MCVitamins News

Your Nutritional Education Site


1. Health Care Reform?
2. Severe Eczema - Why Traditional Treatments Fail 
3. Hot weather or in the sun - Don't forget about Dyhydration
4. Health Conditions - What is good health?  


What exactly does Universal Health Care or Health Care Reform mean?

We refer to it as Subsided Medicine, but is is also helping the drug makers and the insurance companies, not the patients. 


Severe Eczema — Why Traditional Treatments Fail

By Stan Gardner, MD, CNS

Do you struggle with painful itching — red, flaming hot rashes that irritate?  If so, you may have eczema, an inflammatory condition often associated with allergens, sensitivities, or even the body attacking itself (autoimmune-related).  You may be surprised to learn that eczema is not just a skin condition.   It involves nutritional deficiencies and a build-up of toxins in your body that affect its severity.
Here’s why traditional treatments often fail miserably in treating eczema.  They merely address the symptoms of the disease with prednisone (steroids), petroleum-based ointments, and synthetic anti-histamines.  These only add to the already existing toxic load in your body.

But here’s the good news.  Despite what you may have heard to the contrary, it’s possible to treat eczema in healthy ways, without potentially toxic drugs and chemicals.  Let’s address what we can do from a prevention and alternative medicine standpoint to help heal eczema.

Understand Your Skin’s Basic Needs
First and foremost, you must identify the basic needs of your skin tissue.  Your skin needs:

Eliminate Inflammatory Triggers

Let’s turn our attention to probable causes of eczema.  Because it is an inflammatory condition, all inflammatory triggers need to be avoided.   Common dietary triggers include:

In other words, the ingestion of real food and avoidance of all processed food (which has unknown inflammatory chemicals added) is important.

Allergies may also be a trigger for symptoms to emerge.  The offending triggers often include:

Take the Right Supplements

Avoiding these triggers may be helpful for you, but there is also a safe effective way for desensitizing called NAET (Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique) which uses energy principles for treatment.   There are also immune modulators like beta-glucan, colostrums and mushroom extracts that may lessen the immune stimulation.

Here is something else that many people are not aware of.  The older we are or the more medications we have been on, the more likely we are to experience toxic skin reactions. That’s why the nutrients like milk thistle and alpha-lipoic acid are so important.  They support liver detoxification pathways. 

Some people also find tremendous benefit from colon cleanses or liver cleanses.  While you are detoxing your body with the nutrients mentioned above, there are safe products that may provide symptom relief while the causes are being addressed and corrected.

Quercetin stabilizes the mast cells that release histamine, thus acting as a natural antihistaminic.  MSM is a safe anti-inflammatory, as is its parent compound, DMSO.  You can also find topical relief with Shea butter or aloe vera.

Glyconutrients may also be helpful for you.  They attach to proteins to facilitate proper communication between cells.  The absence of proper cell-to-cell communication results in disease, so your eczema may resolve once you have established a more healthy communication system throughout your body.

The potential list of safe alternatives for treatment of eczema is lengthy and too long for this article, but it’s important to mention a few additional treatments.  Homeopathic frequencies can impart a continuous healing effect on all tissue, including skin.  Sun exposure is important for all of us, but especially when we have skin problems.  Finally, if you have underlying emotional issues that are not addressed, it may be impossible for long-term complete healing to take place until they are addressed.

[Ed. Note: Stan Gardner, MD, has practiced energy and alternative medicine for over 10 years.  He believes that many diseases could be prevented entirely, healed more quickly, and cause less damaging results through the application of proper nutrition.  

Dehydration - not good for your health. 

We want to remind you that hydration and getting salt, potassium & cell salts is important.    

Here is a link to our page about dehydration and an easy way to Cool Off. 


Health Conditions - What is good health?  

Years of man made foods open the door to all sorts of disease.   What should you do?

Health is the optimum operation of all your organs and cells.    If you viewed your health on a scale: 

100% - Perfect Health
O% - Death

100% would be perfect health.  Everything functioned just the way it should.  You would have lots of energy and would not have attention on your body.  It would just work.  On the bottom of your scale =  0% would be the non-functioning of all your cells and your body.  This would be Death.

