
From Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Another Good Reason to Eat Leafy Greens, Avocados & Eggs
2. We know certain foods can cause inflammation, but are we missing something?
3. Atherosclerosis May Not Be About Too Much Cholesterol
4. Sunscreen Safety Questioned Yet Again  

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Another Good Reason to Eat Leafy Greens, Avocados & Eggs

  • Lutein is well-known for its vision-enhancing properties. Research also suggests it has neuroprotective qualities, improving memory and boosting intelligence
  • There’s an inverse association between lutein levels in the eyes and age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the primary cause of blindness in the elderly, as well as cataracts
  • Lutein has also been shown to prevent cell death caused by retinal detachment when administered in a timely manner, and can help improve night vision
  • Lutein may help prevent neurodegenerative diseases by preventing DNA damage, the depletion of BDNF and the degradation of a synaptic vesicle protein involved in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It’s also been shown to help maintain the integrity of your brain’s white matter
  • Your body cannot manufacture lutein, so you need to get it from your diet. Lutein is a carotenoid found in egg yolks, avocados, cruciferous vegetables and dark, leafy greens, especially kale and spinach

Read entire article Eye Health

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We know certain foods can cause inflammation, but are we missing something? by Doug Kaufman (Know the

Inflammation is thought to be the culprit behind a number of diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and others. Inflammation is a natural reaction in the body when we are injured or sick, and it is part of the body’s natural healing process. However, there are many things that promote chronic, low level inflammation-–the type thought to be responsible of developing these deadly diseases.

It is unsurprising that foods linked with certain types of disease are also linked with promoting inflammation within the body. Here are a few of the foods that are thought to promote inflammation within the body:

Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and Refined Carbohydrates

We all know that sugar is a killer and that it is in many of the processed foods that people consume on a regular basis. Corn syrup is essentially sugar refined from corn. An example of refined carbohydrates is a food like white flour––flour from which the germ and fiber has been removed leaving only the starch behind, or a food like sugar. Of course, these ingredients are in the overwhelming majority of processed foods that people regularly consume. These foods spike insulin and promote inflammation within the body.

Trans Fats/Vegetable Oils

It is only in recent years that the dangers of artificial fats like trans fats have been illuminated. For years, these were touted as healthy alternatives to more natural fats like butter or lard. Similarly, some kinds of vegetable oil, such as soybean oil, for years were thought to be healthy oils for cooking, but we are finding that both of these kinds of fat promote inflammation within the body and are likely more responsible for heart disease than a grass-fed ribeye steak or eggs ever were.


We have discussed how no amount of alcohol can be considered technically safe, but if you need another reason to not imbibe: Alcohol is known to promote inflammation within the body.

What Else Causes Inflammation in the Body?

All of these foods we know can promote inflammation within the body, but are there other things we are consuming that can do the same thing?

Interestingly, the presence of fungi in the body are known to elevate a marker for inflammation––C-reactive protein, or CRP. Therefore, we know that fungi and yeast can promote inflammation in the body. Interestingly, looking at all of the afore mentioned foods––many of these foods have intimate links to fungi. Fungi and their poisons often contaminate sugar and high carbohydrate foods. Alcohol is a mycotoxin––or mold poison––itself, not to mention often being made with food stuffs that are known to be contaminated with mycotoxins.

So the question becomes, how do we prevent inflammation with our diet?

The Kaufmann Diet might be a good place to start. All of the foods mentioned above are largely eliminated on the Kaufmann Diet, but with the Kaufmann Diet, you derive the added anti-fungal benefits, which we can deduce are subsequently anti-inflammatory. The Kaufmann Diet starves pathogenic fungi and mitigates the exposure to the mold poisons that are inherent in many parts of our food supply. You can find more information on The Kaufmann Diet here on our website or in our books.

Fight Inflammation With These 6 Foods

We also suggest the Healthy Keto Diet





Atherosclerosis May Not Be About Too Much Cholesterol 

How to reverse atherosclerosis, which is a hardening of the arteries? Typically, people have the idea that atherosclerosis comes from consuming too much cholesterol, but this is simply not true. So, let’s try to dissect what happens. Here’s an artery:

A Crack or Pre-Existing Lesion Happens Before Atherosclerosis (graphic) Read the entire article & a video.

How to Reverse Atherosclerosis (Hardening of the Arteries)? includes causes, right supplements, symptoms, what to eat and what supplements will help.

Also" K2 & D3 Supplement by Dr. Berg

Sunscreen Safety Questioned Yet Again

A 2019 study by the U.S. FDA shows four common active ingredients in sunscreen — avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene and ecamsule — are absorbed into your blood at levels that could potentially pose health risks

Systemic concentrations greater than 0.5 ng/mL were reached for all four products after four applications on the first day; 0.5 ng/mL is the FDA maximum threshold for waiving systemic carcinogenicity, developmental and reproductive toxicology studies for sunscreens

Follow-up research confirms systemic concentrations of sunscreen chemicals are up to 500 times higher than the FDA’s assumed safety threshold

Oxybenzone and several other active ingredients in sunscreens enhance the ability of other chemicals to penetrate your skin, including toxic herbicides, pesticides and insect repellants, and act as endocrine disrupters

Despite the endocrine disrupting and neurotoxic effects of oxybenzone, its high absorbability, and the availability of safe sunscreens (those containing non-nanosized zinc oxide and titanium dioxide), the FDA and American Academy of Dermatology urge people to continue using oxybenzone-containing sunscreen on a daily basis

Read entire article Sunscreen

For a natural, safe sunscreen

Summer Sunscreens & Moisturizers using essential oil blends instread of chemicals.

Healthy & Fit Products
Search on Sunscreen (left) and click on sunscreen. There are also other products for your summer right underneath (includes SPF 10, SPF 50, after Sun Spray, Insect Repellent and Cooling Mist)




To Your Health 


Is Your Doctor Recommending a Calcium Supplement?

Many doctors recommend calcium supplements for their patients. You should add the RHP® Calcium & Magnesium to your daily regimen.

Calcium is the most abundant and the most important mineral in the body, yet it is the most difficult to get absorbed and utilized by the cells!

Apart from being found in the bones, calcium is also involved in transmitting nerve impulses, maintaining muscle tone, assisting in the function of hormones and enzymes as well as playing an important role in blood clotting.

RHP® Calcium & Magnesium contains Aquamin® Calcium (a whole food plant calcium which is produced from a natural mineral source) and Aquamin® Magnesium (a natural mineral source produced from seawater).

Proper absorption and utilization of these minerals are extremely important in restoring and maintaining good health.

Our Calcium & Magnesium also includes vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and boron which are required for proper mineral assimilation.

Find out more and order here: Calcium & Magnesium

You can always call us at (888) 758-4490 or (818) 242-1038 if you have any questions or to order.