
1. What is PCOS and how does it effect women?
2. The Right Diet for a Diabetic


PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) What is it. 

PCOS has now been recognized as perhaps the most common of all hormone disorders affecting women.   It is thought to effect 6-10% of the female population with many believed to be undiagnosed.

PCOS may be associated with chronic inflammation. Inflammation appears to be a link between obesity and insulin resistance.  A majority of patients with PCOS have insulin resistance. Their elevated insulin levels contribute to or cause the abnormalities.

PCOS can effect the Pituitary gland (the master gland of the body)

Many women with PCOS have difficulties maintaining ovulation because of imbalanced hormone levels in their bloodstream. This can make pregnancy extremely difficult to achieve.

PCOS causes ovaries to function improperly.. As a result, eggs are not released during ovulation, but instead build up within the ovaries forming cysts. These cysts continue to grow, covering the entire ovary and affecting the production of reproductive hormones in the body.

The side effects of this imbalance can create:

  1. Irregular menstruation (fewer than eight cycles per year)
  2. Excess facial/body hair, elevated male hormone levels
  3. Obesity
  4. Acne
  5. Elevated lipids
  6. Ovarian Cysts
  7. Hypertension
  8. Heart Disease
  9. Endometrial Cancer
  10. Adult-onset diabetes mellitus

Learn more and learn what you can do if you have this syndrome.. Go to PCOS 

The Right Diet - The Door to Long Term Health 

What is the correct diet for a diabetic?

The low-fat/high-carbohydrate diet has been promoted for many years as the healthy diet for both the general public as well as for diabetics. As a result of this ongoing dietary advertising campaign, surveys indicate that America as a whole is now consuming far less fat and eating far more carbohydrates.

What is the result?

The result is that greater numbers of Americans today, instead of being healthy, are being diagnosed with degenerative diseases. Over thirty-five hundred (3,500+) people are being newly diagnosed as diabetic every day in the United States! Many diabetics who follow the low-fat/high-carbohydrate guidelines, find themselves having to use greater amounts of oral diabetic drugs or increasing amounts of insulin to try and keep their blood sugar levels under control.

The reason this is occurring is that the low-fat/high-carbohydrate diet is not only wrong, it is destructive to your health, and the basic cause of many of the degenerative diseases that have become so widespread.

Carbohydrates are converted to the simple sugar called “glucose” by your digestive system. Glucose passes through the walls of your intestines and loads up your blood stream with sugar, far more sugar than your body was designed to handle.

The true information regarding diet, especially for those who are insulin resistant, pre-diabetic or diabetic, has been researched and proven by medical doctors who are diabetic specialists. What this research shows can be seen in the following excerpts:

“So how much carbohydrates do our bodies really need? The answer may surprise you. Although for years, newspapers, magazines, and television talk shows have told you to load up on complex carbohydrates, like whole-grain breads, cereals, and pasta (because it was thought these foods form the basis of a “healthy diet”). In fact, your daily requirement for carbohydrate is actually zero. You read that right – none!”

“Were you to make a search of all the textbooks in any medical library, you would find diseases caused by both protein and essential fat deficiency, but there are no diseases caused by carbohydrate deficiency.”

“Why don’t you need carbohydrates? Your body – actually your liver – has the ability to take dietary protein or fat (your own body fat) and make glucose from it. The liver can make a couple of cups of sugar each day, which is more than enough to provide glucose for the few tissues in the body that prefer to use it. Most of the body, however, prefers to fuel itself with dietary or stored fat or with ketones [ketones: the natural break-down product of burning fat] instead of glucose.”

“Incredible as it may sound, you could do quite nicely without ever eating another bite of starch or sugar – as long as you had plenty of protein and fat. And that’s just what all humans did for the three to four million years we were around prior to the beginning of farming.”

“We lived by hunting and fishing (the meat, poultry, and fish of our diets today) and gathering what grew wild: roots, shoots, nuts and berries – and a bit of fruit in season. Not a bite of bread, cereal, rice, pasta, potatoes, or sugar.”

“Does that mean you should eat a diet without any carbohydrates? Not necessarily, but you could. And when you’re initially working to correct your health, lose weight, control your blood sugar, or lower your cholesterol and triglycerides or blood pressure, you’ll want to focus on limiting your carbs more tightly.”

“You don’t have to stay on a strict low-carb diet for the long term – it’s merely an effective tool to correct the problem quickly. Once near your goals (in weight or health) you can become more liberal with your carb limits, expand your intake of foods, and enjoy eating an even wider variety of fruits, vegetables, and even some higher-carb foods occasionally.”

Excerpted from: The 30-Day Low Carb Diet Solution
By Michael R. Eades, M.D. and Mary Dan Eades, M.D.

If you have not yet already done so, adjust your diet and reduce your carbohydrate intake. Along with taking the correct supplements, it will improve your cholesterol levels, triglycerides and blood pressure.

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