MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Detoxification - is it important?
2. How to have Healthy Cholesterol Levels
Nerve Damage caused by Toxins
4. The Fiber Myth
by Dr. Eric Berg

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Detoxification - is it important?

One thing is certain in our effort to purify our work and home environments it is impossible to avoid toxicity completely. With that realization, the importance of supporting your body's efforts to eliminate accumulated toxins cannot be overstated.

The liver is organ of detoxification, but it can use help.

Formerly it was believed that a water or juice fast was a preferred detoxification program. These fasts were thought to work under the principle that the body will be able to clear stored toxins and heal itself when the "stress" of digestion and the further accumulation of toxins are eliminated. 

Read Article on Detoxification

Read about the Liver, Organ of Detoxification 




How to Have Healthy Cholesterol Levels

I know that for a long time I kept hearing about high cholesterol and good and bad cholesterol and never really understood it.  When I started researching, I was glad to get rid of all my confusions. 

Understanding cholesterol, what it is and how it affects the body is written up in this article  Cholesterol 

But, now there is a product that can help lower it.  

Information about that product is on this page, or if you want to go right to the RHP Cholesterol Support Formula, you can read about it here  RHP Cholesterol Support Formula



Nerve Damage caused by Toxins

Nerve damage can be caused by toxins.  There is a lot of toxic things in the environment, you can find them on the food labels in your supermarket. 

Nerve Damage occurs when there is exposure to natural or artificial toxic substances.  These toxins are called neurotoxins. 

Neurotoxins alters the normal activity of the nervous system in such a way as to cause damage to nervous tissue. It is a destructive or poisonous effect upon the nerve system.  This can eventually disrupt and damage nerve cells.  

Neurotoxicity can result from exposure to substances used in chemotherapy, radiation treatment, drug therapies, drug abuse such as ecstasy, and organ transplants.  It can be caused by exposure to heavy metals, certain foods and food additives, pesticides, industrial and/or cleaning solvents, etc.

For more information to to Nerve Damage and Toxins 



The Fiber Myth

Bloating from fiber? 

See a Video by Dr. Eric Berg 




To Your Health





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