MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1.Something you've never been told about breakfast cereals
2. An Important Cause of Chronic Fatigue
. A Visual Demonstration on "What is Type II Diabetes?" (with Insulin Resistance as well)
4. Pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow into detectable tumors - here's how to halt it

Something You've Never Been Told about Breakfast Cereals

In most households you will find both parents and children sitting down to breakfast and automatically filling their bowls with some breakfast cereal.

When you go to the supermarket today you will find at least one entire row filled with boxes of cereals, all different colors, shapes and flavors.

There are cereals for kids (ones they've seen on TV) and "healthier" cereals designed to attract adults, claiming to have nutritional value.

But what is the truth and how are cereals made? The following was presented at Consumer Health Canada:

"Cereal makers first create a thin mud like mixture composed of water and grains. This mixture is then put into a machine called an 'extruder'."

"The extruder forces the grain mixture out of little holes at high temperature and pressure. Depending on the shape of the holes, the grains come out as little 'o' shapes, flakes, animal shapes, or shreds (as in shredded wheat), or they are puffed (as in puffed rice). Each little flake or shape is then sprayed with a coating of oil and sugar to seal off the cereal and give it crunch."

"In his book Fighting the Food Giants, Paul Stitt tells us that the 'extrusion' process used for these cereals destroys most of the nutrients in the grains. It destroys the fatty acids; it even destroys the chemical vitamins that are added at the end. The amino acids [Definition: the molecules that form proteins] are chemically altered by this process, thus diminishing and destroying their original qualities and properties."

"This is how all the boxed cereals are made, even the ones sold in the health food stores. They are all made in the same way and mostly in the same factories. All dry cereals that come in boxes are extruded cereals [Editor's Note: except some basic cereals such as 'rolled' oats or 'steel cut' oats]."

The rat experiments that were never published:

"Let me tell you about two studies which were not published. The first was described by Paul Stitt who wrote about an experiment conducted by a cereal company in which four sets of rats were given special diets."

"One group received plain whole wheat, water and a synthetic vitamin and mineral solution. A second group received puffed wheat (an extruded cereal), water and the same vitamin solution. A third set was given only water. A fourth set was given nothing but water and synthetic vitamins."

"The rats that received the whole wheat lived over a year on this diet. The rats that got nothing but water and vitamins lived about two months."

"The animals on water alone lived about a month. But the company's own laboratory study showed that the rats given the vitamins, water and all the puffed wheat they wanted died within two weeks -- they died before the rats that got no food at all."

"It wasn't a matter of the rats dying of malnutrition. Autopsy revealed dysfunction of the pancreas, liver and kidneys and degeneration of the nerves of the spine."

"Results like these suggested that there was something actually very toxic in the puffed wheat itself! Proteins are very similar to certain toxins in molecular structure, and the pressure of the puffing process may produce chemical changes, which turn a nutritious grain into a poisonous substance."

"Another unpublished experiment was carried out in the 1960s. Researchers at Ann Arbor University were given 18 laboratory rats. They were divided into three groups: one group received corn flakes and water; a second group was given the cardboard box that the corn flakes came in and water; the control group received rat chow and water."

"The rats in the control group remained in good health throughout the experiment. The rats eating the box became lethargic and eventually died of malnutrition. But the rats receiving the corn flakes and water died before the rats that were eating the box! (The last corn flake rat died the day the first box rat died.)"

"But before death, the corn flake rats developed bizarre behavior, threw fits, bit each other and finally went into convulsions. The startling conclusion of this study is that there was more nourishment in the box than there was in the corn flakes."

"This experiment was actually designed as a joke, but the results were far from funny. The results were never published and similar studies have not been conducted."

"Extruded cereals sold in the health food stores are made by the same method. It may come as a shock to you, but these whole grain extruded cereals are probably more dangerous than those sold in the supermarket, because they are higher in protein and it is the proteins in these cereals that are so denatured [Definition: made unfit to eat] by this type of processing."

Excerpted from a presentation at the conference of Consumer Health of Canada, March, 2002, given by Sally Fallon, Nutrition Researcher

Instead of having cereal, make a really nutritious breakfast of eggs (fried, scrambled, or omelet with meat, cheese or vegetables) with bacon, sausage, hamburger patty or steak. If you feel you must have cereal to make it through the day, "rolled oats" or "steel cut oats" are still real food.

The idea that there are breakfast foods, lunch foods and dinner foods are something we learn when we are young at the dinner table and from our parents.

In fact, when you wake up in the morning your body usually tells you that it is hungry. Your body does not care whether you feed it a juicy steak and steamed broccoli or a plate of scrambled eggs. As long as it is real nourishing food, you will be on your way to improved health and vigor!

For more information about diabetic diets go to

For more information about the popular diets: 


Gammaretrovirus Thought to be Important Cause of Chronic Fatigue

A study published in the journal Science in 2009 answered a question that medical scientists had been asking since 2006, when they learned of a novel virus found in prostate tumors called xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus, or XMRV: Was it a human infection?

Read about this and what does it show 


What is Type II Diabetes?

For more information about Diabetes go to 


Pancreatic cancer takes 20 years to grow into detectable tumors - here's how to halt it

So remember: Cancer is not random, nor is it genetic. It doesn't appear spontaneously, and in the case of pancreatic cancer, it actually takes two decades to grow it to the point where it gets noticed by cancer doctors!


Side Bar:


Diabetic Ulcers
An effective natural solution

About 10 percent of diabetics have open sores that are very hard to heal, often lasting for years in that unhealed state, causing great discomfort and high risk of infection. Now a very simple and completely natural remedy can rapidly heal these wounds.

Studies conducted in 1991 by a medical research team compared a conventional method of burn treatment commonly used to treat burns, pressure ulcers and leg ulcers, with a topical application of honey* applied to the surface of the wound. Burn patients were divided into two groups.

The burns of patients in one group were cleaned with saline solution and pure, undiluted, unprocessed honey was applied daily. Burns of the other group were cleaned and covered with gauze that was soaked in a medicated dressing (5% silver sulfadiazine) that was changed daily.

Results showed that within seven days 91 percent of the infected wounds treated with honey were free of infection, compared to less than 7 percent of the burns treated with the medicated dressing. Within 15 days, 87 percent of the honey treated wounds were healed; whereas only 10 percent of the other group wounds were healed. Patients treated with honey experienced less irritation, more relief of pain, and no allergic reactions or side effects.

Studies done by an earlier medical research team in 1988 showed that various types of wounds and skin ulcers which had not previously responded to conventional methods of treatment such as antibiotics and medicated dressings responded favorably to a topical honey treatment.

Wounds and ulcer types treated with honey included: gangrene of the skin, burn wounds, topical ulcers, bedsores, and diabetic ulcers. After the wounds were cleaned with saline, honey and clean bandages were applied daily. Infected wounds that had not responded to conventional treatments were free of infection within 7 days of the first honey application.

Following treatment with honey, dead tissue was quickly replaced with healthy tissue. In some cases, diabetic ulcers were successfully treated with honey and skin grafts, thus preventing amputation. Apparently, the antibacterial properties of honey allow it to work on wounds and skin ulcers in the same manner it works on burns.

* The honey used must be raw unprocessed honey and it must state somewhere on the label that it is "unheated".