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1. Do you know which dangerous food ingredients to watch out for in your groceries?  
Metal Water Bottles May be Hazardous to Your Health . 
3. Improving your Diabetic Condition with Exercise


Do you know which seven dangerous food ingredients to watch out for in your groceries? 

By Mike Adams, Health Ranger (    

These are the "deadly seven," as I call them, and they can directly promote heart disease, migraines, obesity, outrageous food cravings, osteoporosis, diabetes and even birth defects.

The top three most dangerous ingredients I've found in my research are:

1) Sodium nitrite -- causes cancer, found in processed meats like hot dogs, bacon, sausage. Used to make meats appear red (a color fixer chemical).

2) Hydrogenated oils -- causes heart disease, nutritional deficiencies, general deterioration of cellular health, and much more. Found in cookies, crackers, margarine and many "manufactured" foods. Used to make oils stay in the food, extending shelf life. Sometimes also called "plastic fat."

3) Excitotoxins -- aspartame, monosodium glutamate and others (see below). These neurotoxic chemical additives directly harm nerve cells, over-exciting them to the point of cell death, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock. They're found in diet soda, canned soup, salad dressing, breakfast sausage and even many manufactured vegetarian foods. They're used to add flavor to over-processed, boring foods that have had the life cooked out of them.

Want to know more about the genuine dangers posed by toxic food ingredients and additives? I'll share more with you in this email, but first let me invite you to check out the tell-all book I've written on the subject: "Grocery Warning."

Grocery Warning exposes the truth that food companies will never admit to and the mainstream media will never print (because they receive advertising funds from food companies, of course!).

It reveals, in shocking detail, exactly which ingredients compromise your health (and how they do it). Based on thousands of hours of research, and quotations from the top doctors, authors and nutritionists, Grocery Warning tells you the truth about foods and groceries that will empower you with life-changing information.

Did you know, for example, that:

Feeding children hot dogs increases their risk of brain cancer by 300%?

Strawberry yogurt, fruit punch and other red-looking grocery products are often colored with dead, ground-up cochineal beetles? The ingredient is called "carmine," and it's made from insects. It's listed right on the label of many of your favorite foods.

Food companies now "hide" MSG in safe-sounding ingredients like yeast extract or torula yeast?

Many Florida oranges are actually dipped in an artificial orange dye in order to make them more visually appealing? It's the same dye that's been banned for use in foods because of cancer risk.

Girl Scout cookies are still made with hydrogenated oils that contain trans fatty acids?

Many so-called "healthy" or vegetarian foods also contain the very same offending ingredients as conventional groceries?

Eating just one serving of processed meats each day increases your risk of pancreatic cancer by 67%?

One artificial color additive causes behavioral disorders in children? And that 80% of children diagnosed with ADHD can be outright cured of the condition in two weeks by avoiding certain ingredients?

The #1 ingredient in Slim Fast meal replacement shake (powder form) is sugar?

Some guacamole dips don't even contain avocado? Instead, they're made with hydrogenated soybean oil and artificial colors.

Everything I'm sharing here is absolutely true. It's all quite shocking, yes, but this is information you need to know if you want to feed yourself -- and your family -- foods that actually promote health instead of disease.

The truth about metabolic disruptors

Nearly all modern diseases are caused by what I call "metabolic disruptors." These are common ingredients, such as white flour and sugar, that prevent your body from healing. Unfortunately, metabolic disruptors are used in almost all commercially prepared foods, which means most products on your grocer's shelves contribute to poor health. But if you know what to look for, you can fill your cart with foods that will help you live a longer more vibrant life. 

So how do food companies manage to hide excitotoxins and taste additives to their foods? It's easy: They just keep changing the words to confuse consumers. Once customers learned to avoid MSG / monosodium glutamate, the food companies started using yeast extract.

Other hidden sources of MSG include:

• Autolyzed vegetable protein
• Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
• Calcium caseinate
• Sodium caseinate
• Textured protein

The ingredients "stacking" trick

Food companies also use the ingredients stacking trick to intentionally leave you with the wrong impression about what's really in their food products.

For example, one company makes a nutrition bar that's absolutely loaded with sugar, but they way they've arranged the ingredients prevents sugar from appearing as the #1 ingredient. Instead, the first ingredient is rice. But looking down the label, you'll find all the following forms of sugar, all in the same nutrition bar:

• Sugar
• Sucrose
• High-fructose corn syrup
• Corn syrup solids
• Dextrose

Add all these up, and the #1 component in the bar is, indeed, sugar (or sugary substances). But the manufacturer has used ingredients stacking to make you think the top ingredient is actually rice.

It's a clever, dishonest technique used by food companies to lie with food labels.

Remember, the longer the ingredients label, the less healthy the food. Read those ingredients lists before buying foods, and if you discover chemical names that you can't pronounce, don't buy the food!

Metal Water Bottles May be Hazardous to Your Health

Are they better than plastic bottles?


Improving Your Diabetic Condition with Exercise

The type 2 diabetic condition is brought about by a diet that is too high in carbohydrates and a lack of nutrients, which results in the insulin the body naturally produces becoming less and less effective in keeping blood sugar levels under control and in a normal range.

While change in diet and proper nutritional supplementation have a dramatic effect in bringing blood sugar levels down without the need for drugs or insulin, exercise can greatly contribute to the overall control of the diabetic condition, as can be seen in the following excerpt:

"While many people may begin exercising out of a sense of responsibility - the way children eat vegetables they don't like - the main reason they keep exercising is that it feels good."

"Overall, people who exercise regularly are better equipped to carry on day-to-day activities as they age."

"One of the great benefits is that many people find that when they exercise, they have less desire to overeat."

"Even though your fat won't 'melt away,' exercise, particularly if you're a Type II diabetic, is still of value in a weight-reduction program because muscle building reduces insulin resistance."

"As you increase your muscle mass, your insulin needs will be reduced - and having less insulin present in your bloodstream will reduce the amount of fat you pack away."

"As a result, your own insulin production gradually becomes more effective at lowering blood sugar."

excerpted from Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution
by Dr. Richard K. Bernstein

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