MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. When the Bones Lose Density - Osteoporosis
2. Butter or Margarine.  Which is better?
3. Do you Like Salt on Your Food?
Improve Your Health Without Drugs


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When the Bones Lose Density - Osteoporosis

I too often hear people talk about needing calcium without any concern for how they get their calcium.   I often see a bottle of Calcium Carbonate that they have been taking.  They feel they are taking the calcium needed for their health.

Calcium carbonate is nothing more than ground up rock.  Do you think the body will recognize it as food or that it has any co-factors that will help the body absorb, use it, or move it around the body so it doesn't lodge in their joints or blood vessels.

And when we talk about losing bone density, how are your teeth?  The teeth are bone and suffer from the same loss of needed minerals.

Here is our article about Bone Loss


Butter or Margarine. Which is Better?

Use butter in your recipes rather than margarine

Here's the reason why. Organic butter is in no way harmful to your body. In fact, it is one of the best sources of Vitamin A and is just as important for your immune system as Vitamin C. Butter also contains lecithin, which is the antagonist for cholesterol. Lecithin helps dissolve cholesterol so by avoiding butter you avoid the antidote (Lecithin), the very thing that will keep your cholesterol in a normal range.
Margarine, on the other hand, is made from cheap corn, cottonseed and soy oils. The oils are heated to very high temperatures, which destroy any nutritional value and the oils are also hydrogenated (added hydrogens to make a liquid into a solid). What is left is a gray colored, artificial plastic, which doesn't smell good and then it has to be bleached to remove color and smell. Lastly, food coloring and artificial flavoring are added.

Contrary to popular advertising, butter is the healthy choice so use it in your recipes!


Do you like Salt on your Food?

I can observe nutritional deficiencies by what a person chooses to eat.  One of the easiest ones is observing whether a person likes salty foods and does he like to add salt to his food.  

What does this mean?  A deficiency of salt?   No, it indicates that your adrenal glands are not functioning as well as they should.  It is commonly called adrenal fatigue or adrenal exhaustion.

What are some other symptoms of adrenal fatigue besides salt cravings – increased PMS symptoms, lack of energy, muscle weakness, fluid retention mild constipation alternating with diarrhea – there are many others, including the tendency to get the flu (as the adrenals are a major factor in your immune system).   There is also a feeling of being less able to handle stress, mild depression and absent-mindedness.

The adrenal glands are two small glands that sit over the kidneys. (Kidneys=renal; ad=above). They are responsible for secreting over 50 different hormones They are responsible for the regulation of the mineral metabolism (sodium, potassium, chloride), water balance, metabolism (utilization and distribution of carbohydrates, protein, and fat), allergic and immune reactions (such as hypersensitivity, allergies, and autoimmune diseases), and production of the male and female hormones (progesterone, testosterone, estrogens, DHEA, etc.).

You may have been experiencing this condition for years. Although there is increasing physician awareness, many are not familiar with adrenal fatigue as a distinct syndrome. Because of this lack of knowledge, patients suffer because they are not properly diagnosed or treated.

The onset of adrenal fatigue and exhaustion can occur because of financial pressures, infections, emotional stress, smoking, drugs, poor eating habits, sugar and white flour products, unemployment and several other stressors.  Stressors are something that create either physical or mental stress)

After experiencing many of these events over a long period of time, the adrenal glands tend to produce less cortical, the body’s master stress hormone. The main role in the body is to enable us to handle stress and maintain our immune systems. The adrenal gland’s struggle to meet the need for high amounts of cortical production eventually leading to the adrenal fatigue.

Another symptom is that some people feel tired in the morning, feeling better at noon and then have a lull at about 2-4 PM.  They tend to feel better at 6PM and feel they work better at night.  Sometimes they are exhausted at 9PM and in bed by 11 PM.

It is hard to test for a true diagnosis of adrenal fatigue.  Sometimes you have to test the adrenals and the thyroid because they work together as does all the glands.

It is important for patients to eat regular meals, chew food well, and eat by 10 AM and again for lunch. Patients should look to avoid any hydrogenated fats, caffeine, chocolate, white carbohydrates (flour sugar, etc) and junk foods. Diets should have a heavy emphasis on vegetables and some protein.  Sea salt should be used instead of refined table salt.

Supplementation is also an important component.

For more information see:   Adrenal Fatigue



Improve Your Health Without Drugs

People today are being put on drugs to handle neuropathy, diabetes, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, and high cholesterol and many other health conditions. Are drugs the answer to these health challenges or do they just make things worse? 

