MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?
2.Testimonials on Neuropathy relief - listed by cause of the nerve damage and the symptoms.
3. Artificial Sweetners - are they okay?
4. New Study: Mango fruit can stop cancer growth in colon and breast cancer. 
5. Improving your Diabetic condition with Exercise    



Neuropathy, why the pain, the tingling and the numbness?

Neuropathy has many symptoms. It may start with a tingling feeling and end up with numbness. It can be a pricking, or burning sensation, loss of reflexes and muscle shrinkage, abnormal sensations, or sensitivity to touch. Its worse symptom is pain, sometimes so excruciating that a person would amputate rather than continue the pain.  

It is called many names such as paresthesia, neuritis, neuralgia, dysesthensia, hypoesthesia, hypesthesia, hypalgesia, hypealgesia and hyperesthesia due to its many different kinds of symptoms. 

But, what underlies all these symptoms?

They are created by a specific type of nerve damage. This nerve damage can come from too much sugar in the blood (the reason it is a side effect of diabetes). It can be caused by exposure to chemicals such as cancer treatments, poisons, alcoholism, or a side effect of some medications. It can be the result of kidney or liver failure, infectious disease or nutritional deficiencies especially B vitamins. The reasons are many; the damage they produce is the same.

What creates the problem is damage done to the outer lining of the nerve cell.  Cells have coverings much like an electrical wire has an insulation of plastic. Have you ever seen a wire whose insulation is damaged – the electrical current doesn’t flow correctly. It can send electricity out from the area where it is damaged, it can stop the flow of electricity or it can damage what it's supposed to be supplying electricity to.

A damaged nerve covering does the same thing. It can send out “sparks” that cause tingling, it can stop the flow resulting in numbness. It can create feelings of hot or cold or sensitivity due to crossed signals. It can definitely cause pain especially as the damage gets worse.

The idea is to fix this outer covering. This is called the myelin sheath. What is needed are specific B vitamins. The only question is how to get these B vitamins in sufficient amounts so that the body can actually build healthy nerves. Isolated B vitamins that are sold at the health food stores or local drug stores get washed out of the system too quickly to fix the damage. It would be hard to take enough of this type of nutrients to make a difference. You can’t get it from vitamins made in a laboratory.

What is needed is a whole food supplement with methylcobalamine and benfotiamine and other B vitamins that the body can use to build healthy nerve cells. That is one of the functions of the body, to build health. But it does need specific nutrients to do its job.  

Nutrients are what a body runs on. A car runs on gas. If you drive the car down the road, it uses up a steady amount of that gas. If you take that same car and speed down the freeway, you will use up a lot of gas. When you take a body “out on the freeway”, or put it under physical stress, it uses up a lot more nutrients. Thus, getting the right supplements in the right amount is important.

Just as a car won’t drive without giving it gas a body can’t or function correctly or build health without the proper nutrients it needs to “drive”. In the case of neuropathy, it needs these B vitamins.

Neuropathy can be a side effect of many things.  Although most often it is caused by too much sugar in the blood - Diabetes - there are many factors. Chemotherapy and some drugs have neuropathy as a side effect and it can be caused by surgery damaging the nerves - there are others.

For more information about neuropathy.

Success in Handling the Nerve Damage of Neuropathy

We got lots of different people who got nerve damage from many different reasons who have written up what happened to them.

Go here for their stories   

Read about getting relief by building healthy nerves.



Do you use artificial sweeteners?  Are they okay to use? 

Here are some fact about artificial sweeteners. 


Mangos and Cancer

in laboratory experiments in Texas A&M University's AgriLife Research department mango fruit prevented or stopped cancer growth in certain breast and colon cell lines. 


Improving Your Diabetic Condition With Exercise

The type 2 diabetic condition is brought about by a diet that is too high in carbohydrates and a lack of nutrients, which results in the insulin the body naturally produces becoming less and less effective in keeping blood sugar levels under control and in a normal range.

While change in diet and proper nutritional supplementation have a dramatic effect in bringing blood sugar levels down without the need for drugs or insulin, exercise can greatly contribute to the overall control of the diabetic condition, as can be seen in the following excerpt:

"While many people may begin exercising out of a sense of responsibility - the way children eat vegetables they don't like - the main reason they keep exercising is that it feels good."

"Overall, people who exercise regularly are better equipped to carry on day-to-day activities as they age."

"One of the great benefits is that many people find that when they exercise, they have less desire to overeat."

"Even though your fat won't 'melt away,' exercise, particularly if you're a Type II diabetic, is still of value in a weight-reduction program because muscle building reduces insulin resistance."

"As you increase your muscle mass, your insulin needs will be reduced - and having less insulin present in your bloodstream will reduce the amount of fat you pack away."

"As a result, your own insulin production gradually becomes more effective at lowering blood sugar."

excerpted from Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution
by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein

For more information about Diabetes, including diet and exercise go to 


Additional Help for Lowering Blood Pressure

Over 60 million people in the US have high blood pressure.

If you or someone you know has high blood pressure, taking vitamin C is a must! 

The only way you can acquire the vitamin C you need is through your diet and/or supplementation.

A study done by scientists at the Boston University School of Medicine and the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, showed that people with high blood pressure had their blood pressure levels fall by an average of 9.1 percent by taking 500 mg of vitamin C each day for a month.

A 10-year study from UCLA showed that in a population of more than 11,000 US adults aged 25-74, men who took 800 mg of vitamin C daily lived about six years longer than men who took only 60 mg of vitamin C daily. 

A higher amount of vitamin C intake was likewise associated with greater longevity in women. Higher vitamin C intake reduced cardiovascular deaths by 42 percent in men and 25 percent in women.

There is a huge difference between WSN Vitamin C and ascorbic acid. The more ascorbic acid you take, the less your body absorbs. 

In contrast, WSN Vitamin C containing 100 percent whole food Vitamin C is a whole food supplement containing no ascorbic acid and the body knows exactly how to absorb and use it.

In fact, 3 WSN Vitamin C tablets contain almost as much whole food vitamin C as a half-gallon of fresh squeezed orange juice!

WSN Vitamin C is now available for you and your family. Each bottle is 24.70. Order 2 or 3 bottles and save on the shipping. 

You can find out more and order the WSN Vitamin C :   

Or you can call me at (818( 225-1038 

You can call or email us anytime you have a question because we want to make sure you get the results that you are after.