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2.  Why canned Soups can be dangerous to your health?
3.  Want to check the Side Effects of a Drug you are taking or  of any interaction with other drugs?
4. Looking for a good Nutritionist?


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Why canned soups can be dangerous to your health? 

Side effects and Interactions of Drugs

This can come in handy to check for yourself the side effects and the interactions of any medications you may be taking.
(We did notice that they used the word myalgia which can also be neuropathy or nerve damage, sometimes paresthenia is used). 

Looking for a Good Nutritionist

Dr. Freddie Ulan has a site about a system of checking you for health problems and he trains other clinicians.  He is an excellent trainer. 
On his site, he has a "Find a Clinician": button which will allow you to find someone in your area.

Go to Find A Clinician at 


Something every Diabetic Should Read

If you are diabetic or know someone who is diabetic, this is something you want to read.

I receive great success stories from our customers who are reversing their diabetic condition. 

The WSN Diabetic Pack addresses the cause of your diabetic condition by supplying your body with the nutrition it needs to be able to repair itself. 

Here are a few of the success stories I have received this week:


“I'm beginning to see my blood sugar readings starting to come down. I have been having readings of 114 and 106 before dinner. One night it was even 99! 

“Today my morning sugars before breakfast are also beginning to drop. Instead of the 170's that I've had in the past, I had 133 this morning. One morning last week, it was 116. I believe I'm making progress with the blood levels slowly dropping. 

“Thank you, Wellness Support Network for being there for me and for helping so many people turn their lives around.”

From Lorraine Camarano in Florida


“According to my doctor I am no longer a diabetic, I also don’t have high blood pressure anymore. This, I am very grateful for and I give all the credit to diet, losing weight and most importantly to the WSN Diabetic Pack.

“The Diabetic Pack has done wonders for me and I’m so glad that I found it.”

From James Jordan in South Carolina


“My blood sugar count was running as high as 170. Now it is usually between 125 and 135. Before going to bed my blood sugar reading is often 115.

“Normally, I try to eat well, avoiding food that would cause blood sugar spikes. On occasion I do splurge, but not often. Two months ago I began an exercise program to get my weight and physical condition under control. I have lost about 13 pounds and a few inches around my waist.

“My blood pressure had been running about 145/80 and is now down to 125/74.

“So all in all, between working out and taking the Diabetic Pack supplements from your company, my overall condition has improved and continues to so do.”

From Creston Hall in Washington


Or you can call me at (888) 758-5590 

You can call or email me anytime you have a question because I want to make sure you get the results that you are after.