MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Nutritional Supplements:  Signs & Symptoms
2.  Amino acids are latest in growing list of nutrients shown to extend life span
3.  Modern medicine discovers that a strong immune system really does cure colds, flus
4.  How to Brand a Disease - and Sell a Cure
5. Is Inflammation burning up your Health
6. Could Glutathione Be a Predictor of How Long You Will Live?


Nutritional Supplements: Signs and Symptoms
Author: Andrew Stratton

Yes, the best way to get all the nutrients your body needs is through whole foods. That should be easy right? Our culture of fast and convenient foods means that we are eating a lot of processed foods that don't contain enough of the nutrients we need. As a result, nutritional supplements are big business because we know we aren't eating right. Even in developed countries like the United States it is still possible to become deficient in important nutrients. Illness, poor diet and environment can all create deficiencies. Here are the signs and symptoms associated with a deficiency in specific vitamins:

A - A lack of this can create problems with vision, particularly night-time sight. It can also cause the conjunctivitis of the eye to thicken or form milky white spots. If you take a nutritional supplement for A, be aware that it is fat soluble which means it stays in the body longer making it easier to take too much.

Thiamine (B1) - This is an example of how poor diet and illness can create deficiencies. Alcoholics commonly lack enough thiamine. Beriberi is the disease that results and it attacks the nervous and cardiovascular systems of the body. Memory acuity and muscle control are greatly compromised. Edema and congestive heart failure are also a risk. B vitamins are water-soluble so they pass through the body faster than fat-soluble ones. It also means that you don't have to take these nutritional supplements with food. However, you may have to take more of it throughout the day as opposed to one dose with a meal.

D- Sunlight helps the body produce its own D, but dangers of skin cancer have more and more people covering up. Luckily, most dairy foods have D added to it. But, if there is a deficiency, osteoporosis is an increased risk. Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of the calcium in the body and without it; bones lose out on the calcium they need. There is also a correlation to depression and fatigue. Research has shown that a D nutritional supplement works to alleviate the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder or SAD. Vitamin D is fat-soluble so, again, it stays in the body longer making it more possible to take too much.

C- Not enough C affects collagen production in the body. Collagen is a major building block for bones and tissue to it is essential. Because it facilitates the absorption of iron, a lack of C may cause you to become iron deficient anemic. C is water-soluble, so like the B vitamins, it passes through the body rather quickly and may require you to stagger your nutritional supplement dosing throughout the day to maintain good levels.

B12- B12 is essential to red blood cell production and proper functioning of the nervous system. It is found in the liver. Vegetarians and people with autoimmune diseases are at risk of a deficiency. Anemia is the result when the body is low on red blood cells. Fatigue, weakness, numbness and reduced mental acuity are all symptoms of a deficiency. Because it is water-soluble, regular dosing may be necessary to maintain proper levels, particularly if you fall into the at-risk categories above.

Before taking any nutritional supplements, it is a good idea to talk with your doctor. If you are concerned about deficiencies, he can test you and then prescribe a proper dosing schedule. It is possible to take much of a good thing, so read the dosing instructions on the bottle and follow your doctor's recommendations.

There are signs and symptoms associated with a deficiency in specific vitamins. Fatigue, weakness, numbness and reduced mental acuity are all symptoms of a deficiency of vitamin B12. 

Author: Andrew Stratton

For what each of the vitamins and mineral do go to 

For a good whole food Vitamin & Mineral Formula, go to 


Amino acids are latest in growing list of nutrients shown to extend life span

Researchers are zeroing in on specific nutrients and natural therapies that not only can prevent and heal disease but promote longevity.


Modern medicine discovers that a strong immune system really does cure colds, flus

Researchers from the Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, England, have made a fascinating new discovery about the way the body's immune system fights off infections. Contrary to popular belief within mainstream medicine, the body's natural antibodies are capable of fighting off a virus and killing it, even after the infection has entered cells -- and this phenomenon occurs naturally without the need for drug interventions.


How to Brand a Disease - and Sell a Cure

The manner in which prescription drugs are marketed today can be readily understood if you read the 1928 book "Propaganda," by Edward Bernays, the father of PR.

Bernays knew that public relations business was less about selling things than about creating the conditions for things to sell themselves. 

See also our article - Inventing Disease


Is Inflammation burning up your Health

Inflammation -- the immune response your body uses when you're injured -- can spiral wildly out of control and become a chronic condition that can cause health problems and symptoms, and even damage your bones. Discover how chronic inflammation can smolder inside your body for years without you knowing, and find just which steps you can take today to cool the fire inside.

What is inflammation and what can you do about it   Go to  (Not just for women)

Also an article Is Inflammation making you Hot & Bothered? 


Could Glutathione Be a Predictor of How Long You Will Live?

