MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site

1. Evidence Suggests Coffee May Actually Have Therapeutic Health Benefits
2. Alternative vs. Conventional Management (medicine)
3. Low Cholesterol Caution: Why you need Cholesterol
4. Dozens of Drugs, Chemicals and Other Artificial Additives are Given to Farm Animals

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Evidence Suggests Coffee May Actually Have Therapeutic Health Benefits

Many studies have recently been published suggesting coffee is not the health-damaging beverage it’s been portrayed to be; research now suggests coffee can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, stroke, and cancers of the liver, kidney and prostate.

Coffee lowers your blood glucose level and may even increase the metabolic activity and/or numbers of Bifidobacteria in your gastrointestinal tract, which are beneficial.

Fresh coffee from organic, whole beans that are pesticide-free can help keep your brain and muscle tissue young. Adding commercial milk or creamer, and worse yet sugar, will tend to diminish the value you receive from coffee

You should consume coffee in moderation prior to exercising, without sugar, cream or flavorings in order to maximize health benefits; dark roast coffee beans are richer in beneficial compounds and lower in caffeine than lighter roasts.

If you are caffeine sensitive or have an adverse reaction to coffee, you might not have the same reaction to a different brand of coffee, a different type of bean, or a different brewing method

For complete article:  Coffee Benefits



Alternative vs. Conventional Management

-Kat Drovdahl, MH, CR, DipHIr, CEIT Oregon


Why would someone want to consider the possibility of alternative whole herb management when we have a plethora of medications readily available to the average person? This article will give you a few things to consider for your farm and family.

Cost: Even though some medications are inexpensive monetarily, it is still hard to compete with the cost of dandelions, raspberry leaves, apples or other plants that may already be available in your yard, garden, kitchen cabinet or a walk to the ‘back forty’.

Ph: Whole herbs promote proper bloodstream Ph; whereas medications cause acidity.

Toxicity: All medications are toxic on a cellular level. Bodies were never meant to ingest nor have synthetic materials put into the bloodstream. Though one may not see the effect outwardly, the cells definitely do and are compromised.

Availability: There are so many herbs that one can grow on their own that are very beneficial. By learning to pick and dry your herbs properly you can have a nice winter supply. This removes the occasional backorder problem of drug companies, or having to trudge out in the weather late at night to the vet or doctor for something that could have been handled with simple herbs, love and knowledgeable care.

Freedom: As you grow in your knowledge of whole herb use, you will gain freedom from worry, freedom in your finances and schedule as your alternative animals & humans get healthier and hardier with each generation and passing year.

Milk/Lactation/Meat Withdrawals: Since your herbs will stay in the system for an average of 3 to 5 hours, and because you are taught to use plants that are not toxic, these concerns completely disappear. 

Nutrient Profiles: In synthetic medications there are none. In synthetic ‘nutrients’ or rock based ‘nutrients’ the body can be fooled for a time, but in the long run imbalances & other issues will occur. Plants are packed full of macro and micro nutrients- even the ones we haven’t even discovered yet or named, that our Creator knew in advance to put into the plants because we would need them.

Side Effects/Adverse Effects: If you remain with whole plants that are not toxic or poisonous for people or a specific creature, the side effects or adverse (negative) effects or symptoms will be rare. Occasionally there will be an allergy to a phytochemical (plant chemical) in the plant as it reacts with a chemical toxin in the body. In that case just stop using the plant and the symptoms should be gone in just a few hours. In the case of drugs; the effects may have already created permanent damage (or worse) by the time you have assessed what is going on. 
The half-lives of these drugs can be for hours, days or months, depending on the drug.

Growth /Production: Because of the dense phytochemical profiles of whole herbs, especially when used in multi-herb blends, their contribution to mental and physical growth and production of your young stock and children can be tremendous. This sets them up for the possibility to realize their created potential. Synthetic management, however, often will retard cellular a which may retard growth mentally or physically or organ wellness over time.

