MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Look at Your Food
2. A Balanced Diet
3. 10 Foods Sold in the US that are Banned Elsewhere
4. One Man's Hypothesis On An Unknown Cause of Cancer


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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..."  Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")



Looking at your Food


We found this an interesting article especially about the concept of sweet food putting the body into motion.  It is worth a read and got me thinking about my cooking and preparation for a meal. 

Look at Your Food 




A Balanced Diet


Let's just undercut all the problems and eat well.  As much as we may all like it if we could eat whatever we want and supplement with vitamins..... it doesn't work.

Read  A Balanced Diet




10 Foods Sold in the US that are Banned Elsewhere


I remember a person who was raised in Lebanon telling me how when he first came to America, he was really impressed by the look of our produce.  Big juicy looking apples was the one he said looked great until he bit into it.  He said - "it had no flavor".  

"Americans are slowly realizing that food sold in the US doesn’t just taste different than foods sold in other countries, it’s created differently. Sadly, many U.S. foods are BANNED in Europe — and for good reason. Take a look at the plummeting health of Americans; what role might toxic foods play in our skyrocketing disease rates?"




One Man's Hypothesis On An Unknown Cause of Cancer


Unfortunately, the doctors who diagnose lung cancer are unaware of the fact that cancer mimics fungal infections. Unless one of the researchers was present during your lung cancer diagnosis, 100% of “lung nodules or masses” are diagnosed as “cancer” and 100% of you will begin invasive cancer treatment. I would certainly recommend that you tell your doctors to “fully rule-out fungus” as a causative factor before cancer therapies are initiated.

Here is the Article and Video on this Unknown Cause of Cancer




To Your Health
