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1. Burning Feet
2.Tingling in Fingers, Hands, Feet, or Legs and Toes
3. Reflux, Heartburn, GERD
4. What Kind of Protein Should You Eat? 


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Burning Feet 

Burning feet is a condition in which feet feel painfully hot. Although it is common for people who are over 50 to complain about burning feet, people of all ages complain of this problem. Sometimes this burning can be so painful that the person has trouble sleeping and can be a source of continuous pain. 

What causes burning feet?

Sometimes burning feet can come from tired feet from being standing all day, It can come from being overweight. It can also come from shoes that don't fit properly. Dampness, together with friction, leads to the sensation of burning, so its important to buy shoes that let perspiration evaporate. Socks made of synthetic fabrics can make your feet hot and sweaty and can produce a burning feeling. Burning feet can come from an allergic reaction to shoe material or socks.

Sometimes it is a fungal infection such as athlete's foot. Allergic reactions from food, chemicals or medications can result in itching and burning sensation. Skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis can also result in an itching and burning. Gout can cause a burning sensation on the side of the foot.

Often burning feet is a common symptom of what is called neuropathy. You can find a list of reasons that a person can get burning feet, such as alcohol use, diabetes, nerve compression. etc. etc. but all the reasons have this one actual cause, neuropathy. 

Here is what a Podiatrist says about Burning Feet Causes

These are all neuropathy.

There are many, many ways a person can get neuropathy. But the bottom line is that somehow the nerve has become damaged. This damage can be mild or it can be severe or any where in between. 
There are various other symptoms associated with neuropathy in the feet, including foot pain and leg pain, numbness, tingling as well as the burning. These symptoms are most often described as burning sensation in feet while lying down, burning pain hands and feet, burning hands and feet at night. There can be other symptoms and it depends on the nerve that is damaged as well as the extent of the damage.

But these are nerve damage symptoms. 

Neuropathy is often felt in the feet first due to the length of the nerve which goes down the entire leg. There is a lot more area that can be damaged.

There are different methods that you can use to relieve this. You can find out about Neuropathy and the various ways to address it at Neuropathy 


Tingling in Fingers, Hands, Feet, or Legs and Toes

Tingling is an abnormal sensation that can occur anywhere in the body. It is most often felt in the fingers, hands, feet, arms or legs. It can be defined as a prickling, stinging sensation. It is more often called "pins and needles" or of a limb "falling asleep". It is also referred to as paresthesias by the medical profession.

Most often tingling is temporary and the result of pressure on the nerves such as when you sleep on your arm or cross your legs for too long. It is soon relieved by removing the pressure that caused it.

In some cases, however, tingling can be severe, and can be chronic. It can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as pain, numbness, and muscle weakness. In these cases, tingling is a sign of nerve damage, or neuropathy.

Neuropathy can be the result of injuring a nerve due to trauma, pressure on one the nerves of the spine such as a slipped or herniated disk, repetitive stress injuries, bacterial or viral infections, chemical toxicity, vitamin deficiencies caused by medications or poor diet. Diabetes is the most common cause and effects 60% of diabetics. The high blood sugar causes the nerve damage. There are many causes. For a list go to Causes of Neuropathy.

Finding the cause of neuropathy will enable you to eliminate the reason for the damage, and stop more damage from happening. This can be getting a spinal adjustment from a chiropractor to take the compression off of a nerve (as carpal tunnel syndrome or spinal misalignment). If you have diabetes, you can get control of your blood sugar. Finding out what deficiencies you have and correct them. For each cause, there is something that can be done to stop further damage.

What to do about the nerve damage that is already there?

Sometimes if the damage is not too bad, giving the body time to heal will eliminate the symptoms, but all too often, the body is missing the nutrients in the quantities it needs to build healthy nerves.

If it does not heal on its own, there are different ways to address this problem
which can be found in this article Neuropathy



Reflux, Heartburn. GERD

Heartburn is basically a condition where gastric juices back up into the esophagus, causing a burning sensation which radiates upward. It is usually part of a larger group of symptoms called "dyspepsis" or indigestion.

Read more at Reflux and what you can do about it



What Type of Protein Should You Eat?

We have a 10 minute video by Dr. Eric Berg about the types of protein that is best for you.

Eat Protein 




To Your Health





A Nerve Support Success - Noticeable Difference

Thousands of our customers are restoring their quality of life every day. They do it by using the WSN Nerve Support Formula.

The RHP Nerve Support Formula provides the correct nutritional help needed in order to support healthy nerves.

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From Beth Augee in Oregon


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From Mary Smith in Pennsylvania


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From Jane Norman in Alabama


The RHP Nerve Support Formula is a nutritional supplement that is specifically formulated for the support of healthy nerves, and it works extremely well.

You can order the WSN Nerve Support Formula by using our secure link:

RHP Nerve Support Formula

Or you can call us at (888) 758-5590

You can call or email us anytime you have a question because we want to make sure you get the results that you are after.