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1. Seniors and Immunity
2. Lactose Intolerance? Recipes using Camel Milk
3. Omega 3 is an Essential Fatty Acid
4. Diabetes - Educate Yourself

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Seniors and Immunity:

Study finds supplementation with antioxidant vitamins improved older individuals’ immune function

The December 2020 issue of Experimental Gerontology published the finding of a recent study that found immune benefits for supplementation with vitamins C and E in older individuals.

“It has been shown that the competence of the immune system is an excellent marker of health and several age-related changes in immune functions have been linked to longevity,” Monica De La Fuente of Complutense University of Madrid and colleagues wrote in their introduction to the article. They suggested that values for specific immune functions could be used as individualized markers of biological age.

The study included 22 older men and women who received 500 milligrams (mg) per day of vitamin C and 22 participants in the same age group who received 500 mg of vitamin C plus 200 mg of vitamin E for three months. Thirty unsupplemented men and women whose age averaged 35 years served as controls. Functional aspects of two types of white blood cells known as neutrophils and lymphocytes were assessed at the beginning of the supplementation period, at three months, and six months following the end of supplementation.

At three months, neutrophil values known as adherence indexes, chemotaxis indexes and phagocytosis indexes improved in supplemented individuals and more closely resembled those of the younger control group. Superoxide anion (a free radical) levels in neutrophils decreased in both supplemented groups and, in some cases, became even lower than those of the control subjects. Supplementing with both vitamins was associated with lower superoxide levels than with vitamin C alone. Superoxide levels measured six months after the end of the treatment period were still lower than those measured before supplementation in both supplemented groups.

When lymphocyte functions were evaluated, adherence index and chemotaxis values were improved in association with vitamin supplementation compared to pretreatment levels. Lymphoproliferative capacity, interleukin-2 release and natural killer cell activity, which were lower in the older subjects than in the control group, increased after supplementation to levels similar to those of the control group.

Dr. De La Fuente and her associates suggest that the benefits observed in this study in association with vitamin C and E supplementation may be due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory roles, although other factors may be involved. “An important number of studies show that the ingestion of diets with adequate levels of antioxidants such as vitamins E and C, beta-carotene, polyphenols and others, are able to retard or prevent the oxidative damage and therefore the general physiological impairment associated with aging, and in particular immunosenescence,” they wrote.

“It is possible to suggest that the supplementation used in the present study could improve the quality of life and extend a healthy longevity in elderly men and women,” they concluded.

Apply What You’ve Learned: Immunosenescence

Immunosenescence describes a decline in immune function that takes place during aging. This decline helps explain an increased risk of infections as well as their more debilitating effects among older men and women.

Vitamin C has antioxidant, immunostimulatory, antinflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral roles, all of which support healthy immune function.

1 Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E, thereby perpetuating its antioxidant effect.
2. Animal and human findings indicate that vitamin E may help reverse aging-associated T cell (a type of lymphocyte) impairment.3

In a U.S. study that utilized data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2003-2006, 52% of adults were found to consume less than the Estimated Average Requirement of vitamin C from naturally occurring sources (not from fortified foods or supplements) and 96% of adults were found to consume less than the Estimate Average Requirement of vitamin E.4


Sorice A et al. Mini Rev Med Chem. 2014 May;14(5):444-52.
Stahl W et al. Diabetes. 1997 Sep;46 Suppl 2:S14-8.
Wu D et al. Endocr Metab Immune Disord Drug Targets. 2014;14(4):283-9.
Fulgoni VL et al. J Nutr. 2011 Oct; 141(10): 1847–1

We recommend a whole food Vitamin C & a whole food overall vitamin formula






Lactose Intolerance? Recipes using Camel Milk

Camel milk is not only very nutritious and good for you, but lactose intolerance is not affected by its use.

Enjoy Camel Milk in Your Holiday Recipes this Year



• 6 large egg yolks
• 1/2 cup sugar
• 3 cups camel milk
• 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
• 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
• Ground cinnamon, for topping


1. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together in a medium bowl until light and creamy.

2. In a saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the camel milk and nutmeg. Stir until it’s just simmering.

3. Slowly add the milk mixture to the egg mixture a little bit at a time while whisking (so the eggs don't scramble.)

4. Once all of the hot milk has been added to the eggs, pour the mixture back into the saucepan on the stove and heat.

5. Whisk constantly for a few minutes until the mixture is slightly thickened.

6. Remove from heat and stir in the vanilla.

7. Pour the eggnog into a pitcher or other container and cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator until chilled.

8. Serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon and fresh whipped cream, if desired.

Learn more about Camel Milk Nutrition

Questions? email - and we also have a eBook Camel Milk to the Rescue with more recipes.


Addiction to Drugs

“Narconon gave me another chance at life.

I have never felt better.”


Omega 3 is an Essential Fatty Acid
by Jaime Hope, MD,

By now you’ve certainly heard that fish oil is essential for a healthy heart, brain, immune system, eyes, and joints, and for hormonal balance and good moods.

