MCVitamins News
Your Nutritional Education Site

1. Five Myths of Neuropathy
2. Chemotherapy Drugs Mutate DNA in Offspring
3. Handling Pain - NSAIDS vs. Herbs
4. Lowering Blood Pressure: The Medications and the
Natural Treatments


Five Myths of Neuropathy by Dr. David Bailey

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of confusing and even misleading information out there. Effective information to help your neuropathy can be hard to find because you are different than anyone else. Your neuropathy has a different combination of causes..

Another possible reason for confusion is the outdated or misleading medical research data.  This comes from "best guesses" from both neuropathy sufferers and medical practitioners being reproduced as facts, and just plain old rumors. These all contribute to a lot of very basic misinformation about neuropathy. 

Myths of Neuropathy


Chemotherapy Drugs Mutate DNA in Offspring

According to a recent study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), researchers have discovered that common chemotherapy drugs can cause DNA mutations not only in mice that receive treatment, but also in their offspring. What this means is that apparently the germ cell genome in treated mice becomes “destabilized” in such a way from the mutagenic effects of the chemotherapy drugs that the mutations are then passed onto their progeny.

Chemotherapy & DNA in Offspring



Handling Pain - NSAIDS vs. Herbs 

What Are NSAIDs? 

NSAID is an acronym for Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug. 

The most important landmark study on NSAIDs appeared in the conservative New England Journal of Medicine in 1999. This publication is one of the two most prestigious medical journals in the eyes of medical doctors in the United States. In this study it was estimated that the number of hospitalizations in the Unite States for serious gastrointestinal complications from NSAIDs was at least 103,000 patients per year. In the same study it was estimated that 16,500 NSAID related deaths occurred every year in the USA.    

Aspirin, including baby aspirin, is the most basic NSAID. Other more sophisticated NSAIDs are available over the counter as well as stronger ones by prescription such as Celebrex currently advertised on TV.

In 2005 an article in the American Journal of Gastroenterology, estimated a low end of yearly deaths at 3200. The truth is probably somewhere in between the two articles, which would be about 10,000 deaths per year.

Herbal Alternative    

One of the best selling supplements in our office, because it is so good against pain, is called Inflavonoid. It contains Vitamin C, Tumeric, Lemon Bioflavonoid Complex, Ginger, etc. It is a natural supplement to help with minor pains and promote healthy tissue. Drop by and I will test it out on you. This product reduces pain and inflammation and is economical. It has other health benefits as well. 

Dr. Mike Spearman
Spearman Better Health Center  

Metagenics Inflavonoid

Inflavonoid is expertly formulated to provide relief from minor pain and support healthy muscle tissue. It is the perfect choice for patients whose muscles are impacted by physical stressors, poor posture, and even inactivity.
  • Provides Ayurvedic herbs traditionally used to support healthy muscle tissue.*
  • Provides lemon bioflavonoids and vitamin C, which help to protect connective tissues from damaging free radicals

Available with your health care professional or click here at Inflavonoid


Lowering Blood Pressure: The Medications and the
Natural Treatments

There are various methods of lowering blood pressure, all involve relaxing the small smooth muscles inside your arteries.  

The Medications


If you take blood pressure medications to address hypertension, you will need to take a blood pressure lowering drug for the rest of your life. These medications do not change the underlying reason that the blood pressure is high and so you have to take the medications continuously for them to work.


These drugs are attempting to address the reason for hypertension, which is the small smooth muscles inside your arteries that tense up. When these muscles tense up, the arteries become narrower, more rigid and less flexible. These medications will lower pressure by slowing your heart beat, interfering with nerve impulses to your arteries, removing water from your body, blocking biochemical reactions, or preventing calcium from entering the cells that make up the walls of your arteries.

Blood Pressure medications alter basic body functions not only in the blood vessels but other parts of the body as well.   Because all of the body’s systems work together, these drugs can create a wide array of side effects. 

There are different types of blood pressure medications.  

Beta-blockers:  are used to control irregular heartbeats. These drugs limit the ability of the heart to beat faster and as a result they reduce the ability of the person to or to physically respond to fight or flight during an emergency.  Fatigue is a side effect.  Beta Blockers can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. 

ACE Inhibitors:  Lowers blood pressure by decreasing certain substances in the blood that tighten the blood vessels.   It will dilate the blood vessels so the blood will flow more smoothly and the heart can pump blood more effectively using less pressure.  Common side effects are violent cough, dizziness, fatigue and flu like symptoms.  It can also produce a pounding or uneven heart beat.

Diuretics:  Stimulates the kidneys to flush excess fluid and sodium out of the body.  Less blood volume allows the heart to move the blood easier.  Side effects are loss of potassium, dry mouth, and dehydration.

Calcium Channel blockers:  Keeps the blood vessels and heart from absorbing calcium, which causes the blood vessels to relax.  Common side effects are headache, nausea, constipation, rash, dizziness and fluid retention.

