
From Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Following MCVitamins
2. Deceptive Labels and Sneaky Hidden Ways to Make Sugar Look Healthy
3. For Seniors - How to Decide If Independent Living Fits Into Your Future
4. Think Differently about Treating Neuropathy Pain (or any pain)


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Deceptive Labels and Sneaky Hidden Ways to Make Sugar Look Healthy

Did you know that many of the foods you might be eating on a daily basis can be filled with hidden sugars?

Added sugar can be snuck into a variety of foods and beverages. And it doesn't always look like good old-fashioned table sugar. A lot of the time, seemingly "healthy" items are loaded up with ingredients that are essentially just the same as regular table sugar in the end.

So how can you avoid these things? By knowing what to look for

Go to the entire article Hidden Sugars

Also see our article on Deceptive Labels



Professional 'Super Strength' Dental Solution For Gum Problems and Unhealthy Teeth/Gums



How to Decide If Independent Living Fits Into Your Future

There comes a time for many seniors when they aren’t quite comfortable being alone anymore. Perhaps they have a little trouble getting off the sofa, dressing, or climbing stairs. Or, maybe their income isn’t permitting them to do things they would like to do. Thankfully, seniors have a wide variety of lifestyle options available that allow them to remain independent these days. 

Assisted? Independent? What’s the Difference?

Read the Article on Senior Living



Think Differently about Treating Neuropathy Pain (or any pain)

When most people think about pain, they think about what they can take to alleviate the pain. I can’t count the number of commercials on TV talk about the different pain killers that you can buy. These are all in the name of attempting to stop you from hurting.

But despite the commercials, and the normal way of handling pain, there is a way to think differently about pain. 

A migraine headache is one example of pain that can be debilitating. In fact, you can find all sorts of drugs designed to eliminate this type pain, there is even migraine strength over the counter compounds. Recently I found a formula proposing that you take a lot of herbs to deal with and even prevent Migraines. Taking herbs on a steady basis in order to try and ward off migraines was a scary proposition, but then when you are in pain, and you can expect to have more pain, you tend to do a lot of things you might normally not do. 

I can understand this. I used to suffer from migraines. I understand taking different drugs in order to stop the pain. I remember my doctor at one point prescribed a barbiturate. If I recall, I didn’t feel the pain (or maybe I was so drugged that I didn’t care that it hurt). I do remember that I was in college and I had to tell the professor not to call on me because I was taking this drug. Luckily I could take the bus to school and not have to try and drive.…. etc. etc. That’s not the way to live life.

I did handle my migraines, but by building health – not taking drugs or herbal medications to cover up the pain. I worked on what my body was missing nutritionally that it needed so that it wouldn't create a headache. I found it and stopped the Migraines.  Migraines can be the result of many things – deficiencies create problems.

Now let’s go to neuropathy pain. Neuropathy is nerve damage. The body relies on 40 nutrients to be able to function and repair itself. I needed specific nutrients to be able to get my body functioning correctly so my head wasn’t hurting every week or so. And when it comes to neuropathy, after the nerves have been injured in some way, the body needs specific nutrients to be able to build healthy nerves. 

The nice part about thinking differently about pain is that once you fix the problem, you don’t suffer again, the problem is solved.

Relief from Neurpathy Pain?

Take a Quiz: Am I doing everything I can to daily help my neuropathy?

Find out what lifestyle changes will help, take the quiz and get our suggestions and get our assistance on what you can do.

Take Our Quiz

Build Healthy Nerves

Want to Know More About Neuropathy?
Neuropathy Information Hub

For information on Neuropathy Pain
For information on Migraine Pain
Go to our Index for Search for what is hurting you. 




To Your Health 


The Best Vitamin C for Colds and Flu

With all this attention on colds and flu, now is the time to start building up your body’s defenses and nutritionally enhancing your immune system.

"The position with vitamin C and the common cold is becoming clear.

"Frequent, large nutritional doses can reduce the incidence of colds, their severity and duration.

"Once a cold has taken hold, treatment is much more demanding."

Excerpted from ASCORBATE The Science of Vitamin C
by Dr. Steve Hickey & Dr. Hillary Roberts

Camu camu is one of the highest known sources of natural vitamin C. Research indicates camu camu contains up to 56 times more vitamin C than a lemon and 50 times more vitamin C than an orange.

Most Camu Camu sold on the market today is sold as camu camu powder in bags, or in capsules or tablets. 20 percent of camu camu powder is actual vitamin C.

If you have 500 mg of camu camu powder in a capsule - you are only getting 100 mg of Vitamin C.

If there are 60 capsules in a bottle, then the total amount of Vitamin C you would get in that bottle is 6,000 mg.

Often these bottles are sold at around eighteen to twenty dollars a bottle.

We are different.

Each of our camu camu vitamin C tablets contains 200 mg of actual vitamin C. Each tablet contains 1,000mg of camu camu powder.

Our bottle has 120 tablets. The total amount of vitamin C you get in our bottle is 24,000 mg.

A bottle of RHP Vitamin C from Camu Camu is only 32.20!

This is far more than twice the amount of Vitamin C, at more than half the cost!

(If we kept the price in line with what others are charging on the market - the RHP Vitamin C from Camu Camu should cost 72.00 a bottle!)

Get your bottle of Vitamin C and start building up your body's defenses today!

Get Vitamin C

You can always call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038

We're here for you.