
from Your Nutritional Education Site
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1. The Holidays are coming, but the Weather is also Changing
2. Be in Control of What Happens in Your Gut
3. A Hearty Breakfast for the Lactose Intolerant
4. Understanding Autoimmunity

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The Holidays are coming, but the Weather is also Changing

The weather’s changing, the holidays are coming, and… what’s that?! A sniffle! A cough!

Don’t let sickness or allergies get in the way of your seasonal cheer.

Boosting your immune health can be simple. Immune Defense is designed to support your health this fall and winter with Beta Glucans for any underlying medical conditions.

Check out Immune Defense and learn why.



Be in Control of What Happens in Your Gut

Your gut is linked to nearly every facet of your health. You may have heard experts talking about the “gut-brain connection” or your “gut health”—referring to how your gut health affects you, from your immune system to your mood.

Put your gut health first by promoting good digestion, healthy balance of the microbiome, and optimal food nutrient absorption. We've put together the best products for a healthier digestive tract and other must-haves to improve your overall health.

✅ With 12 live probiotic strains for healthy digestion
✅ Supports regular bowel movements
✅ No need to refrigerate, and lasts a minimum of 1 year





A Hearty Breakfast for the Lactose Intolerant - Are you tired of substitute milks?

A hearty breakfast is one that is nutritious, makes you feel satisfied and provides you with good energy to start your day.

There are so many health benefits to having a nutritious breakfast.

The breakfast favored by many Americans includes foods with low nutritional value and foods containing cow milk products, which are high in lactose.

There is a way for lactose intolerant people to enjoy a nutritious, satisfying breakfast without suffering afterwards.

What is Lactose Intolerance?

Lactose intolerance occurs when the body cannot properly digest lactose, a natural sugar found in cow milk.

If you are lactose intolerant you can experience gas, bloating, stomach cramps, nausea, and sometimes vomiting, or diarrhea about 30 minutes to two hours after eating or drinking foods that contain lactose.

So many common breakfast foods contain cow milk so they are "off limits" for lactose intolerant people.

The Average American Breakfast is Not Very Hearty

One of the most common breakfast foods in the US is cold cereal and milk. 31% of people, who eat breakfast, opt for cold cereal. 10% opt for a bagel, toast, muffin, or pastry.

There is limited nutritional value in boxed cereal, breads, and pastries. High in carbohydrates, they are likely to boost your blood sugar and then let you down with a crash.

Lactose intolerant people drink alternative “milks” that aren’t really milk and which have a lot of gums, oil, sugar, etc., added to them to make the almonds, soy, coconut, and oats into a liquid.

5 Reasons It’s Important to have a Really Nutritious Breakfast

Eating a breakfast with enough nutrition to satisfy and power-up your body will help:

- Manage your appetite so you can make it to lunchtime without needing snacks.

- Improve your concentration and focus.

- Weight management. If you feel satisfied, you are less likely to crave unhealthy, weight-gaining snacks.

- Make you feel happier. When your body lacks energy, you almost always feel more "down."

- Better overall health. If you skip breakfast, you are more likely to eat snack foods high in cholesterol, sugar and saturated fat, increasing your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and inflammation.

How to Enjoy a Hearty Breakfast even if You’re Lactose Intolerant

If you are lactose intolerant, you can still enjoy some favorite breakfast foods, such as oatmeal, omelets, scrambled eggs, pancakes, waffles, or smoothies without using cow milk.

There’s a milk you can use in all your recipes, as well as your morning coffee or tea, which is more nutritious than cow milk and less allergenic – it’s camel milk!

Camel milk is becoming more and more popular in the US because it’s packed with vitamins and minerals and contains high proportions of anti-bacterial and anti-viral substances, antioxidants, and immune system boosters. In fact, camel milk is considered a superfood because of its high nutritional value. Camel milk has more calcium than other milks and beneficial levels of bioavailable minerals – selenium, zinc, potassium, magnesium, copper, iron, and other minerals. It also has 3 to 5 times more Vitamin C.

Camels are unique animals, and they produce a unique milk, one that has a different nutritional profile to cow milk. While camel milk does contain some lactose, it’s usually very well tolerated by lactose intolerant people.

Camel milk is a light, pleasant tasting milk so can be used to replace cow milk in all your recipes.

Camelicious camel milk powder is 100% whole camel milk from grass-fed camels. It’s non-GMO, gluten free and does not contain any added antibiotics or hormones.

So, try using nutritious Camelicious camel milk in all your breakfast favorites!

Read about Camel Milk



Understanding Autoimmunity

Autoimmunity & Chronic Inflammation
Jeremiah Alleman, M.H., Dip.H.Ir.

Autoimmune issues occur when the natural immune responses of an individual attack the body’s own cells. Genetic susceptibility as well as environmental factors, such as: certain infections, ill-advised medical procedures, and poor diet, contribute to the development of these kinds of issues.

The body is designed to distinguish between “self” and “non-self;” to attack, destroy, and eliminate non-self and to build and rejuvenate self. Under certain conditions, like the factors mentioned above, the mechanisms which drive natural immune responses get out of balance. Immune response requires recognition of foreign or harmful molecules known as antigens; whereupon, action is taken by the body to eliminate them. The body utilizes two main immune response mechanisms to fight-off these antigens. These mechanisms consist of “Specific” and “Non-Specific” immune responses.

Non-specific Immune Response provides general protection against disease-producing organisms from entering the body through the: Skin, Mucous Lining, Digestive Tract, and Respiratory Passages. Specific Immune Response acts against antigens which have succeeded in entering the body and can be specifically recognized by the body as foreign or harmful by producing specific proteins known as antibodies which destroy and remove antigens from the body. 1

When both of these immune response mechanisms fail to provide adequate protection against harmful antigens, inflammation occurs as the next line of defense. Inflammation is a powerful tool used by the body to fight off infection. Localized inflammation is a common response to most minor infections. Some types of inflammation can result from systemic infection where the entire body produces an inflammatory response. When this occurs the body often produces a fever; thereby, causing an increase in white blood-cells, helping to remove infection from throughout the body.

From MCVitamins - Build a healthy immune system that doesn't attack its own cells. More on autoimmunity to come... meanwhile

Read: The Immune and a Health Immune System




To Your Health


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