MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. More Veterinary Nutritionists Endorse Grain-Based Dog Food???
2. Treating Gum Disease may treat Erectile Dysfunction
3. Anti-Aging - What you can do
4. Why taking Antibiotics during Pregnancy is a bad idea.

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"We need to shift our focus from treating disease to generating health..."  Hippocrates (AMA"The Father of Medicine")


More Veterinary Nutritionists Endorse Grain-Based Dog Food

It seems veterinarians are now being offered pet food “talking points” from board-certified veterinary nutritionists. Presumably these talking points can be used to debate pet owners concerned about the quality of commercial pet food.

It often takes years for the effects of a poor diet to appear in both people and pets. And it is customary for many DVMs to NOT connect the dots between, for example, organ failure in a middle-aged pet and a long history of low quality nutrition.

While it’s true very large pet food manufacturers have funded most of the pet nutrition studies done to date, that research – upon which the traditional veterinary community, including veterinary nutritionists, depend -- cannot be considered objective.

Pet owners in search of the best nutrition for their dog or cat should neither blindly trust pet food marketing claims nor assume large pet food manufacturers make high quality, species-appropriate diets. We recommend you do your own research and learn all you can about appropriate nutrition for your companion animal.

For Full Story about Dog or Cat Nutrition



Treating Gum Disease may treat Erectile Dysfunction

Better-smelling breath may not be the only way that treating gum disease benefits your sex life, new research says improving the gums may also improve erectile dysfunction. 

Read:  Gum Disease & ED

For more information on treating Gum Disease & Periodontal Disease



Anti-Aging - What you can do

Aging is a problem as the body slows down, its can be stiffer in the morning, eye site a problem, etc. etc.  But this isn't a disease, and it isn't natural.   Years of poor nutrition can bring on deficiencies that create all sorts of problems.   Read our article on Aging & Anti-Aging

Find out about the Dr's Formula Anti-Aging Formula  This is a product we just found out about that creates amazing changes.



Why taking Antibiotics during Pregnancy is a bad idea.

Recent research shows children whose mothers took antibiotics during their pregnancy were more likely to develop asthma, compared to those whose mother did not take antibiotics

Children predisposed to asthma due to their mother having the condition were twice as likely to develop asthma if their mother used antibiotics during the third trimester, compared to those whose mother did not use antibiotics

The baby gets his or her first "inoculation" of gut flora from the mother’s birth canal during childbirth, which is why a mother’s use of antibiotics during pregnancy may predispose the child to asthma and a variety of other ailments, including neurological dysfunction and autoimmune disorders

The frivolous use of antibiotics, not just in medicine, but also in food production, is the root cause of skyrocketing antibiotic resistance

Between the years of 1993 and 2005, the number of Americans hospitalized due to the antibiotic-resistant “superbug” MRSA skyrocketed from about 2,000 to 370,000. Currently, MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant infections kill about 60,000 Americans annually, and account for billions of dollars in health care costs

For complete article - Antibiotics and Pregnancy


To Your Health
