MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site

1. Can't lower your blood sugar? Learn why and what you can do about it!
2. Beyond junk vitamins: Secrets the public isn't supposed to know about the vitamin industry
3. What is Insulin Resistance and how does it affect your body?
4. This Popular Drink May Be Almost as Hazardous to Your Health as Soda

Can't lower your blood sugar? Learn why and what you can do about it!

Diabetics are often given contrary information on what is the correct diet or even what types of food are best for the diabetic condition. Here is an article that clearly shows the reason and need for a low carbohydrate diet:

"All carbohydrates are basically sugar. Various sugar molecules - primarily glucose - hooked together chemically ["bonded"] compose the entire family of carbohydrates. Your body has digestive enzymes that break these chemical bonds and release the sugar molecules into the blood, where they stimulate insulin."

"This means that if you follow a 2,200-calorie diet that is 60 percent carbohydrates - the very one most nutritionists recommend - your body will end up having to contend with almost 2 cups of pure sugar per day."

excerpted from Protein Power
by Doctors Michael and Mary Eades

Based on this astounding information, the question is not whether or not a diabetic should be on a low carbohydrate diet, but just what are the foods for a low carbohydrate diet?

Without attempting to list every kind and type of food, and for simplicity, I have grouped foods into three general categories below; those that are high carbohydrate content which should be avoided, medium carbohydrate content which can be eaten only in modest or extremely small portions, and low carbohydrate content that can be eaten as much as one likes:

High Carbohydrate Content:

All kinds of potato and potato products (including yams and sweet potatoes). Any products made from grain such as wheat, rye, oats, rice and corn. This includes any type of bread, pasta, chips or cereals. Any type of hard beans such as navy beans, pinto beans, black eyed peas, kidney beans, soy beans, lima beans, red beans, black beans, etc., as well as peas and peanuts. Most fruits and any fruit juices.

Medium Carbohydrate Content:

All root vegetables such as beets, carrots, turnips, parsnips and rutabagas. Most kinds of nuts, avocado, onions, apricots, strawberries, peaches, plums, tangerines (not oranges), and honeydew or casaba melons.

Low Carbohydrate Content:

Any kind of meat including beef, pork, lamb, turkey, chicken, any kind of fish, seafood or shellfish, eggs, or cheese. Vegetables such as broccoli, green beans, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, asparagus, any kind of greens such as spinach, beet greens, kale, Swiss chard, mustard greens and turnip greens. Summer and zucchini squashes. Salad materials such as any kind of lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, etc., and any kind of oil such as corn, olive, peanut, etc., and butter.

Follow the above guidelines, get in a low carbohydrate diet and add the vital supplements of the WSNŽ Diabetic Pack, and see the results for yourself!

Beyond junk vitamins: Secrets the public isn't supposed to know about the vitamin industry exclusive interview with Greg Kunin from Ola Loa

Ever take a vitamin and actually feel your energy drop? There could be a reason for that: Some vitamins literally steal energy from your body's cells, while other vitamins delivered in a more natural chemical configuration actually donate energy to your cells!

In terms of nutrition, there's a huge difference between "junk" vitamins and higher end vitamins -- called "premethylated" vitamins. And while most low-end consumer vitamin companies rely on the junk, energy-stealing forms of these vitamins, quality vitamin companies use the higher-end (and more expensive) premethylated forms.

Here's one way you can tell the difference. Take any multivitamin product and look for the B vitamins section on the Nutrition Facts label.

Cheap vitamins (non-methylated) will use standardized "USP" vitamins such as "Thiamin USP (thiamin HCL) vitamin B1." That's the chemical form of vitamin B1, and it actually requires a donation of cellular energy from your body before you can use it. The form of B12 in cheap vitamins is cyanocobalamin.

Quality vitamins, on the other hand, will use the "coenzyme" forms of the B vitamins. Thse will often be listed with the word "coenzyme," and the form of vitamin B12 will appear as either methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin. That's a sure sign of a high-end, quality multivitamin.
Here it is again:

USP = cheap
B12 as cyanocobalamin = cheap
Coenzyme or methylated = quality
B12 as hydroxycobalamin or methylcobalamin = quality

Discover a treasure chest of little-known truths about vitamins and health from one of the top experts in the supplements industry

If you found that interesting, just wait until you read the exclusive NewsTarget interview called, "Bioidentical Vitamins and the Secret of Methylation." It's an interview with Greg Kunin, co-founder of Ola Loa (, a company that manufactures and sells high-grade vitamin powders in individual, single-serving packets that you empty into a glass of water and drink for instant absorption.
I've known Greg Kunin for more than three years, and in that time I've come to greatly respect his nutritional knowledge and Ola Loa product line. I've also handed out samples of his products to literally hundreds of people, and I've heard astonishing reports about the effects they've experienced. People have told me things like, "I felt a positive effect in minutes. My mind cleared, my energy level went up and the blurriness in my eyes actually went away."

People who experience no results from typical vitamin tablets usually see very obvious results from drinking Ola Loa. This is especially true for those with poor stomach acid production. And these positive health results are based on sound nutritional science, not any sort of stimulants like caffeine or guarana. People simply feel better, with more energy, because they're fueling their methylation biochemical pathways. (The boost in energy is especially noticeable in those who take statin drugs, since statins seriously interfere with normal cellular energy production.)
But WHY are these methylated vitamins so superior to typical "junk" vitamins?