By Judy Thompson

All cells in the body need water, oxygen, glucose and glutathione. The levels of glutathione in our cells could be predictive of how long we will live. For exhaustion and chronic fatigue sufferers reading this, the information that follows is vital to you!

What is glutathione? It is a tri-peptide, or a small protein composed of the amino acids cysteine, glycine and glutamate. Glutathione is made in every cell of the body and it must be made by the 3 amino acids, cysteine, glycine and glutamate. 

Your body is either replicating healthy cells and delaying the aging process or it is replicating unhealthy cells and speeding up the aging process. Every cell makes and recycles glutathione. The largest amount of glutathione in our bodies is found in the liver, lining of the lungs, kidney, heart and brain.

Why is glutathione important?

1. It is a major antioxidant produced by the cell. It is able to neutralize free radicals and recycle other antioxidants such as vitamins C & E. Glutathione actually helps your body more efficiently use the other antioxidants.

2. It is the body’s most effective detoxifier. It binds to undesirable toxins, pollutants, and cancer-causing chemicals, etc. and excretes them through the urine or gut.

3. It improves immune response

4. It helps regulate the cell’s vital functions, such as synthesis and repair of DNA.

5. It contributes to the production of red blood cells.

6. It helps in wound healing.

7. It helps build lean muscle mass.

8. It inhibits harmful viruses and bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

9. It increases one’s aerobic exercise capacity by up to 13%.

While glutathione is produced naturally in our bodies, glutathione levels decrease with age at the rate of 1% a year after age 20. In addition, levels of glutathione can be reduced by stress, exercise, infection, injury and environmental toxins. People who live to 100 years of age, will have glutathione levels similar to 30-50 year olds.

Reduced glutathione levels can result in lower energy, insomnia, cellular damage, inflammation, accelerated aging, and a weakened resistance to various diseases, including heart disease, cancer, arthritis and many other diseases. People with any defined disease have decreased glutathione levels compared with healthy individuals the same age. Low levels of glutathione are actually a marker for over 200 medical conditions. It could be said that low levels of glutathione equal cellular aging, disease, and death!

Glutathione helps to improve mental function, increases energy, improves concentration, permits increased exercise, and improves heart and lung function.


Avocado, watermelon, asparagus, walnuts, grapefruit, potato, acorn, squash, strawberries, orange, tomato, cantaloupe, broccoli.

Glutathione must be produced within the cell itself. Oral glutathione in pill form is not absorbed and will be eliminated by the liver before reaching the blood stream. Injectable glutathione is degraded by the time it gets to the cell and much of it cannot pass the cell membrane.


In addition to being able to get glutathione in some foods (as listed above), the best way to increase glutathione is through a glutathione precursor. Since glutathione is produced within the cell itself and cannot be easily absorbed into the cell, a person needs to consume a product that will enable the body to produce its own glutathione within the cells. This product would be considered to be a glutathione precursor.

A good glutathione precursor helps your body neutralize free radicals and build healthy cells. Your body replaces about 1% of your cells everyday. Your skin, body, organs, tissue are all constantly in a state of regeneration. Otherwise, your body cells are constantly dying and being regenerated. Thus, in about 3 months time, your cells and you, as a person, can make positive strides in getting healthier!


The levels of glutathione in our cells are predictive of how long we will live. Few other factors are as predictive of our life expectancy as is glutathione. It may be referred to as the “master antioxidant” since it regulates the actions of lesser antioxidants including vitamin C and vitamin E in the body. It is the most important antioxidant to overall health.

About the Author: Judy Thompson

Why Do Diets Fail So Often?

These days, many people are commonly looking to lower their weight. People will often struggle with various diets in an attempt to bring their weight under control. The results are usually a lot of effort and little long-term success. 

The article below will shed some light on why the usual approaches to dieting can lead to failures: 

"As a rule, diet books are based on two assumptions about dieting. The first is that diets do not affect the speed at which the body works - the metabolic rate. The second is that the weight lost on a diet is all or almost all fat. These are not true." 

"Much of the weight lost on a diet is not fat; and any initial fast loss includes almost no loss of fat." 

"Initial weight lowering on a diet is no mystery. The loss consists principally of glycogen (a form of glucose in a water solution), as well as additional water." 

"Diets slow down the metabolic rate." 

"In our minds we know the difference between going on a diet and being subjected to famine or starvation. But our bodies do not know the difference. When we go on a diet we activate the mechanisms in the body that protect us and preserve us in times of famine. And what does the body need to keep it going between times of famine? Fat. The more people diet the more their bodies will protect the stores of fat." 

excerpted from Dieting Makes You Fat 
by Geoffrey Cannon and Hetty Einzig 

The solution to bringing one's weight under control is to adopt an eating program suited to your body's needs, a dietary program that more closely matches the food that our bodies evolved with, which is a high protein, low carbohydrate diet, which is high in vegetables and salads.