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From Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Your Digestive System and How it Works
2. The Most Common and Worst Way to Treat Arthritis
3. Flavanols In Cocoa: Warm and Comforting Health Boosters by Dr. M. Lam, MD
4. The Real Cause Behind School Shootings

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Your Digestive System and How it Works


A video by Dr. Berg that not only explains the different parts of the digestive system but also what digestive symptoms go along with each part and what you can take to help it.   Do you know what organ needs help when you burp, when you have gas, or when you bloat?  Or what causes you to have food allergies?


See the video:  Digestive System





The Most Common and Worst Way to Treat Arthritis

Steroids can be administered either topically through a cream or ointment, orally or by injection. Steroids work by inhibiting the production of inflammatory chemicals, thereby reducing symptoms associated with inflammation

  • Three of the most common side effects, even from short term use, are osteoporosis (reduced bone density), cataracts and an increased risk of diabetes. However, more serious effects such as life-threatening sepsis have also been reported
  • In one 2019 study, 8% of patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knees who received one to three steroid injections ended up worse. Adverse effects were observed in 10% of those with OA in the hip and in 4% of those with OA in the knees
  • In another study, intra-articular corticosteroid injections more than doubled the cartilage volume loss compared to placebo (−0.21 millimeters versus −0.10 mm), while having no impact on knee pain at two-year follow-up
  • When using steroids for an extended period of time, abruptly stopping the drug can trigger adverse and potentially even lethal effects, depending on how long you've been taking the medication

Read entire article Why Steroids are Best Avoided




Flavanols In Cocoa: Warm and Comforting Health Boosters by Dr. M. Lam, MD

A nice suggestion for cold days and the Holidays

What are flavanols?

Flavanols are a group of compounds commonly found in plants. They play a role in plant protection. It is believed that when these flavanols are consumed by humans, they exhibit an antioxidant effect, thus aiding your general health.

Read the entire articls: Flavanols





The Real Cause Behind School Shootings


The observations made by the NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health, Psychology Today and Public Library of Science talk about the cause and what can be done.


Read the article The Real Cause behind School Shootings




To Your Health 


What do you know about Your Need for Calcium?

Calcium is the most abundant and the most important mineral in the body, yet it is the most difficult to get absorbed and utilized by the cells.

Apart from being found in the bones, calcium is also involved in transmitting nerve impulses, maintaining muscle tone, assisting in the function of hormones and enzymes as well as playing an important role in fighting infections and blood clotting.

RHP® Calcium & Magnesium contains Aquamin® Calcium (a whole food plant calcium which is produced from a natural mineral source) and Aquamin® Magnesium (a natural mineral source produced from seawater).

Proper absorption and utilization of these minerals are extremely important in restoring and maintaining good health.

The RHP Calcium & Magnesium also includes vitamin D3, vitamin K2, and boron which are required for proper mineral assimilation.

Learn more and order the RHP® Calcium & Magnesium

You can always call us at (888) 758-5590 or (818) 252-1038.

We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.