That question is what Greg Kunin and I sought to answer in this exclusive interview. Alongside the open discussion about the Ola Loa products, you'll learn:

Why most vitamin companies won't pay for quality ingredients like CoQ10 
The dirty little secret of multivitamin companies: As much as 90% of a typical tablet is pure filler! 
How the body actually processes vitamins at the molecular level 
Why taking the wrong vitamins can actually HURT your health rather than helping it 
The hidden link between vitamin deficiencies and cancer, heart disease, blood clots, strokes, depression and other diseases 
Why it's nearly impossible to get adequate nutrition from food alone 
How your personal genetics greatly impact the biochemical pathways for processing vitamins into useful nutrients 
Why vitamin capsules often impede the digestion and assimilation of the nutrients they contain (and why dissolvable powders can be far superior) 
The difference between toxic B12 (the common form) and hydroxy B12 (the quality form), and why the good form costs $6,000 per kilogram 
Why conventional medicine is so slow to adopt nutritional science 
The crucial health role of key amino acids like TMG, and why they're important to include in quality supplement formulations 
Why common "vitamin water" is almost universally a nutritionally worthless product (with a few exceptions) 
Why multivitamins need to have not only the right nutrients, but the right RATIOS of nutrients to optimize the health effects 
Why glucosamine can be harmful to diabetics (and which nutrients help balance the blood sugar effects of glucosamine) 
Why nutrition should be the first thing checked by doctors before recommending common surgical procedures 
Why so many nutritional products are "sugared up" to meet the taste expections of consumers
... and much more. It's like listening in on a fascinating chat between two people who are passionate about nutrition and refuse to be limited by conventional thinking. Sure, the Ola Loa products get plugged in this interview, but we take it far beyond those products and explore all sorts of other concepts and observations about nutrition, health and disease prevention.

By the way, we were paid nothing by Ola Loa to conduct this interview or share this report. As you probably know, we take no money from the supplement companies we cover. All our recommendations are entirely independent and unbiased.

Find Whole Food Quality Vitamins at 


What is Insulin Resistance and how does it affect your body?

There are 17 million diabetics in the United States and 80 million more who are in some stage of insulin resistance. A diet high in carbohydrates and lack of nutrition are the two main factors in creating insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a "pre-diabetic" condition, which, when it gets extreme, becomes type 2 diabetes. Below are two doctors clarifying how this condition develops and its effects on the body:

"When cells become resistant to insulin, the receptors on their surfaces designed to respond to insulin have begun to malfunction."

"It simply means that the receptors require more insulin to make them work properly in removing sugar from the blood. Whereas before they needed just a touch to lower it, now they need a continuous supply of excess insulin to keep blood sugar within normal range."

"As time goes by, blood sugar rises higher and stays up longer after the carbohydrate meal despite the enormous amount of insulin mustered to lower it. Bear in mind that were your doctor to check blood sugar during this stage of developing insulin resistance, your blood sugar would be perfectly normal. The major silent change taking place is the ever-growing quantity of insulin needed to keep it that way."

excerpted from Protein Power
by Doctors Michael and Mary Eades

"The liver becomes resistant first, then the muscle tissue, then the fat. What is the effect of insulin on the liver? It is to suppress the production of sugar by the liver.

"The sugar floating around in your body at any one time is the result of two things, the sugar that you have eaten and how much sugar your liver has made. When you wake up in the morning it is more of a reflection of how much sugar your liver has made. If your liver is listening to insulin properly it won't make much sugar in the middle of the night. If your liver is resistant, those brakes are lifted and your liver starts making a bunch of sugar so you wake up with a bunch of sugar.

"The next tissue to become resistant is the muscle tissue. What is the action of insulin in muscles? It allows your muscles to burn sugar for one thing. So if your muscles become resistant to insulin it can't burn that sugar that was just manufactured by the liver. So the liver is producing too much, the muscles can't burn it, and this raises your blood sugar.

"Well the fat cells become resistant, but not for a while. It is only after a while that they become resistant. It takes them longer. Liver first, muscle second, and then your fat cells.

"So for a while your fat cells retain their sensitivity. What is the action of insulin on your fat cells? To store that fat. It takes sugar and it stores it as fat. So until your fat cells become resistant you get fat, and that is what you see. As people become more and more insulin resistant, they get fat and their weight goes up.

"But eventually they plateau. They might plateau at three hundred pounds, two hundred and twenty pounds, one hundred and fifty pounds, but they will eventually plateau as the fat cells protect themselves and become insulin resistant.

"As all these major tissues, this massive body becomes resistant, your liver, muscles and fat, your pancreas is putting out more insulin to compensate, so you are hyperinsulinemic [having an abnormally high level of insulin in the blood] and you've got insulin floating around all the time.

"Insulin floating around in the blood causes a plaque build up. Insulin causes the blood to clot too readily. Insulin causes cells that accumulate fatty deposits. Every step of the way, insulin's got its fingers in it and is causing cardiovascular disease. It fills it with plaque, it constricts the arteries, it increases platelet adhesiveness and ability of the blood to coagulate [clot]. Any known cause of cardiovascular disease, insulin is a part of."

"If you want to know if insulin sensitivity can be restored to its original state, well, perhaps not to its original state, but you can restore it to the state of about a ten year old."

"You can increase sensitivity by diet and a lot of supplements."

excerpted from a talk at the Designs for Health Institute given by Dr. Ronald Rosedale, noted Diabetic Specialist

This Popular Drink May Be Almost as Hazardous to Your Health as Soda