MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Why You Don't Want Reduced Fat Milk in Your Diet
2. What You Can Do to Boost the Effectiveness of Vitamin C
Protect Yourself from a “Food” Ingredient That Causes Nerve Damage
4. New research now links HFCS to liver damage and obesity


Why You Don’t Want Reduced Fat Milk in Your Diet!

If you were to visit a milk processing plant, you would see it is filled with all types of stainless steel equipment and machinery.

Inside that machinery, the milk shipped from farms around the processing plant is completely re-made, so that there is so much protein, so much butterfat, etc.

This is done so that the milk products produced are both uniform and meet the standards for milk products set by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

First the milk is separated with special machinery into fat, protein and various other solids and liquids. Once separated, these are remixed to set levels for whole, low-fat and no-fat milks.

The butterfat left over goes into butter, cream, cheese, toppings and ice cream.

When the fat is removed to make reduced fat milks, they replace the fat with powdered milk concentrate. All reduced-fat milks have dried skim milk added to give them body, although this ingredient is not usually on the labels.

The powdered skim milk concentrate is created by high temperature spray drying. The result is a very high-protein, low-fat product.

The milk is forced through a tiny hole at high pressure, and then blown out into the air. This causes the cholesterol in the milk to oxidize (chemically changed).

NOTE: The natural cholesterol found in food contributes to health and is a vital part of every cell membrane in your body.

However, you do not want to eat oxidized cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol contributes to atherosclerosis (the buildup of plaque inside the arteries), which causes high blood pressure that eventually leads to heart attacks and strokes.

So when you drink any kind of reduced-fat milk thinking that it will help you avoid heart disease, you are actually consuming oxidized cholesterol, which contributes to the process of heart disease as it builds up on the inside walls of your arteries.

The moral to this story is stay away from any kind of reduced fat milk. If you are going to buy milk buy only whole milk!

If you are lucky enough to live where it is available buy raw unpasturized milk, one of nature’s finest foods.

What You Can Do to Boost the Effectiveness of Vitamin C

In numerous studies, vitamin C has been shown to protect against infection, the common cold, and support a healthy cardiovascular system, when taken correctly.

It’s important to know how much to take and how often to take it.

The following excerpts are from studies done using ascorbic acid or ascorbate, two common forms of "vitamin C".

"Higher levels of vitamin C can be protective against damage to blood vessels, and greatly reduce death rates in the elderly."

"Blood levels [of vitamin C] increase substantially with a larger dose and these higher amounts are excreted more quickly."

"A 1,250 mg dose raises blood levels more than a 200 mg dose for the first six hours. Larger doses provide an even bigger increase in blood levels in the first six hour period."

"For the second six hour period, these and even higher doses give similar blood levels."

How can this be? How can you take a 1,250 mg dose (or even two, three or four times this amount) or as little as a 200 mg dose and have virtually no vitamin C in the blood after six hours? There is a reason:

"Vitamin C has a short half-life in the blood."

A "half-life" is the amount of time it takes for half of the vitamin C to be depleted from the blood stream. The half-life of vitamin C in the blood is 30 minutes.

This means that every 30 minutes there is only one-half of the vitamin C left!

As an example, say you start with 1,250 mg of vitamin C in your blood stream. In 30 minutes you have only 625 mg left. After 30 more minutes you have only 312 mgs. In another 30 minutes you’re down to 156 mg (that’s after only 1 hour and 30 minutes).

If you continue reducing by half every 30 minutes, six hours after you took the initial amount of 1,250 mg of vitamin C, the amount left in your blood stream is less than 0.5 mg. Basically there is nothing left.

"Taking an oral dose will raise blood levels for only a few hours."

"The benefit of a single dose is short lived. If high levels of vitamin C provide protection against the common cold, then a single multi-gram dose of vitamin C would have little more effectiveness than a 500 mg dose."

"In the prevention of colds and other diseases, if a single dose of vitamin C raises blood levels for about six hours or one quarter of the day, the person is unprotected for the other three quarters of the time."

"Five 100 mg doses taken at intervals through the day would raise average blood levels more than a single one-gram dose."

excerpted from Ascorbate, The Science of Vitamin C
by Dr. Steve Hickey & Dr. Hilary Roberts

Wellness Support Network provides absolutely the finest and most effective vitamin C available anywhere at any price!

WSN® Vitamin C is a concentrated whole food that your body recognizes and uses!

Use the link below to find out more:


Protect Yourself from a “Food” Ingredient That Causes Nerve Damage!

Following the Second World War food companies discovered monosodium glutamate (MSG), a food ingredient the Japanese had invented in 1908 to enhance food flavors.

Unfortunately, MSG is extremely toxic, especially to your nervous system!

The fast food industry could not exist without MSG and other artificial meat flavors to make their sauces and spice mixes. The sauces in processed foods are basically MSG, water, thickeners and some caramel coloring.

MSG tricks your tongue into thinking that it is getting something nutritious when it is getting nothing at all except some very toxic substances.

