MCVitamins News

From Your Nutritional Education Site

1. Fat Burning - A Simple Explanation of Fat Burning Hormones
2. Vitamins in Food - What Food has What Vitamins
3. Heartburn?  My Gut Feeling is That You Need More Acid
4. Ebola Can Be Prevented and Treated Naturally—So Why Are These Approaches Completely Ignored?


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Fat Burning - A Simple Explanation of Fat Burning Hormones


Dr. Berg gaves a very simple explanation of the role of cortisol, insulin and estrogen in turning off the fat burning hormones. 


Fat Burning


For more info on Acupressure for stress

For more info on Dr. Berg's Book on Hormones & Weight Loss




Vitamins in Food

Vitamins supplements are for handling deficiencies and for ensuring your really are getting enough of what you need.  

However, you can make sure that what ever it is you know you need, that you also eat the foods that contain that vitamin. 

Find out what Vitamins are in What Food.




Heartburn?  My Gut Feeling is That You Need More Acid by Suzy Cohen, RPH


Dear Pharmacist,
In a previous column on apple cider vinegar (ACV), you stated that “heartburn and reflux can sometimes be related to insufficient levels of stomach acid, not high levels like many of you who take acid blockers assume.” Really Suzy? I’ve been on Omeprazole for years for heartburn. My doctor says you’re nuts and got angry when I questioned him. –T.B. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Answer: Need More Acid?




Ebola: Experimental Drugs, But Not Proven Natural Remedies


Could some of the world’s oldest antivirals stop the spread of this deadly disease?

The World Health Organization (WHO) says Ebola virus disease (EVD) has a fatality rate of up to 90%. The virus is transmitted through direct physical contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood or other bodily fluids of infected animals or humans, and through indirect contact with environments contaminated with such fluids.


See the Full Article 

Another Article:  Ebola Can Be Prevented and Treated Naturally—So Why Are These Approaches Completely Ignored?





To Your Health





Nerve Support Success - A Lot of Relief

Healthy nerves don't cause tingling, numbness or pain in your fingers, toes, hands or feet. They don't experience pain or burning or cold sensations. Healthy nerves provide proper balance and coordination.

The Nerve Support Formula provides the correct nutritional help needed in order to build and support healthy nerves.

Here is what some of our customers have to say about using it:


"I can tell you that my nerves in my feet are much better than when I first started to use your formula. I have healthy feet that are not a problem. I started taking the Nerve Support in May (I think) of 2013. I wish I had found it a lot sooner.

"I think it might be useful for people to see that it can provide a lot of relief in a natural way."

From Arleen Watkins in Arizona


"I was skeptical about your Nerve Support actually making a difference. I had to do something, and bought your Nerve Support. The first thing I noticed was a noticeable improvement. My feet feel so much healthier. You have a great product."

From Wayne Hockmeyer in Florida


"I am glad to provide you with a testimonial to use, I tell all my friends about your wonderful product in hopes that it will help someone as well as it has helped me.

"The Nerve Support has given me healthy feet and hands. Thanks again for this great product!"

From Stephen Colburn in New Hampshire


The Nerve Support Formula is a nutritional supplement that is specifically formulated to help build healthy nerves, and it works extremely well.

To order the Nerve Support Formula you can use this Order Page:

Nerve Support Formula

If you have any questions, please email or call us at 888 758-5590