Factually, medical drugs are not the answer to the above health challenges. Doctors and researchers are now realizing that drugs are more often destructive and should not even be used, as you can see from these medical experts: 


"A type of therapy used by the majority of physicians in our country for the past fifty years is the administration of drugs at sublethal levels [sublethal: not quite enough to cause death]. Drugs of course, are alien chemicals that are not normally present in the cellular environment of the human body. They radically alter man’s internal environment and often create very severe and dangerous side effects." 

"Drugs do not halt or prevent the disease process, especially degenerative diseases. At best they offer only relief of symptoms, while the basic, underlying disease process continues uninterrupted." 

"Nature’s biological nutrients [gotten from food] have been used as a defense system for millions of years in the battle against all forms of disease. They are far more reliable and more time-proven than the relatively recent drug-therapy fads that have swept the modern world." 

"When our body cells are ailing, as they do in disease, the chances are excellent that it is because they are being given inadequate nutrition. The list of things that these cells may need includes not only all amino acids and all the minerals, plus trace elements [trace elements: simple chemical substances in very tiny amounts], but about fifteen vitamins and probably many other nutrients." 

"Drugs at best are only a palliative [palliative: treating only the symptoms of a disease, alleviating pain and symptoms without providing a cure] form of treatment. The basic fault of drugs is that they have no known connection with the disease process itself. Drugs are wholly unlike nature’s nutrients. They tend to mask the difficulty, not do away with it. They contaminate the body’s internal environment, create dependence on the part of the patient, and often complicate the physician’s job by erasing valuable clues as to the real source of the trouble." 

"Statistics tell us that as much as 5 percent of all hospital admissions – 1.5 million people – are now the result of negative reactions to legally gotten prescription drugs. Once a patient is in the hospital, his chances of getting a drug-created sickness more than doubles. This means that over three and a half million people experience drug-created internal contamination and dependence." 

"Many physicians are beginning to insist that the primary reliance in the battle against infectious disease – all forms of disease – should always be on weapons that are most similar to nature’s own biological weapons." 

"Nutrient therapy [using the vitamin, minerals and herbs found in nature], is a safe, economical, prevention oriented, and effective alternative to our current medical crisis." 

"The simple truth is that our country needs physicians who are interested in curing and preventing the causes of disease rather than merely treating symptoms." 

excerpted from "Brain Allergies"
by William H. Philpott, M.D. and Dwight K. Kalita, Ph.D. 


More people in the medical profession are now realizing that drugs are not the great solution they once thought them to be. In fact, the dangers of taking drugs have become headline news over the last few years, with drug companies being found to have hidden previously known side effects to many of their "wonder drugs."

There are safe ways to reduce neuropathy, lower blood sugar levels, lower triglycerides, lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol. It all starts with diet, proper nutrition (by supplementing with vitamins and minerals, as our food today has far less of them than 50 years ago), and putting a little exercise into your life. And, within weeks or a few months, health can be yours again. 

For building health - McVitamins Index




To Your Health





Adrenal Fatigue Formula

This product is targeted nutrition to support your adrenals, using recovery nutrients and glandular extracts (without the hormones). Over the years, the adrenal gland (stress gland) becomes tired and needs support. This product will help support adrenal fatigue. All stress is regulated by the adrenals and stress does accumulate. This product can help you sleep more soundly and wake up more refreshed.

What is the Adrenal Fatigue Formula?
This product is targeted nutrition to support your adrenals, using recovery nutrients and glandular extracts (without the hormones). Over the years, the adrenal gland (stress gland) becomes tired and needs support. This product will help support adrenal fatigue.

Why should I use the Adrenal Fatigue Formula?
Rarely does anyone support the gland that controls stress in their bodies. All stress is regulated by the adrenals and stress does accumulate. This product can help you sleep more soundly and wake up more refreshed.

What is unique about the Adrenal Fatigue Formula?
The Adrenal Fatigue Formula contains both adrenal glandular support and stress and recovery support. Very few adrenal formulas contain which we added: pituitary extract. The pituitary controls the adrenals and is involved in controlling stress in your body.

How long do I take it to create an effect?
Take the Adrenal Fatigue Formula for 3 months, at 1 before bed.

When do I take the Adrenal Fatigue Formula?
I recommend taking 1 before bed. Some people respond with 2 before bed depending on how stressed they are.

What is the Adrenal Fatigue Formula good for?
This product is good for stress reduction, sleep enhancement and relaxation.

How long does it take for this product to work?
Because this product is not a drug and does not contain hormones, the effect is gradual. However, most people notice a difference after the first dosage.

For more info go to Adrenal Fatigue Formula