Almost all canned soups and stews contain MSG. Salad dressings, Worcestershire sauce, rice mixes, dehydrated soups, all of these as well as anything that has a meat-like taste has MSG in it.

Most processed vegetarian foods contain these flavorings. The list of ingredients in vegetarian hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, baloney, etc., often includes “hydrolyzed protein” (another name for MSG) and other "natural" flavorings. Almost all soy-based foods contain large amounts of MSG.

In 1957 scientists found that mice became blind and obese when given MSG. In 1969, MSG was found to cause damage in specific regions of the brain. Subsequent studies confirmed this.

MSG is a substance that has a toxic effect on nerves and the nervous system that causes a wide range of reactions, from temporary headaches to permanent brain damage.

We are experiencing today a huge increase in Alzheimer's, brain cancer, seizures, multiple sclerosis, and diseases of the nervous system. One of the chief contributors are these flavorings in our food.

Ninety-five percent of processed foods contain MSG!

In the late 1950’s it was added to baby food. After some congressional hearings on this subject, the baby food manufacturers stated they had taken it out of the baby food, but they didn't really remove it. They just called it by another name - “hydrolyzed protein”!

Anything that you buy that says "spices" or "natural flavors" contains MSG! The food industry avoids putting MSG on the label by putting MSG in spice mixes. Legally, if the mix is less than 50% MSG, manufacturers don't have to put it on the label.

The phrase "No MSG" on food labels has virtually disappeared. That's because MSG is in all the spice mixes.

This substance is so harmful to your body that you want to avoid all foods containing MSG!

To do this successfully you must take the time when shopping to read the ingredients labels on the foods you buy!

To help you to determine what foods actually contain MSG we have compiled a list of ingredients (in alphabetical order) that ALWAYS contain MSG!

Autolyzed plant protein
Autolyzed yeast
Calcium caseinate
Glutamate Textured protein
Glutamic acid
Hydrolyzed Plant Protein (HPP)
(any protein that is hydrolyzed)
Hydrolyzed protein
Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (HVP)
Monopotassium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate
Natural flavors
Sodium caseinate
Textured protein
Yeast extract
Yeast food
Yeast food nutrient

By eliminating as much MSG as possible from your diet, it will result in greatly improved health for you and your family, both now and in the future!

New research now links HFCS to liver damage and obesity

Two new studies have added more reason for concern that high-fructose corn syrup causes significantly more harm to the body than its mere sugar content would suggest 


A Neuropathy Success - Mom Had to Be Next to Dad with His Wheelchair

It's very rewarding to be able to help people who have neuropathy, with a product that is safe and not a drug. The Nerve Support Formula is a product that, through nutrition, actually addresses their neuropathy condition.

I receive success stories from our customers every week. I'm interested in hearing about your success with the Nerve Support Formula as well.

Here are just a few of the stories our customers have recently sent to me:


"My wife Linda has neuropathy. She hurt badly in her back, down her thighs and legs and in her feet and ankles. She said it felt sometimes like liquid fire running down her legs to her feet. After going to a neurologist and having tests run, he determined that she did in fact have neuropathy and he prescribed Neurontin for her condition. She was a fruit loop for the five days she took it. 

"So I got on the internet and found the Nerve Support Formula and she started taking it about two years ago. Believe me, she has found new life. Today we went to the mall and she walked and walked and never complained and then we walked all over Sam's Club and she never complained. 

"She is a completely different person now that she takes no more drugs and takes the Nerve Support Formula for her neuropathy. It's been a Godsend that we found this for her. Thank you so much."

From Joe Chapman in South Carolina


"I am doing very well. I have been working a lot and getting in shape for a 150 mile Bike ride. I will be riding my bike 160 miles on August 16-17. I would not have been able to do this if I had not been on the Nerve Support Formula. 

"I am very pleased with the results of the formula. It has done a great job on my legs and feet. It's hard to believe that I put up with all of that pain for so long, and I thank you All So very much for your help and Support. Thanks again for all of your help."

From Dave M. in Ohio


"Thought I would let you know that my Dad is already starting to feel a difference just after taking the capsules for 4 days. It was wonderful to see my Dad stand up from his chair and walk around their apartment without help (using his walker). I had to fight back the tears of joy!

"He walked out into the hallway almost a 1/2 block and then back again. He hadn't done this for a couple of years. My Mom always had to be next to Dad with his wheelchair and lately he really hadn't been walking even in their apartment, because he didn't know when his legs were going to give out. 

"In fact I stopped in this morning to see how things were going and my Dad was standing by their front door waiting for me, I almost lost it for a little bit.

"It's been such a joy to bring happiness to my parents like this, Thank you for being a big part of it, I will always be grateful for all of your help."

From Kathy Randol in Iowa


The WSN Nerve Support Formula is a medical food that is specifically formulated for the dietary management of neuropathy, and it works extremely well.

You can order the WSN Nerve Support Formula by using our secure link: 

Or you can call me at
(888) 758-5590

You can call or email us anytime you have a question because we want to make sure you get the results that you are after.