Vitalism or Working WITH the body: Medications are usually used to suppress symptoms or control the body. With whole herbs it is very easy to work WITH the body by providing the herbal nutrition it needs to heal itself, not just cover or ‘live with’ symptoms.

Do NO Harm: This clause was first espoused by our ‘Father of Medicine”, Hippocrates.  Synthetic medicine, as already discussed in prior topics, simply cannot meet this requirement. Whole herbs, however, easily meet and even supersede it by providing a multitude of nutrients which enable the body to move towards abundant wellness.

Kat Drovdahl and her husband reside in Oregon, where they are owned by their completely alternative herd of nationally recognized LaMancha and Toggenburg Dairy Goats. They also manage their Fjord horses, poultry, and assorted farm pets and gardens. Kat is a graduate of The School of Natural Healing and is the author of “The Accessible Pet, Equine, and LivestockHerbal”, a 517 page guide that builds confidence by teaching why to the herb & essential oil user in easy to very difficult situations that we face at home and on the farm. There is even a chapter on herb gardening for you! Copies and other articles can be obtained



Low Cholesterol Caution: Why you need Cholesterol

We frequently hear about the dangers of high cholesterol, but keeping cholesterol as low as many doctors recommend may be doing your body more harm than good.

Although conventional medicine has demonized cholesterol and many healthy foods as a consequence, too little cholesterol can be harmful in a variety of ways. Your body uses cholesterol to make cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, bile acids (to help you digest fats), and it’s vital to good brain function.



Dozens of Drugs, Chemicals and Other Artificial Additives are Given to Farm Animals

Imagine if you bought a toy for your child and then realized that the toy had never been tested for safety…whether it's the chemicals in the paint or small pieces that could break off - would you feel comfortable giving that toy to your child knowing how dangerous some "toys" can be?

Imagine buying a car seat for your infant that’s never been tested…

Since we have historically had some serious issues with infant car seats, we now realize now how dangerous they could be when improperly built without consideration of all the possibilities for injury or death.

Imagine buying a new car or flying in an airplane that wasn’t proven to be mechanically sound…

Most people would not do it because it is not worth it  to risk our lives or the lives of the ones we love in that way - no matter what the price break might be.

Yet, something so basic and so profound - which impacts far more people on a daily basis - is being consumed without the proper long term testing we would demand on all of these other products. 

Somehow government regulators, marketers and even parents seem to be completely unaware of this looming health threat.

What is this untested product?

GMOs, which stands for Genetically Modified Organisms...and I am not talking your average plant crossbreeding either!

GMOS are created by taking a gene from an animal or plant and forcing them into another plant (via bacteria or viruses used to eat through cell walls or other unnatural means) to create a brand new food product – food products that line our grocery store shelves but were never rigorously tested enough to claim that they are truly safe for consumption.

Well, 20 years later these studies are now starting to surface.

No matter what you think of the methodology, the following remains true: no one knows exactly what harm these GMO products are capable of and none of the big promises (bigger yields, time saved for the farmer, end to world hunger) have panned out...and yet, they are ubiquitous across the country.

This means that WE are the guinea pigs - the clinical trial is happening to us whether we like it or not... UNLESS we educate ourselves on how to avoid them.

Knowledge is Power! Here are a few rules of thumb for avoiding GMOs:

  • Avoid all non-organic corn, soy & canola (if not grown organically they are practically guaranteed to be GMO)

  • Buy from companies you trust that refuse to cut corners by using GMOs

  • Never eat factory farmed fish or cows/chickens/pigs fed non-organically

For more information, please enjoy my video, read the following article, and keep educating yourself so you can be better equipped to protect yourself and the ones you love from potentially unsafe, yet well-marketed products!

~ David Sandoval, Owner/Founder/Chief Science Officer, Purim Health Products 

More on this Subject  what to eat to live a healthy life. 




To Your Health