However, here’s something you may not know…Research shows fish oil may also be THE most effective way to revitalize your skin, nails, and hair so they look their healthiest and most attractive.

Yes, fish oil really can be like the fountain of youth in a bottle – helping you to recapture the beauty of your younger years.

HOWEVER, that’s only true if you choose the right type of fish oil.

And on that note, here are the two very big problems you need to know before you ever take any type of fish oil.

To understand problem #1, imagine a small fishing boat where 30 fishermen ALL move to one side of the boat. What happens? The boat tilts dangerously close to the water, it doesn’t function properly, and it possibly capsizes, causing very serious problems.

Well, along those lines, MOST people’s “boats” are about to tip over today…Dangerously Light on the Omega-3 Side

The #1 nutrient in fish oil that makes it such a powerhouse for your health – and to look your amazing best – are called “omega-3s.”

Omega-3s are a family of very healthy fatty acids that include EPA and the even more important DHA.

These omega-3s are critical to your health in many ways, such as supporting a healthy inflammatory response, which is critical because unhealthy levels of inflammation are involved in so many serious health issues and “old-looking” skin.

However, the body cannot produce omega-3s on its own, so you must get them in your diet. (The reason it is called an Essential Fatty Acid)

Now, the primary source of these EPA and DHA omega-3s is fish and other sea life, and therein lies big problem number one…

Because while our ancestors ate plenty of these foods, today most people are consuming FAR TOO LITTLE of them and are severely deficient in omega-3s.

In fact, 90% of people who do eat seafood don’t even eat the minimum amount of two 3 ½-ounce servings of fatty fish and seafood each week recommended by the American Heart Association.

And 20% of Americans don’t eat any seafood at all!

Dangerously Heavy on the Omega-6 Side

Meanwhile, most people today are consuming FAR TOO MUCH of another type of fatty acid called “omega-6.” In excess, these omega-6s are proinflammatory, which can lead to a range of serious health issues and early aging including skin, nails, and hair that look “old” far too soon.

You can blame today’s typical dietary habits for the vast overconsumption of omega-6s, such as eating far too many processed and packaged foods loaded with refined oils high in omega-6s.

And the big problem, as you can tell, is that the balance of people’s omega-6 versus omega-3 is WAY off.

In fact, the typical American today has an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of around 15 to 1. Meanwhile, the ideal ratio should look closer to 4 to 1!

In other words, people’s “boats” are tipping over because of far too many omega-6s and not nearly enough omega-3s.

And people are paying a steep price in terms of everything from feeling “blah”… to looking much older than they ought to look… to setting themselves up for some very serious health issues.

So, how can YOU tell if your “boat may be tipping over”?

10 Common Signs Your Omega 3 to 6 Ratio May Be Off

1) Dry skin, rough patches on skin, otherwise prematurely “old-looking” skin
2) Dry hair and/or dandruff
3) Brittle nails
4) Dry eyes
5) Trouble focusing or concentrating
6) Irritability
7) Mood swings
8) Fatigue / low energy
9) Poor/unsatisfying sleep
10) Joint discomfort / joint issues

Now, the very good news is this problem is easy to solve, but it’s vitally important to take the right type of fish oil supplement or it won’t solve it at all and could even make it WORSE.

Recommended by MCVitamins:

So how do you get the right Fish Oil. Cold Water Fish Oil Read more about what that means and why we recommend it after ready Dr. Hope's article.


Is it possile to improve a diabetic condition? What is the cause of diabetes and what can be done about it?

Educate yourself and take control of your health Diabetes




To Your Health 


Nerve Damage - Why R-Alpha Lipoic and Acetyl L-Carnitine

If you have nerve damage, R-Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine are two key supplements that you should add to your daily routine.

Evidence indicates that alpha lipoic acid has an ability to kill free-radicals which may help provide added nutritional support to people who have nerve damage in the arms and legs, such as:

- pain
- burning
- itching
- tingling
- numbness

Alpha lipioc acid comes in two forms. R and S. Alpha lipoic acid is a combination of these two forms. Most supplements have alpha lipoic acid with both forms, not just the R form.

The R form of alpha lipoic acid is the form normally found in the body. Studies indicate the R-alpha lipoic acid form appears to be better absorbed than the combination of R and S alpha lipoic acid.

Additionally, some small preliminary studies suggest acetyl L-carnitine may help provide nutritional support to people with pain and who want to improve feeling in affected nerves. It is also possible that acetyl L-carnitine can help nerves regenerate.

The Nerve & Energy Booster is a nutritional supplement which contains acetyl L-carnitine and R-alpha lipoic acid (the better, more absorbable form of R-alpha lipoic acid).

Learn more about this combination of nutritional supplements

Find out more and order the Nerve and Energy Booster

Or you can call us at (888)748-5590 or (818) 252-1038

If you have questions, you can always call and speak to one of our Wellness Consultants.

We're here to help you get the results you want.

If you have any questions about our Nerve Support Formula, please email or call us at (888) 758-5590 (US & Canada)  or (818) 252-1038.

We want to make sure you get the results you are looking for.