listed in the side effects. You can check on and

Many people have unhealthy nerves, you can build healthy nerves but knowing what can slow it down will help you get healthy nerves faster.

To understand what is needed for healthy nerves go to What it Takes to Build Healthy Nerves

*Studies & Research on Nerve Health

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