MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Leaky Gut
2. Every Cancer can be Cured in Weeks - Video 
3. Fish Oil And Nerve Pain Relief 
4. Fiber - It Can Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels


Leaky Gut

The digestive tract is a complex affair. This is a twisted tube, from mouth to anus, is not "in" the body. Interestingly, if you were to lay out this tube, with all its folds laid flat, it would cover a tennis court. If it were leaky, you would be in trouble.

A regimen of soda, donuts, antacids, antibiotics and processed food alone, could lead to trouble. The unhealthy aspects of these, along with a host of other junk many of us consume, can lead to leaky gut. 

Leaky gut means the delicate lining, especially of the 24-foot long small intestine, is not quite as robust as it once was. Undigested food particles can slip through the lining into the capillaries or lymph vessels which are similar to vein capillaries. These undigested food particles contain chains of amino acids which should be broken down into single amino acids.

These chains of amino acids look like viruses, bacteria or other microscopic parasites to the immune system and an immune response is initiated. Because the lining is undernourished, it continues to leak and the immune system continues to attack. At first the response is like the police calming down a riot. An advanced response feels more like war. Inflammation is always part of an immune response. In medical speak - inflammation means pain, redness, heat, and swelling or any one of these.

Eating overall healthy food is part of the handling. Healing the lining with specialized, highly concentrated foods, herbs and the like is the other part of the healing process.

How healthy do you eat? Do you have a leaky gut? 


Dr. Mike Spearman
Spearman Better Health Center
1279 N. Berendo St.
Los Angeles, CA. 90029
(323) 663-1066 


Every Cancer can be Cured in Weeks - Video 

Dr. Leonard Coldwell states that all cancers can be cured within four months. Listen to his reasons behind that statement and how it may be done 


Fish Oil and Nerve Pain Relief 

Nerve pain, also called neuralgia, is pain that follows the pathway of the nerve. It can have many different causes, but often the cause is unknown. 

Sometimes a primary external agent or cause at a particular site along the nerve pathway can be identified. Chemicals, inflammation, compression of tissues, tissue damage from accident or surgery and tumors can all cause nerve pain. 

One common form of nerve pain causes discomfort in the face and surface of the eye. Other forms of nerve pain are triggered by specific conditions, such as shingles and diabetes.

Neuralgia often develops into a condition called neuropathic pain. When neuralgia becomes chronic, it can cause deterioration of the myelin sheath that surrounds and insulates pain nerves. 

Then, just like an electrical circuit with exposed wiring, nerves that shouldn't be communicating directly with each other cross paths and create a feedback loop that perpetuates pain. 

Dr. Gorgon Ko describes several case studies of chronic pain in the February 2010 "Clinical Journal of Pain." Five patients with neuropathic pain experienced lasting relief by taking high dosages of EPA and DHA. Dosages of 2,400 to 7,200 mg a day contributed to improvements that were maintained for as long as 19 months.

It then follows that the higher the Omega-3 (EPA & DHA) content of the fish oil, the more it will nutritionally support and help your body to maintain normal nerve function.

* Average fish oil has 300 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s.
* Higher Quality fish oil has 600 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s.
* WSN Cold Water Fish Oil has 1200 mg (EPA & DHA) Omega-3s.

WSN Cold Water Fish Oil gel caps are also "enteric coated" so that they do not dissolve until they pass through the stomach and reach the intestines. That way there are no "fishy burps" or aftertaste.

Not all fish oils are the same. The highest quality fish oil comes from cold water fish, and the best cold water fish oil comes from the deep cold waters off the Norwegian coast. If the label does not state "cold water," it is low quality warm water fish oil.

To learn more about Cold Water Fish Oil go to: 

Fiber - It Can Lower Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels

A diet rich in fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood sugar in diabetics. Many diabetics can significantly lower their blood sugar, and as a result, reduce their diabetic and cholesterol medications or stop taking them altogether, by eating lots of high fiber foods.

A recent study published in the May issue of The New England Journal of Medicine found that blood sugar levels were reduced by 8.9% on a high fiber diet. It also lowered cholesterol and triglycerides.

Fiber comes from the cell walls of plants. Additionally, fiber and water work together to keep the bowels regular.

Unfortunately, the majority of high fiber foods also contain a high amount of carbohydrates, and if you are diabetic, those will increase your blood sugar levels dramatically.

Below are lists of low-carb foods that are also high in fiber, along with the approximate number of grams of fiber they contain.

The fiber content shown is for a quantity of 1/2 cup.

Low-Carb Fruits

Low-Carb Vegetables

Including more of the above foods in your diet will help in lowering blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

You should make changes to your diet to include more high fiber foods, and do it gradually. Just add a few grams at a time so that your digestive system can adjust.

It’s best to increase the amount of fiber in your diet over several weeks. This prevents problems with stomach-aches, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

The message is, increase the amount of fiber in your diet!

Need to maintain normal blood sugar go to find out more about Diabetes and what you can do about it. 




To Your Health,



A Sleep Success - I Find That I Fall Asleep Quicker

Side effects from habit forming drugs purchased over the counter or prescribed by a doctor as a solution to get to sleep can often create other health problems. 

Now there is a safe and effective way to help your body get the sleep you need on a daily basis.

The WSN Sleep Support Formula addresses the causes of sleeplessness by supplying your body with the nutrition it needs to be able to support a relaxed and calm state of mind, to get a restful night's sleep, and it can be safely used as often as needed.

Here is what one of our customers has to say about using it:


"Since I've been taking the Sleep formula I have experienced more sound regular sleep, with no 'hangover.' I find that I fall asleep quicker.

"Two tablets per night have worked wonders for me, as I had been experiencing many sleep-deprived nights. 

"The Sleep Support Formula is an excellent product, and I highly recommend it."

From James Hamilton in Ohio


The WSN Sleep Support Formula is a medical food specifically formulated for the dietary management of sleeplessness. 

You can find out more or order the WSN Sleep Support Formula by using our secure link: 

Or you can call us at (888) 758-5590.