MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site

1. One of America's Oldest Men - Is His Controversial Anti-Aging Advice Right For You?
2. Mainstream Drugs are Neither Safe nor Effective, Part II
3. The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the treatment of Neuropathy 
4. For anyone whose ever had trouble weaning off of antidepressant drugs.


One of America's Oldest Men - Is His Controversial Anti-Aging Advice Right For You?

At 109 years of age, Bernando LaPallo is truly a powerful inspiration and role model for a healthful lifestyle, and more specifically: RAW food! It's a tremendously important part of a long, healthy life, and is key for preventing disease.

LaPallo credits his long life and good health to the advice from his father, who told him that "health should be your first priority, and in order to do that, you eat properly, and… keep your colon clean, above all."

In order to maintain optimal colon health, "you have to eat properly -- not a bunch of stirred up, boiled-to-death food," LaPallo says.

Amazingly, LaPallo has been eating raw for over 104 years! 


Mainstream Drugs are Neither Safe nor Effective, Part II

Mainstream medicine assures us that their drugs are more effective than nature and that they have been scientifically proven to be both effective and safe. What mainstream medicine does not tell us is how they have rigged studies, withheld evidence of harm and paid doctors to prescribe their drugs.


The Difference Between Drugs and Nutrition Supplements for the treatment of Neuropathy 

No matter what the cause of your neuropathy, a person has only a few choices about what to do about it..

The Drug Approach

What a drug does is it forces the body to do something that it normally wouldn't do.. When it comes to a medication, the body reacts in certain ways to this medication and it is done in order to achieve a desirable effect.  For instance,  in order to balance itself and handle the effects of a drug, the body has to lower its blood pressure.   If this is what you want to happen because its a blood pressure medication, it's a good thing.   However, there are also various other ways the body can react to the drug and sometimes this is not such a good thing - this is called a "side effect".  It is the reason someone can wind up on 4 blood pressure medications.  Each drug is given in an attempt to balance another drug so as not to create the various side effects of the other drugs.  It is a balancing act. 

The Natural Approach

What a nutritional supplement does is give the body the actual tools it needs to fix the body. 

In the case of neuropathy, it is the nerve cell that is damaged.  The body needs certain tools (nutritional factors) to do this repair.   Drugs don't repair anything; they treat the symptom, not the cause of the problem. 

As with our example of blood pressure, if they don't know what is causing the high blood pressure, the drug just lowers it artificially.  

The cause of nerve damage is known - it can be the result of too much sugar in the blood, the chemicals used in cancer treatments, etc. - but one thing is known,  the damage is done to the cell and this causes the pain.  

You can cover this up with pain killers, or with other drugs that are manufactured to handle this, but the drugs aren't repairing anything.   They are trying to forces the body to not give you pain, not give you numbness, etc.,  And sometimes more damage to the nerve cell might happen due to the drug or other drugs you are taking,

The Nutritional Approach

Nutritional supplements are actually vitamins and minerals that the body needs to repair the cells.

In the case of neuropathy, there are specific ingredients needed by the body to repair the cells.  These are the supplements you want to take.

Another difference is that if you are taking a drug and just covering up symptoms, you have to continue to take the drug to get relief and sometimes even have to increase the drug to get the same relief.

If you take natural supplements, the body can fix the problem, and as long as you don't do anything to damage the cells again, there is an end to taking the supplements.

For neuropathy see:   Nerve Support Formula

Have you taken Antidepressants (perhaps for neuropathy) and been told its all in your head.?  

We have always maintained it is very difficult and have even worked with people using supplements to make it easier.   However, now the AMA has agreed that it difficult and put it on their website.    Read about it here.   

Antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs also cause deficiencies and getting off of them is sometimes a real problem. If you are having trouble, please email and we can give you some help. Email