Alpha Blockers:  stops certain nerve impulses to the blood vessels causing the vessels to relax.  Common side effects are low blood pressure, dizziness, headache, pounding heartbeat, nausea, fatigue, fluid retention and an increase of the cholesterol levels in the blood. 

Vasodilators:  Cause the muscles in the blood vessels to relax, preventing the muscles from tightening and the walls of the blood vessels from narrowing.   Side effects are headache, nasal congestion, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, pounding heartbeat, fluid retention, fluid retention and dizziness.

Sometimes taking two or three of these drugs is recommended to be used at the same time, which creates even more side effects as a result of the chemical interactions between the medications.

Natural Treatments:  Addressing the underlying cause of the high blood pressure

Since blood pressure is affected by the small smooth muscles that line the inside walls of your blood vessels, the reason that these muscles tense up needs to be addressed.


The Reason:  The loss of vital minerals by poor diet, nutritional deficiencies, being overweight, alcohol and caffeine in excess, emotional and physical stress and being diabetic results in these small muscles tensing up.


It is the replacement of vital minerals to your body that is essential to the natural and effective control of blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels and making them supple again.


Taking the vitamins and minerals your body is deficient in will naturally relax the muscles, relax the blood vessels and lower the blood pressure. 

Magnesium is a key mineral.  The body needs a proper balance of potassium, sodium and calcium.  When the body is deficient in magnesium, the balance is disrupted.


We can’t get enough magnesium in our food supply as the soil is depleted of magnesium, and other vital vitamins and minerals.  Thus, supplementing our diet with whole food nutrients that will nourish the cells of your arteries will naturally lower blood.

For more information: High Blood Pressure




To Your Health





A Neuropathy Success - The Pain Has Disappeared

Neuropathy is often caused by prescription medications, diabetes, surgeries, toxins, vitamin deficiencies and injuries.

Fortunately neuropathy can often be reversed with the correct nutrition and even gotten rid of entirely when using the WSN Nerve Support Formula.

Here is what some of our customers have to say about using it:

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"I was diagnosed with diabetes last August and originally had a blood sugar level of 455. I was prescribed Glipizide & insulin to control the diabetes and my average morning reading was 108.

"At the same time my doctor put me on statin drugs to control my cholesterol. Within a few weeks my legs were in so much pain that it was unbearable. It was like boiling water had been poured over my legs and my feet were only just bearable to walk on.

"After talking with many people I was advised to stop taking the statins and I started researching my nerve problems over the Internet. I came across your site and immediately sent off for a months supply of Nerve Support Formula to try.

"I took 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening and within 4 or 5 days my legs started to get better. I continue to take the capsules and I can only say that without them I could not even consider driving a car four moths ago, but now I am back in my race car enjoying life to the full."

From John E Forsyth in the United Kingdom

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"I am glad to write about my recovery. The nerves in my toes of both feet were damaged and the injury kept getting worse until I could not walk at all because of swollen feet and terrible pain.  

"I came across WSN Nerve Support Formula capsules while surfing the 'net for something to relieve the pain in my feet which I suspected was from nerve damage because of the tingling sensation and extreme sensitivity.  

"I took a chance and ordered the product and have been taking these capsules for three months. I started with six capsules (3 with breakfast and 3 with lunch) and upped the dosage to eight capsules (2 with dinner) after the first month. The pain in my feet got less and an old injury in my shoulder joint which bothered me also got better much to my surprise.

"Three months after first starting the capsules, the pain has disappeared and the swelling in my feet is going down. Because I no longer have nerve pain, I am taking four capsules a day. Increasing the dosage speeded up my recovery and relieved unbearable nerve pain. Thanks for helping me stay the course."

From Tina Bleach in Illinois

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"Nearly 1 year ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Among other symptoms, my feet were very sensitive and painful. The doctor put me on 4 types of prescription medicines, 1 of which was Avandia.

"About 3 weeks later, I heard on the radio that 5 people had died while taking Avandia. I've never liked drugs in the first place, so I threw away all 4 prescriptions! I immediately got online in search of alternative remedies. I found WSN's Nerve Support Formula and decided, What do I have to lose?

"At this point the coldness, lack of circulation, and "sharp as needles" pain in both feet was scaring me. I have an acquaintance who just had both feet amputated due to Diabetes.

"I took 2 capsules, three times a day, for the first 3 weeks. My feet hurt about half as much. How wonderful! Gradually, they are hurting less and less. I now take 2 each morning and 2 each nite and will continue to do so, because my feet are very close to the way they felt before the Diabetes.

"I am so grateful for the "Nerve Support" and recommend it to anyone who suffers from neuropathy. It is truely a "blessing" and I am forever grateful for it."

From Jeanne Powers in Montana

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The WSN Nerve Support Formula is a medical food that is specifically formulated for the dietary management of neuropathy, and it works extremely well.

You can learn more and order the WSN Nerve Support Formula by going to: Nerve Support Formula

Or you can call us at 888 758 5590

You can call or email us anytime you have a question because we want to make sure you get the results that you are after.