MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. How to Reverse a Fatty Liver
10 Lies & Misconceptions Spread by Mainstream Nutrition
3. Drugs for GERD Can Deplete the Body of B12
Dr. Weston Price and Curing Tooth Decay


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How to Reverse a Fatty Liver


The liver is the ONLY organ that can be reversed, if it is not totally destroyed. Dr. Berg created
a video on what he would do if he I had a fatty liver.


Fatty Liver



10 Lies & Misconceptions Spread by Mainstream Nutrition

Many mainstream nutritionists are guilty of spreading dietary myths and misconceptions that lead to poor health outcomes. Here, I review 10 of the most widespread lies that have been refuted by science

The National Academies’ Institute of Medicine recommends adults to get 45–65 percent of their calories from carbohydrates, 20–35 percent from fat, and 10–35 percent from protein. This is an inverse ideal fat to carb ratio that is virtually guaranteed to lead you astray and result in a heightened risk of chronic disease.

Most people likely benefit from 50-70 percent of calories as healthful fats in their diet for optimal health, whereas you need very few carbohydrates to maintain good health. Although that may seem like a lot, fat is much denser and consumes a much smaller portion of your meal plate

The low-fat myth may have done more harm to the health of millions than any other dietary recommendation as the resulting low-fat craze led to increased consumption of trans-fats, which we now know increases your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease—the very health problems wrongfully attributed to saturated fats

Most people use artificial sweeteners to lose weight and/or because they’re diabetic and need to avoid sugar. Ironically, nearly all the studies that have carefully analyzed artificial sweeteners show that those who use artificial sweeteners actually gain more weight than those who consume caloric sweeteners. Studies have also revealed that artificial sweeteners can be worse than sugar for diabetics

Fructose, soy, eggs, whole grains, milk, lunch meats, and genetically engineered foods are also victims of widespread misconceptions that threaten your health unless you get it “right”

Read Entire Article Nutrition



Drugs for GERD Can Deplete the Body of B12


This isn't surprising as a lot of side effects from drugs come about due to depletion of vitamins.  It has been known that Metformin creates a B12 deficiency and now the Journal of American Medical Association has published the findings of studies on GERD medications.


Of course, deficiencies of B12 can create numbness, pain, tingling - ie. neuropathy. 


Here is an article on what was found  GERD Drugs and B12


Replenishing B Vitamins




Dr. Weston Price and Curing Tooth Decay


Searching for the causes of dental decay and physical degeneration that Dr. Price observed daily in his dental practice, Dr. Price went to study “people with fine teeth” – the isolated “primitives”.

Read the Article on Dr. Weston Price - Dentist includes a free download


Learn more about Your teeth and repair






To Your Health






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