MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. What is a Whole Food Supplement? 
2. More on Heavy Metals - Mercury
3. Omega 3s linked to lower risk of gum disease
4. Blood Pressure Concerns? This Popular Drink Helps in Just ONE Minute...
5. Scientists Discover  How Trans Fats Harm Your Arteries
6. Current Treatments for Neuropathy


What are whole Food Supplements and what can they do for your health? 

More on Heavy Metals - Mercury

Mercury is one of the most toxic metals – even more toxic than lead. Mercury is found practically everywhere. It is in the soil, water, food supply. Mercury is used in chlorine bleach to treat seed. It is used in products from dental fillings to fabric softeners, cosmetics, laxatives containing calomel (a mercury containing compound), some hemorrhoid suppository preparations, other medications, flue and other vaccines, polishes, wood preservatives, latex, solvents, plastics, ink used by printers and tattooing and in some paint.

Mercury is a poison that accumulates in the pain center of the brain and in the central nervous system. If the body collects enough mercury, symptoms can include: insomnia, dizziness, fatigue, weakness, depression, memory loss, hair loss and dermatitis.

A few supplements can be used along with the chelating herb (that removes 95% of blood mercury) to address mercury. Periodically mercury may need to be detoxified as by removing the blood mercury more mercury can then move out of tissues and into the blood and lymphatic streams for removal. The herb pulls mercury out of the blood and lymphatic systems. The lymphatic system is essentially part of the blood system as it recovers blood serum and cell wastes and dumps these into the large vein just before it enters the heart to be sent to the lungs and later to the liver and kidneys for elimination from the body. These blood systems are the main detoxifying channels of the body cells. 

Additionally, the 3 heavy metal chelating herbs found most effective out of the 40 tested are not fat soluble. Soluble means to get dissolved into something. Why might this be important? Well these herbs would not get stored in fatty tissue. Further, every cell wall of the body is primarily made out of what are called phospholipids. Phospho- stands for phosphorus which is the most prevalent mineral in the body along with calcium. Lipid means fat. Cell walls also have many “doorways” in and out of the cell that are not fat. There are also detectors and other communication equipment extending out from the cell walls that are not made of fats. Brain cells have plenty of fat where mercury could lodge and the herbs can extract the mercury without getting attached (dissolve in) fat molecules. 

Since I told you in last week’s article that heavy metals are not that common a problem, six patients exhibited detectible levels of heavy metals through muscle stress testing. This kind of testing will detect stresses of metals even when there are not discernible patient symptoms, but levels are high enough to create a nervous system distraction. Again, these heavy metal stresses can be eliminated with 1 to 3 bottles of the right herb(s) at $20 to $30 per bottle totaling less than $100 for the cost of the herb(s). Other health issues of the body are usually addressed along with heavy metal handlings. Why? Well, the answer is straightforward – good in and bad out.

Dr. Mike Spearman
Spearman Better Health Center
1279 N. Berendo St.
Los Angeles, CA. 90029
(323) 663-1066

Not from Southern California?  To find a nutritionist who can test you and get you the right herbs go to Find A Nutritionist 


Omega 3s linked to lower risk of gum disease


Blood Pressure Concerns? This Popular Drink Helps in Just ONE Minute...


Scientists Discover  How Trans Fats Harm Your Arteries

Scientists have discovered the method by which dietary trans-fats cause hardening of the arteries. A study on mice suggests that high levels of trans-fats cause atherosclerosis by reducing the responsiveness of a key protein, transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta, that controls growth and differentiation in cells.

The findings of the study reinforce research that has linked the predominantly man-made fat with a range of health problems.


Current Treatments for Neuropathy?

We recommend the WSN Nerve Support Formula.   We seen so many people helped with this product.   However, if you don't know what is out there, here is a list of the various treatments & what they do.  

For Information about the WSN Nerve Support Formula, go here