MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. How Deficiencies Can Create Disease
2. Massage and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
By Rita Woods, LMT
3. Omega 3 Fatty Acids Help Brain Age Better
4. Neotame: 13,000 Times Sweeter Than Sugar And Even More    Toxic Than Aspartame
5. Benefits of Sunlight


How Deficiencies Can Create Disease

All the cells of the body need specific nutrition in order to survive and reproduce. They need in varying amounts depending on the cell involved, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins & minerals.   If they don’t get the nutrition they need including the vitamins and minerals, they won’t be able to function properly.

Let’s take a made up example:

In order to remain healthy, this cell needs the X vitamin, the Y vitamin and the Z vitamin in varying amounts.   It obtains these vitamins from the food the body eats.

But the person has bad dietary habits and goes to fast food restaurants and eats processed foods, which doesn’t provide much of the X vitamin. It may not even give the body any of the X vitamin. An X vitamin deficiency is created.  Maybe not at first, but after months and years of getting too little of what is needed, the body has a deficiency of the needed X vitamin which will effect the functioning of the cell.

The person also smokes.  The body uses the Y vitamin in order to capture and eliminate the various toxins inhaled while smoking.   Thus, if the person doesn’t get enough of the Y vitamin, it cannot protect the body from the toxins and there will not be enough of the Y vitamins to give the cells what they need on a day-to-day basis to function properly.

Thus we have created deficiencies.  The body needs these cells to be healthy in order to function properly.   If the cells don’t function properly, the tissue and the organs made up of these cells don’t function properly.  

What if the organ we are talking about is your heart?   Or your brain?   Or you digestive tract – which is responsible for getting all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals delivered to the other cells of the body.

When the body is not functioning properly it is called disease.  Disease is defined:   “a disordered or incorrectly functioning organ, part, structure, or system of the body resulting from the effect of genetic or developmental errors, infection, poisons, nutritional deficiency or imbalance, toxicity, or unfavorable environmental factors.”  

Infection?  The body in order to fight the infection must use the Z vitamin, But, while using the Z vitamin to fight the infection, the body doesn’t have enough of the vitamin to give it to the cell that needs the Z vitamin to function properly.   Thus, this deficiency will result in an incorrectly functioning organ.

There are many other examples. There are many deficiencies that can create so many problems in the body.    

How many could be causing the health problems you currently have?  


Massage and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy  By Rita Woods, LMT

Here is some more help for neuropathy pain, helping the tissues to get more oxygen.   

Massage for Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

For going to the cause of Neuropathy



Omega 3 Fatty Acids Help Brain Age Better

A new study shows that people with low levels of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly those found in fish, such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are more likely to have memory problems.

Researchers say the results suggest diets lacking in omega-3 fatty acids may cause the brain to age faster

For the complete story Omega 3 Fatty Acids Help Brain Age Better

For a good quality fish oil - Cold Water Fish Oil


Neotame: 13,000 Times Sweeter Than Sugar And Even More Toxic Than Aspartame

© Prevent

In the event that the public becomes too informed and savvy about toxic additives in our food supply, what's a multi-billion dollar industry to do? The first step is to create another more toxic version of the additive. The second step is to collude with regulatory authorities such as the FDA to convince the public that the new, more toxic additive is safe. The third and final step is to prevent the toxic additive from being listed on any ingredient labels. From the folks that brought us Aspartame, meet Neotame, a deadly sweetener that you'll never see on a label because...well that's just the way the FDA wants it.

For the full article Neotame



Benefits of Sunlight

For years its seems that we've been told to stay out of the sun as it might cause health problems, this appears to be just opposite of the truth.  It seems there is a lot of talk about the benefits of Vitamin D.
Well, interestingly enough, the best source of Vitamin D is sunlight. The body will produce its own Vitamin D if it gets into the sun.

There is a free guide to the Benefits of Sunlight at Dr. Mercola's website.  You can get it for yourself at Benefits of Sunlight


To Your Health





A Neuropathy Success - I Have No Neuropathy Symptoms At All

Thousands of our customers are restoring their quality of life every day. They do it by reducing and getting rid of their neuropathy by using the WSN Nerve Support Formula, which nutritionally supports the body's ability to address the cause of the problem.

Here are some stories of our customers who are using the WSN Nerve Support Formula:


"I have to say that at the moment I have no neuropathy symptoms at all - my feet and legs no longer 'twitch' or cause me any discomfort, so the WSN Nerve Support has obviously done the job after 3-4 years of regular use. I used to take 4 a day, 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening, and I believe that regular use of the capsules got rid of the neuropathy, or at least has diminished the symptoms almost entirely.

"Thank you for your interest in my ongoing condition, I have appreciated your help during the time I have been taking the Nerve Support."

From Enid Harwood in the United Kingdom

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"I started taking WSN Nerve Support capsules in February of 2010. Before starting them, I had been experiencing stabbing pain in my feet. My foot would become very red and hot, or sometimes very cold. The tingling was driving me nuts. It was extremely difficult to drive, exercise, sit in a car, or sit at a movie.

"One day I was googling Neuropathy, and Wellness Support Network came up on my screen. I wanted to try it and placed an order. My husband was very skeptical and didn't even want me to open the bottle. I decided to honor his wishes and sent the unopened bottle back.

"Then, several weeks or months later, still suffering from all the same symptoms, I had a test done at my Neurologist's office and it came out negative for neuropathy! I was still suffering the pain, tingling, and hot and cold changes in my feet. I told the Physician's Assistant in the office I knew I had neuropathy even though the test came out negative. She said sometimes you can have small vessel neuropathy and there was nothing else their office could do for me.

"I decided it wasn't my husband's feet that were hurting, so I ordered the Nerve Support capsules again. I started out taking one capsule in the morning and one at night. The tingling and pain went away!

"Then one day my husband said to me, 'You don't have neuropathy.'  When I asked him how he knew that, he said, 'Because ever since they told you at the Neurologist's office you don't have neuropathy, you quit complaining.'  I told him the reason I hadn't been complaining was because the WSN Nerve Support capsules were working, not because I was told my test was negative.

"So, I started taking the one capsule in the morning and one at night in February of 2010, as I said earlier and that's still all I take. Every once in a while if my foot is cold or has slight tingling, I take an extra capsule. But this doesn't happen often. I don't want to make it sound as if my husband isn't wonderful, because he is! But, I'm glad I didn't listen to everything he said and tried the capsules after all! It's been Wonderful for me. And I will always continue to take it!"

Bonnie Rochette in Colorado

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"I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy in the Fall of 2010 by a neurologist based on nerve testing. It came on suddenly with a cold feeling in the feet and later numbness and pain in walking which continued to worsen. I am not diabetic so no cause was assigned.

"I saw the Nerve Support product on the internet and decided to give it a try. I did not experience immediate improvement. I started with 4 capsules/day and gradually got to 12/day which I continued for some months. Although the condition did not worsen I did not feel real improvement until 4-5 months after starting the product.

"Sixteen months after first experiencing peripheral neuropathy and getting gradual improvement, peripheral neuropathy is no longer an issue. Numbness and pain in walking are now gone. I continue a maintenance dose of 2 capsules/day."

From Ray Tarpley in Tennessee

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The WSN Nerve Support Formula is a medical food that is specifically formulated for the dietary management of neuropathy, and it works extremely well.

You can learn more and order the WSN Nerve Support Formula by using our secure link:

Or you can call us at 888 758-5590

You can call or email us anytime you have a question because we want to make sure you get the results that you are after.