Now what about all those ranges in between?   Well, around 20%, on your way down, you would go into the realm of Disease.   This is the Medical Doctor's area of expertise and where they save people from incapacity and death.    The Medical Doctors are experts in this area and their tests and protocols will handle these situations.   This is where their energies are placed. 

100% - Perfect Health
20% - Disease  
O% - Death

But, have you ever felt really bad, you're not functioning at you best, you've got aches and pains, or maybe you're really tired all the time.  You go to see your medical doctor and he/she does all the standard tests and they are all normal.   You may even take some highly sophisticated tests and they still show within the normal range.   But, you feel bad......???

Well, you're in that range somewhere below 100% and above 20%.   Here is where you aren't in the range of disease, but in something we like to call dis-ease.   It isn't life threatening, but it threatens your well being and ability to live happily.

Around 80%, things aren't bad, but not perfect,  Around 60% you start getting those aches and pains and other non-optimal feelings.   You start feeling bad.

100% - Perfect Health
80% - Less than perfect
60% - Dis - Ease 
40% - Dis - Ease
20% - Disease  
O% - Death

How do you stop the plummet down the scale?  Well, you pay attention to what you eat.   You pay attention to the poisons in the air and the poisons you put in your body.    You find out what foods you need, or what supplements you need and start up the ladder again.   You make sure you exercise your body.

The body given the right fuel will run optimally.    Each cell will run well and the DNA will make a new perfect cell when it is time to reproduce itself.  However, if you don't give it the right nutritional ingredients, it won't be able to make a perfect copy.  

How does that work?

As an example, let's say you hired a contractor and asked him to build you a perfect replica of the Taj Mahal.   He could do it; he is that good a contractor.  He knows the tools of his trade.    But, the only materials you give him is plywood and nails.    He would do the best he could, but he wouldn't build that perfect replica.  And it wouldn't stand up the way the original has.

You get the picture?    Well, why would your body behave differently.   If you only give it sugar, caffeine, and an imbalance of what it needs, it isn't going to build really good cells that are capable of doing their job.   In fact, continually getting the wrong foods and you body has deficiencies which become disease.

What about when you get the best food, when you can't always eat right.   The answer supplementation.

Let's get back up the scale

Lots of non-optimum conditions are the result of years and years of poor eating.  Giving the body "plywood" instead of what it really needs to survive well.  

What can you do about it?   Start giving your body the vital ingredients it has been depleted of.   Continue to give your body all the ingredients it needs to build a healthy body.   Stop giving it that "plywood" and give it what it some "steel".  Or if there isn't a lot of good "steel" around, give it concentrated nutrients - supplementation.   

Now the body is a bit more complicated.  It needs a lot of ingredients to create good health. 

Ingredients for health

There are forty nutrients that cannot be made in the body. They are essential fatty acids, 15 vitamins, 14 minerals, and 10 amino acids. Collectively these forty nutrients are spoken of as the body's requirements. From these our bodies synthesize an estimated 10,000 different compounds essential to the maintenance of health.  All the forty nutrients work together, therefore, the lack of any one might result in the underproduction of hundreds of these essential compounds. Probably no one nutrient is ever totally lacking from an otherwise adequate diet, but partial simultaneous deficiencies of many nutrients is common.

Now, you have to remember that it took years and years of bad eating and living in a polluted environment to bring the body into the condition that will produce non-optimum health conditions, and thus, you can't take the correct vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids for a day or two and expect to handle the situation.   True sometimes just a day or two makes you feel much much better because you've given your body those things it most needs.

But. supplements aren't drugs, they don't create instant results. Nutrition, both food and supplements, supply the body with those things it needs to build the cells that will make the body function correctly.

So, maybe it might take a few months to start seeing real changes, but you will see those changes.   One rule of thumb is that it will take you one month for each year that you have had a non-optimum health condition to make a change.   But, then again,  the body is resilient and it can start re-building and changing things very quickly.     But, remember, your body needs these things every day to function.  Don't drop our your supplement regiment because you feel better.  Start paying attention to what you eat, and make sure you take those vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids that are missing in your diet.

Now that you know the basics of supplementation, we want to introduce you to our index on Health Conditions and what you can do about those non-optimum body problems.   See